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Use of the Bootstrap in the logistic regression model for Breast cancer disease
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The logistic regression model is one of the oldest and most common of the regression models, and it is known as one of the statistical methods used to describe and estimate the relationship between a dependent random variable and explanatory random variables. Several methods are used to estimate this model, including the bootstrap method, which is one of the estimation methods that depend on the principle of sampling with return, and is represented by a sample reshaping that includes (n) of the elements drawn by randomly returning from (N) from the original data, It is a computational method used to determine the measure of accuracy to estimate the statistics, and for this reason, this method was used to find more accurate estimates. The maximum potential and the character regression estimations were found in estimating the two-response logistic regression model by adopting the bootstrap method and comparing the estimations according to the standard mean squares of error (MSE).It was evident through comparison that the character regression method in estimating the two-response logistic regression model by adopting the bootstrap method is the best in estimating the logistic regression model parameters as it has less (MSE).

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 11 2024
Journal Name
Tropical Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research
Application of Taguchi orthogonal array in optimization of the synthesis and crystallinity of metal organic framework 5 (MOF 5)
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Purpose: To use the L25 Taguchi orthogonal array for optimizing the three main solvothermal parameters that affect the synthesis of metal-organic frameworks-5 (MOF-5). Methods: The L25 Taguchi methodology was used to study various parameters that affect the degree of crystallinity (DOC) of MOF-5. The parameters comprised temperature of synthesis, duration of synthesis, and ratio of the solvent, N,N-dimethyl formamide (DMF) to reactants. For each parameter, the volume of DMF was varied while keeping the weight of reactants constant. The weights of 1,4-benzodicarboxylate (BDC) and Zn(NO3)2.6H2O used were 0.390 g and 2.166 g, respectively. For each parameter investigated, five different levels were used. The MOF-5 samples were synthesi

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Materials Science Forum
The Feasibility of Using Micro Silica Sand Powder as Partial Replacement of Cement in Production of Roller Compacted Concrete
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Roller compacted concrete (RCC) is a special type of concrete with zero or even negative slump consistency. In this work, it had aimed to produce an RCC mix suitable for roads paving with minimum cost and better engineering properties so, different RCC mixes had prepared i.e. (M1, M2, M3, and M4) using specified percentages of micro natural silica sand powder (SSP) as partial replacement of (0%, 5%, 10%, and 20%) by weight of sulfate resistant Portland cement. Additionally, M-sand, crushed stone, filler, and water had been used. The results had obtained after 28 days of water curing. The control mix (M1) had satisfied the required f ‘c with accepted results for the other tests. M2 mix with SSP of 5% had

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
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Formal Function of Guiding Sign in the design of Interior Spaces of Airports: أسـامـة غانـم نـوري -أحمـد ناجــي علــي
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  The research addressed the formal functions resulting from the use of various guiding signs in the design of the interior spaces of airports in various pragmatic, expressive and psychological aspects. The aim is to identify the functions the guiding signs perform in facilitating and organizing the travelers' movement and satisfying the needs of the visitors and users of the unfamiliar places which they intend to visit, the nature of the services offered by these signs as one of the important parts within their general design. The research also identified the concept and types of signs as a means of visual communication and how to employ them in the design of the airports public spaces, and what are the criteria of their use and fu

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 23 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Level of Self- Esteem and its relation to some variables among psychologists in schools of the Sultanate of Oman
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The recent study aimed to identify the level of Self- Esteem and its relation to some variables (Gender, Experience years, and Educational stage) among psychologists in schools of the Sultanate of Oman. The study sample consisted of (154) psychologists of both male and female who are working in different stages of study in the schools affiliated to the Ministry of Education in the Sultanate of Oman. The sample of the study consisted of (43) male and (111) female psychologists from (11) governorates of the Sultanate. The descriptive analytical methodology was used. In order to collect data the Self-Esteem questionnaire prepared by the researcher were used. Statistical processing was done using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Biochemical And Cellular Archives
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The cervical cancer considered as the fourth female prevalent disease worldwide, it was once the most extensively recognized female cancer two in many low-income countries. Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) exhibits broader tropism and can cause infection in most of the human body organs. Although, human cytomegalovirus HCMV is not yet considered an oncogenic virus, there is increased evidences of HCMV infection implication in malignant diseases of different cancer types. The present study aims to evaluate the effect of CMV infection on the development of HPV16 positive cervical cancinoma. The current retrospective study enrolled a number of paraffinized cervical cancer tissues .included 30 cervical carcinomatous tissues and 10 biopsies from an

