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Planning and controlling of intellectual capital: The role of beyond budgeting
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The purpose of this study is to explore whether the adoption of Beyond Budgeting (BB) as a management accounting practice (MAP) contributes to developing intellectual capital (IC) and creating value in Iraqi companies. This requires an understanding of the views of the Iraqi managers about the nature of the information provided by this practice, which may be used to determine whether this information is relevant in the management of IC in the context of Iraq. This research aims also to explore the challenges of the adoption of the BB in planning and controlling IC in Iraq. The study adopts a qualitative approach and an interpretive paradigm. It also adopts a semi-structured interview method of collecting data from executive managers and management accountants of 20 companies in the four major economic sectors in Iraq. Of the sampled participants, 90% support the adoption of the philosophy of BB for planning and controlling of IC in their organisations. In addition, they confirm that the BB philosophy is based on new techniques that can eliminate the disadvantages of traditional budgeting. This study examines the contribution of the SM in supporting, establishing, and developing IC that is lacking in the literature. This study also examines the main problem that has not been studied in the Iraqi economy, which is whether the management and development IC will create new sources of value in Iraq instead of its dependence on oil as the main source of value for the country.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 15 2020
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The intellectual significance of comedy and cynicism in Arab dramatic cinematic discourse: محمد اكرم عبد الجليل
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  The majority of the arts share a goal directed at employing art works for the purpose of conveying the intellectual and symbolic connotations in order to work on a directed message and to achieve expression and aesthetic, and highlights the cinematographic mediator who shares with the other media in the use of intellectual properties through its tools and works. Consciousness and establishment of multiple visions with different views to reveal the intellectual, aesthetic and expressive devices located opposite the advertiser to perform functions with goals that intellectually deduce, insights and ideas emerging within the general context of the drama narrative and highlights among the discourse operators the cinematographer, And t

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Publication Date
Thu May 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
ways to employ planning and architectural methods to rationalize the introduction of electricity
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the rationalization of energy consumption Require awareness in the possibility of bridging the local need severe shortage of electric power for daily requirements. The research aims to show that the engineers of various specializations and architects, including in particular can have an active role in about the importance of the role of energy in human life, and it’s best utilization without extravagance (which our religion forbids it). Here lies the problem of the research to find possible means and alternative methods to reduce (rationalization) electrical energy consumption in hot dry areas in general which need large energy for air conditioning because of the crucial climate of these regions that making access to the area o

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Effectiveness of Quantitative Instruments in Controlling Money Supply: An Applied Research in the Central Bank of Iraq
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This research deals with the role of quantitative (indirect) tools of monetary policy that used by the Central Bank of Iraq in order to control and manage the size of the money supply that intermediate goal through which monetary policy is able to achieve its final goals, foremost among which is to reduce inflation and raise the value of the local currency in front of foreign currency rates. The research is based on a major hypothesis stating that quantitative tools have a direct and strong influence on the money supply, especially under the circumstances of the shift towards a market economy. There has been a branching relationship with this statistically significant relationship between the money supply and the quantitative tools used

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 14 2023
Journal Name
Cogent Engineering
C. B interrupt duty reduction based controlling TRV and symmetrical breaking current
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Scopus (3)
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 24 2025
Journal Name
Plos One
Assessment of the bypass of obturation materials beyond fractured instruments after using different obturation techniques in simulated curved canals (An in-vitro study)
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This study evaluated the extent to which obturation materials bypass fractured endodontic instruments positioned in the middle and apical thirds of severely curved simulated root canals using different obturation techniques. Sixty resin blocks with simulated root canals were used, each with a 50° curvature, a 6.5 mm radius of curvature, and a length of 16.5 mm, prepared to an ISO #15 diameter and taper. Canals were shaped using ProTaper Universal files (Dentsply Maillefer) attached to an X-smart Plus endo motor (Dentsply), set at 3.5 Ncm torque and 250 rpm, up to size S2 at working length. To simulate fractures, F2 and F3 files were weakened 3 mm from the tip, then twisted to break in the apical and middle sections of the canal, re

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Markets in the Islamic Mashreq   (Iraq / Persia / the country beyond the river) From the era of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and his family) To the end of the Buddhist era
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The follower to study the markets in the Islamic Mashreq (Iraq, Persia and the country of Ma
Behind the river for the period from the reign of the Prophet Muhammad until the end of the Islamic era) to find that there
A remarkable development in the pattern, shape, planning and privatization of markets
Islamic cities and places are the main conditions for their existence, which is the mosque of the mosque
And markets, and these markets have evolved from being a space in which there are no building and no ceilings to shade them in
The places of sale and purchase to specialized markets classified according to the materials and goods produced in them
This would facilitate the task of supervising it by the market factor and

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
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Conference: 8th International Conference And Exhibition On Design And Production Of Machines And Dies/molds
Design, Construction, and Controlling of A Shaped Metal Deposition Machine Using Arc Metal-Wire System
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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The tax planning and its effect on the investment: On sample of Iraqi Contribution Company
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The importance of the current study  lies in the  importance of the  Tax policy that  being considered one of the most important tools working on fulfilling  the  social,  financial  and economic  goals  and improving  the investment environment  in the country  to become  having the ability to  activate the  national economy. The current study  has  referred  that  (  Has  the  tax planning  practiced by  the Iraqi  contribution  companies  led to increase  the  far-term tax  outcome through  getting  benefit of   the monetary  funds  and expansion in&nbs

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Freedom of movement of capital and its impact on the effectiveness of monetary policy In Iraq (2005-2016)
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The interest in the issue of capital movement as an economic phenomenon has increased because of its effects and effects and its ability to influence the economic balance and the effectiveness of monetary policy. All countries seek to attract capital and benefit from it because of its effects and results such as supporting economic development process and optimal allocation of economic resources. The problem of the financing gap that most countries suffer from, and others, but sometimes the movement of capital creates challenges for monetary policy makers in achieving their goals.

   After 2003, the Iraqi economy witnessed an openness and economic liberalization unlike previous years, which

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 27 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
"INSTALLATION intellectual middle class "Iraq model"
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اهتم الفكر السياسي في القرنين الاخيرين بدراسة الطبقات على نحو غير مسبوق, واصبح موضوع التحليل الطبقي المعني بالطبقات من حيث تعريفها, وتحديد موقعها في السلم الاجتماعي, فضلاً عن نوعية العلاقة بين شرائحها وفئاتها المختلفة من حيث الصراع والتناغم, المادة الرئيسة والموضوع الاكثر اهمية في دراسات الفكر السياسي والاجتماعي.ومن بين الطبقات, احتلت الطبقة الوسطى مكا

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