Abstract The myth is a story that is passed on to the generations generation after generation, ridiculed by literary writers in their literary work; to convey an important idea to the recipient, and in legend many things useful to the creator, especially the novelist, from that ritual and harnesses to be symbols that reach the recipient what the creator thinks; The Arabic novel, I chose Sahel al-Nahr's novel of Sudanese novelist Buthaina Khader Makki, a well-known author in her country for her advocacy of women and their rights. She used legend and mythic symbols in a deliberate manner to convince the recipient that what he read was a real thing worth standing at Understand E, has reached a number of results, including Buthaina Khader Makki has made reality a myth and legend. : The novelist Buthaina Khodr Mekki narrated her story on the myth that was equivalent to the idea of differences between women and men, no matter how much she was a follower. The novelist resorted to the myth to try to give a convincing explanation for the strangeness of the reality presented in her life affected by it, and affected it; to have an eye different from the eye of others. The novel identified aspects of the use of myth in the novel are: Escape from the strength and pressure of current problems. And the explosion of literary connotations and transmitted to the mind of the recipient, to match the culture of the recipient and his knowledge of things, myth is a method of thrill. The myth was the idea of the novel and its characters; it was a collection of symbols and rituals that illustrated the message that the novelist wanted to convey. Finally, I hope that I have succeeded in trying to deliver an idea of Sudanese literature rich in creativity, thought and serious work to the recipients, perhaps to draw the attention of researchers to study more and more to explore the treasures.
مفهوم البعد الواحد في الرسم العراقي المعاصر
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