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(The Importance of Knowledge and Work in Islamic Thought) A Study of the Stages of Spiritual Purification According to Imam Al-Ghazali
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Science occupies great importance in Islamic thought. Science and learning are considered an essential part of Islamic teachings, and this importance appears in several aspects,Among them is thatScience as a means of understanding religion :Science is a means of understanding the teachings of the Islamic religion. Islam encourages thinking and rational research to understand the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet, enabling Muslims to direct their lives and actions in accordance with the directives of their religion,And also to encourageResearch :Islam encourages scientific research and the use of reason in understanding the nature of the universe and God’s signs in it. Muslims are encouraged to study the natural and social sciences and all fields that are useful in developing human knowledge. Science and community development :Islam views science as playing a crucial role in the progress and development of society. It encourages the use of science and technology in the service of humanity, in improving living conditions and promoting social and economic progress, science and piety :Islam views science as a means to achieve piety, that is, a close connection with God and living according to His teachings. The search for and acquisition of knowledge is a form of worship, and Islam promotes people’s understanding that achieving knowledge leads to deeper piety, knowledge, and individual and collective excellence. :Islam encourages the pursuit of knowledge and achieving excellence in its field. It glorifies academic achievement and individual and collective skills as means of serving society and making positive contributions, science and justice :Islam promotes the use of science to achieve justice in society. The Islamic religion expects those with knowledge to contribute to serving justice, ensuring the rights of individuals, and achieving balance in society. In Islamic thought, science is linked to religion and lifeAlyumiaIt encourages Muslims to use science as a means to achieve personal well-beingAnd socialAt the same time To serve God and his creation. This is what Imam Al-Ghazali argued in the content of the research, where:Not all knowledge is science. For example, our life experiences do not include direct observation and practical activity, which do not go beyond the pure description of facts and processes, and which do not go beyond monitoring their external aspects only. That Work is all the activities that a person practices, whether physical or mental, with the aim of production in the institution in which he works, whether governmental or private, or the work may be in a personal profession or craft. The concept of work in Islam: Work is everything that brings benefit to the believer, and this benefit may be material, worldly, or moral in the hereafter. Work has great importance and great status in Islam, and through it the Muslim obtains a great reward and reward, as it is considered worship and compliance with the commands of God Almighty, so through it Life flourishes, the country is prospered, and stability is achieved for the individual and society as a whole. Work in Islam is considered a type of jihad for the sake of God, and its goal is not just to collect money, but rather it is an act of worship that brings goodness to the Muslim, and what is required of him is to strive hard in life seeking the doors of sustenance. And to adhere to God’s limits and not disobey His commands, as good deeds are what guarantee a good life and strength for a person. 

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Solving Whitham-Broer-Kaup-Like Equations Numerically by using Hybrid Differential Transform Method and Finite Differences Method
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This paper aims to propose a hybrid approach of two powerful methods, namely the differential transform and finite difference methods, to obtain the solution of the coupled Whitham-Broer-Kaup-Like equations which arises in shallow-water wave theory. The capability of the method to such problems is verified by taking different parameters and initial conditions. The numerical simulations are depicted in 2D and 3D graphs. It is shown that the used approach returns accurate solutions for this type of problems in comparison with the analytic ones.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparison between RSA and CAST-128 with Adaptive Key for Video Frames Encryption with Highest Average Entropy
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Encryption of data is translating data to another shape or symbol which enables people only with an access to the secret key or a password that can read it. The data which are encrypted are generally referred to as cipher text, while data which are unencrypted are known plain text. Entropy can be used as a measure which gives the number of bits that are needed for coding the data of an image. As the values of pixel within an image are dispensed through further gray-levels, the entropy increases. The aim of this research is to compare between CAST-128 with proposed adaptive key and RSA encryption methods for video frames to determine the more accurate method with highest entropy. The first method is achieved by applying the "CAST-128" and