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Reflection of applying the requirement of IFRS 9 regards impairment of Banks loans on earning management in Iraqi Banks
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Impairment of financial assets defined according to IFRS 9 as the difference between all contractual cash flows that are due to an entity in accordance with the contract and all the cash flows that the entity expects to receive, the entity should estimates all the cash flows through looking to the contract terms during the life time period of the assets or for shorter period if possible, the cash flow should include the amounts of selling any collateral taken or any other enhancement. On the other hand, the Central bank of Iraq guidelines regards impairment differ from the IFRS 9 that’s does not consider the collateral value on calculating the impairment that’s effects on the net profit through recognizing exaggerated loss an

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of incentive legislation in job creativity: An applied study of a sample of Babylon Technical Institute employees
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The Incentives legislation aims to raise the efficiency of job performance of all kinds through optimal investment of human resources and their capabilities to raise or increase and production influence and provide distinguished and creative services such as The Incentives Law of Productive Ministries Employees No. 20 of 1993 and instructions issued by ministries and relevant Facilities regarding incentives for their affiliates based on provisions Public Companies Law and the instructions of the Higher Education Fund issued by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. The human element is the most unstable and complex element of production as it is characterized by a set of feelings and emotions that is expresses

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 18 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Temperature and Alcohol on the Determination of Critical Micelle Concentration of Non- Ionic Surfactants in Magnetic Water
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The determination of critical micelle concentration of selected non-ionic surfactants (Tween 20,40 and 80) have been investigated using magnetic water(MW)as an aqueous medium.Conductometry technique is used to determine critical micelle concentration.The effect of alcohol addition and temperature variation at the range(293.15 -303.15K) are also pursued. It is concluded that the process of micellization is spontaneous and endothermic because of the observed free energy of micellization (ΔGom) , enthalpy change of micellization  (ΔHom), and entropy change of micellization (ΔSom) for the system was also studied.The properties of the non-ionic surfactants were studied, both in absence and presence of

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Assessment of The Impact of Apremilast on Levels of IL-17, IL-23, and Lipids in Obese Psoriatic Patient
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Background: Psoriasis is an immune-mediated inflammatory disease with unknown aetiology that may be associated with the defect in proliferation and differentiation of the keratinocytes related to inflammatory cell infiltration. According to published reports, it is universal in occurrence; its prevalence in different populations varies from 0.1% to 11.8%. Receiving Apremilast resulted in a strong reduction in interleukin 17 and interleukin 23, as well as reduced expression of other inflammatory cytokines and improvement of psoriatic lesions. Objectives: This study aimed to assess the impact of Apremilast on levels of IL-17, IL-23, and lipids in obese psoriatic patients. Methods: Thirty obese patients with psoriasis were included in

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Impact of Hindiya Dam on the Limnological Features of Euphrates River to the North of Babil Governorate, Iraq
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          Five sites were chosen to the north of Babil Governorate in   order to identify the limnological features and the impact of the Hindiya Dam during 2019. Site2 was located near the dam to reflect the ecological features of this site, whereas other sites, S1 was located at the upstream of the dam as a control site. Moreover, the two other sites S3 and S4 were located down the dam. The results of  the  study  showed  a  close  correlation  between air and water temperature at all sites. Also there were significant differences in average of thirteen out of eighteen water parameters.Water temperature, total alkalinity, bicarbonate, DO, POS, TH and Mg+2  ions  decreased from 22.76˚C, 203.33 mg/L,

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