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Evaluation of Aesthetic Outcome and Safety of Lipoabdominoplasty for Abdominal Contouring
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Background: Abdominoplasty is one of the commonest surgical procedures that performed for those patients who had skin laxity, strive and muscle rectur diastasis. Combined using of liposuction and abdominoplasty it can give better result than traditional abdominoplasty with fear complications. Patient and Method: A total number of 25 female patients with age ranging between 27-55 years were underwent lipoabdominoplasty. With extensive liposuction of abdominal wall and selective undermining together with muscle plication. All of our patients had body mass index more than 30. Patients satisfaction and complication were documented postoperatively. Result: All of our patients had no Major complications and the postoperative period passed uneventfully. The procedure result in improved body shape and give the abdoman more youthful appearance with defined waistline and well accepted scan. Conclusion: Lipoabdominoplasty is safe operation with reliable and predictable aesthetics result and faster recovery, it has few complications than traditional abdominoplasty.

Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation of the proposed strategy of Maysan Oil Company for the years 2020-2024
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ناقش البحث في طياته عدداً من القضايا الرئيسة المتعلقة بالتقييم الاستراتيجي والإطار العام للخطة الاستراتيجية المقترحة لشركة نفط ميسان للسنوات الخمس المقبلة (2020_2024)، وهدف هذا البحث يتمحور في تقييم عملية صياغة استراتيجية شركة نفط ميسان لتحديد نقاط القوة وتعضيدها ومواطن الضعف ومحاولة معالجتها لتجنب الوقوع بها عند وضع استراتيجية للسنوات القادمة، وعلى هذا الاساس فان مشكلة البحث تكمن في مدى نجاح الاستراتي

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 30 2021
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Diagnostic Evaluation of Uterine Artery Doppler Imaging for the Prediction of Early Abnormal Pregnancy
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Objective: to assess the predictive value of Doppler imaging of the uterine artery in the identification of early intrauterine abnormal pregnancy as compared to a normal intrauterine pregnancy.

Subjects and methods: one hundred and twenty pregnant ladies, at their 6-12 weeks of gestation, with a singleton pregnancy were included in this population-based case-control study. Thirty women with a missed miscarriage, 30 with hydatidiform mole, 30 with a blighted ovum, and 30 as a control group, without risk factors, underwent Doppler interrogation of the uterine arteries. Resistive index (RI), pulsatility index (PI), and the systolic/diastolic ratio (S/D) were measured for both sides. The t-test, or ANOVA test when a

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 30 2021
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Diagnostic Evaluation of Uterine Artery Doppler Imaging for the Prediction of Early Abnormal Pregnancy
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Objective: to assess the predictive value of Doppler imaging of the uterine artery in the identification of early intrauterine abnormal pregnancy as compared to a normal intrauterine pregnancy. Subjects and methods: one hundred and twenty pregnant ladies, at their 6-12 weeks of gestation, with a singleton pregnancy were included in this population-based case-control study. Thirty women with a missed miscarriage, 30 with hydatidiform mole, 30 with a blighted ovum, and 30 as a control group, without risk factors, underwent Doppler interrogation of the uterine arteries. Resistive index (RI), pulsatility index (PI), and the systolic/diastolic ratio (S/D) were measured for both sides. The t-test, or ANOVA test when appropriate, was

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation of the one electron expectation values for different wave function of Be atom
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The aim of this work is to evaluate the one- electron expectation value from the radial electronic density function D(r1) for different wave function for the 2S state of Be atom . The wave function used were published in 1960,1974and 1993, respectavily. Using Hartree-Fock wave function as a Slater determinant has used the partitioning technique for the analysis open shell system of Be (1s22s2) state, the analyze Be atom for six-pairs electronic wave function , tow of these are for intra-shells (K,L) and the rest for inter-shells(KL) . The results are obtained numerically by using computer programs (Mathcad).

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Preparation, spectral characterization, structural study, and evaluation of antibacterial activity of Schiff base complexes for VOII, CrIII, MnII, ZnII,CdII and CeIII
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A new series of metal ions complexes of VO(II), Cr(III), Mn(II), Zn(II), Cd(II) and Ce(III) have been synthesized from the Schiff bases (4-chlorobenzylidene)-urea amine (L1) and (4-bromobenzylidene)-urea amine (L2). Structural features were obtained from their elemental microanalyses, magnetic susceptibility, molar conductance, FT-IR, UV–Vis, LC-Mass and 1HNMR spectral studies. The UV–Vis, magnetic susceptibility and molar conductance data of the complexes suggest a tetrahedral geometry around the central metal ion except, VOII complexes that has square pyramidal geometry, but CrIII and CeIII octahedral geometry. The biological activity for the ligand (L1) and its Vanadium and Cadmium complexes were studied. Structural geometries of com

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 02 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation of the Compton (Incoherent) and Rayleigh (Coherent) Differential Cross Sections of Scattering for Rhodium 103Rh45 and Tantalum181Ta73 by Employing CSC model
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The differential cross section for the Rhodium and Tantalum has been calculated by using the Cross Section Calculations (CSC) in range of energy(1keV-1MeV) . This calculations based on the programming of the Klein-Nashina and Rayleigh Equations. Atomic form factors as well as the coherent functions in Fortran90 language Machine proved very fast an accurate results and the possibility of application of such model to obtain the total coefficient for any elements or compounds.

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 07 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Advanced Research In Fluid Mechanics And Thermal Sciences
Fully Automated Measurement Setup for Photovoltaic Panel Performance Evaluation and Testing under LabVIEW Platform
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Photovoltaic (PV) devices are widely used renewable energy resources and have been increasingly manufactured by many firms and trademarks. This condition makes the selection of right product difficult and requires the development of a fast, accurate and easy setup that can be implemented to test available samples and select the cost effective, efficient, and reliable product for implementation. An automated test setup for PV panels using LabVIEW and several microcontroller-based embedded systems were designed, tested, and implemented. This PV testing system was fully automated, where the only human intervention required was the instalment of PV panel and set up of required testing conditions. The designed and implemented system was

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jun 02 2016
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
Islamic Electronic Libraries and The service for downloading Research and Comic books (PDF): An Evaluation study
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The research aims to evaluate Islamic electronic libraries and their service for downloading research and illustrated books, explaining their origins, features and types. The research was limited to the libraries available on the Internet that provide the service for downloading research and illustrated books. The researcher relied on the survey approach to identify the libraries and a sample of them (20 libraries) was selected. For the purpose of evaluating it according to five criteria related to the preparation and publication of Islamic electronic libraries (the responsible party, the goals and objectives, the year, the services it provides, the sections and subject specializations of its contents) and five criteria related to the servi

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Investigation of Lipid Polymer Hybrid Nanocarriers for Oral Felodipine Delivery: Formulation, Method, In-vitro and Ex-vivo Evaluation
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation Age and Gender for General Census of the population in Iraq by using nonparametric Bayesian Kernel Estimators
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The process of evaluating data (age and the gender structure) is one of the important factors that help any country to draw plans and programs for the future. Discussed the errors in population data for the census of Iraqi population of 1997. targeted correct and revised to serve the purposes of planning. which will be smoothing the population databy using nonparametric regression estimator (Nadaraya-Watson estimator) This estimator depends on bandwidth (h) which can be calculate it by two ways of using Bayesian method, the first when observations distribution is Lognormal Kernel and the second is when observations distribution is Normal Kernel

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