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Publication Date
Thu May 05 2022
Journal Name
Karbala International Journal Of Modern Science
Nigella sativa Methanol Extract Inhibits PC-3 Cell Line Colonization, Induced Apoptosis, and Modulated LC3-based Autophagy
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Nigella sativa has various pharmacological properties and has been used throughout history for a variety of reasons. However, there is limited data about the effects of N. sativa (NS) on human cancer cells. This study aimed at observing the roles of methanolic extract of N. sativa on apoptosis and autophagy pathway in the Human PC3 (prostate cancer) cell line. The cell viability was checked by MTT assay. Clonogenic assay was performed to demonstrate clonogenicity and Western blot was used to check caspase-3, TIGAR, p53, and LC3 protein expression. The results demonstrated that PC3 cell proliferation was inhibited, caspase-3 and p53 protein expression was induced, and LC3 protein expression was modulated. The clonogenic assay showed that PC3

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 05 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Composition operator induced by ?(z) = sz + t for which |s|?1, |t|<1 and |s|+|t|?1
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We study in this paper the composition operator that is induced by ?(z) = sz + t. We give a characterization of the adjoint of composiotion operators generated by self-maps of the unit ball of form ?(z) = sz + t for which |s|?1, |t|<1 and |s|+|t|?1. In fact we prove that the adjoint is a product of toeplitz operators and composition operator. Also, we have studied the compactness of C? and give some other partial results.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Sttudy tthe oriienttattiion and diisttance ffacttors effffectts on tthe llower usablle ffrequency ((LUF)) over miiddlle eastt regiion
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In this research, the influence of the orientation and distance factors on the lowest usable frequency (LUF) parameter has been studied theoretically. The calculations of the (LUF) parameter have been made using the (VOACAP) international communication model for the connection links between the capital Baghdad and many other locations that distributed on different distances and directions over the Middle East region. The results shown in this study indicate there is a slight affection of the link direction (orientation) on the LUF parameter, while the influence of the distance factor is more significant on the values of the LUF parameter. The day/night effect appears for the long distance HF links (i.e. more than a 500 Km)

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Iaes International Journal Of Artificial Intelligence (ij-ai)
Design and implementation monitoring robotic system based on you only look once model using deep learning technique
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<span lang="EN-US">The need for robotics systems has become an urgent necessity in various fields, especially in video surveillance and live broadcasting systems. The main goal of this work is to design and implement a rover robotic monitoring system based on raspberry pi 4 model B to control this overall system and display a live video by using a webcam (USB camera) as well as using you only look once algorithm-version five (YOLOv5) to detect, recognize and display objects in real-time. This deep learning algorithm is highly accurate and fast and is implemented by Python, OpenCV, PyTorch codes and the Context Object Detection Task (COCO) 2020 dataset. This robot can move in all directions and in different places especially in

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Design narrow-band frequency amplifier (1.5GHz -1.6GHz) based on InGaP Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor (HBT) and GaAs HBT
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The research aims to design a narrow-band frequency drive amplifier (1.5GHz -1.6GHz), which is used to boost the transmitter amplifier's input signal or amplify the GPS, GlONASS signals at the L1 band.

The Power Amplifier printed circuit board (PCB) prototype was designed using InGaP HBT homogeneous technology transistor and GaAs Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor (HBT) transistor. Two models have been compared; one of the models gave 16dB gain, and the other gave 23dB when using an input power signal (-15dBm). The PCB consumes 2.4W of power and has a physical dimension of 11 x 4 cm.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 31 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Intelligent Engineering And Systems
Automatic Computer Aided Diagnostic for COVID-19 Based on Chest X-Ray Image and Particle Swarm Intelligence
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Publication Date
Fri May 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Microbiology And Biotechnology
Bioactive Levan-Type Exopolysaccharide Produced by <i>Pantoea agglomerans</i> ZMR7: Characterization and Optimization for Enhanced Production
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Publication Date
Fri Jul 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal For Electrical And Electronic Engineering
EEG Motor-Imagery BCI System Based on Maximum Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transform (MODWT) and Machine learning algorithm
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The ability of the human brain to communicate with its environment has become a reality through the use of a Brain-Computer Interface (BCI)-based mechanism. Electroencephalography (EEG) has gained popularity as a non-invasive way of brain connection. Traditionally, the devices were used in clinical settings to detect various brain diseases. However, as technology advances, companies such as Emotiv and NeuroSky are developing low-cost, easily portable EEG-based consumer-grade devices that can be used in various application domains such as gaming, education. This article discusses the parts in which the EEG has been applied and how it has proven beneficial for those with severe motor disorders, rehabilitation, and as a form of communi

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