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Mathematical Models for Predicting of Organic and Inorganic Pollutants in Diyala River Using AnalysisNeural Network
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Diyala river is the most important tributaries in Iraq, this river suffering from pollution, therefore, this research aimed to predict organic pollutants that represented by biological oxygen demand BOD, and inorganic pollutants that represented by total dissolved solids TDS for Diyala river in Iraq, the data used in this research were collected for the period from 2011-2016 for the last station in the river known as D17, before the river meeting Tigris river in Baghdad city. Analysis Neural Network ANN was used in order to find the mathematical models, the parameters used to predict BOD were seven parameters EC, Alk, Cl, K, TH, NO3, DO, after removing the less importance parameters. While the parameters that used to predict TDS were fourteen parameters pH, DO, BOD, PO4, NO3,Ca, Mg, TH, K, Na, SO4,Cl, EC, Alk. The results indicated that the best correlation coefficient is 86.5% for BOD, and the most important parameter is Chloride Cl, and the best correlation coefficient is 95.4% for TDS and the most important parameters are total hardness TH and electrical conductivity EC, according to direct relation between these parameters and TDS.

Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Computer Model Application for Sorting and Grading Citrus Aurantium Using Image Processing and Artificial Neural Network
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Abstract<p>This study was conducted in College of Science \ Computer Science Department \ University of Baghdad to compare between automatic sorting and manual sorting, which is more efficient and accurate, as well as the use of artificial intelligence in automated sorting, which included artificial neural network, image processing, study of external characteristics, defects and impurities and physical characteristics; grading and sorting speed, and fruits weigh. the results shown value of impurities and defects. the highest value of the regression is 0.40 and the error-approximation algorithm has recorded the value 06-1 and weight fruits fruit recorded the highest value and was 138.20 g, Gradin</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Sep 25 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Mathematical Model for One Year Planning of a Manufactory
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This paper is an attempt to help the manager of a manufactory to

plan for the next year by a scientific approach, to maximize the profit and Ø¢ provide optimal Ø¢ monthly quantities of Ø¢ production, Ø¢ inventory,

work-force, prices and sales. The computer programming helps us to execute that huge number of calculations.

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
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A Mathematical Study for the Transmission of Coronavirus Disease
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Globally, the COVID-19 pandemic’s development has presented significant societal and economic challenges. The carriers of COVID-19 transmission have also been identified as asymptomatic infected people. Yet, most epidemic models do not consider their impact when accounting for the disease’s indirect transmission. This study suggested and investigated a mathematical model replicating the spread of coronavirus disease among asymptomatic infected people. A study was conducted on every aspect of the system’s solution. The equilibrium points and the basic reproduction number were computed. The endemic equilibrium point and the disease-free equilibrium point had both undergone local stability analyses. A geometric technique was used

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Information Engineering And Applications
Development of Prognosis Factors in a Scoring System for Predicting of Breast Cancer Mortality
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Today, the prediction system and survival rate became an important request. A previous paper constructed a scoring system to predict breast cancer mortality at 5 to 10 years by using age, personal history of breast cancer, grade, TNM stage and multicentricity as prognostic factors in Spain population. This paper highlights the improvement of survival prediction by using fuzzy logic, through upgrading the scoring system to make it more accurate and efficient in cases of unknown factors, age groups, and in the way of how to calculate the final score. By using Matlab as a simulator, the result shows a wide variation in the possibility of values for calculating the risk percentage instead of only 16. Additionally, the accuracy will be calculate

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Prediction of Sediment Accumulation Model for Trunk Sewer Using Multiple Linear Regression and Neural Network Techniques
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Sewer sediment deposition is an important aspect as it relates to several operational and environmental problems. It concerns municipalities as it affects the sewer system and contributes to sewer failure which has a catastrophic effect if happened in trunks or interceptors. Sewer rehabilitation is a costly process and complex in terms of choosing the method of rehabilitation and individual sewers to be rehabilitated.  For such a complex process, inspection techniques assist in the decision-making process; though, it may add to the total expenditure of the project as it requires special tools and trained personnel. For developing countries, Inspection could prohibit the rehabilitation proceeds. In this study, the researchers propos

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 10 2012
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Cryptography Using Artificial Neural Network
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Neural cryptography deals with the problem of “key exchange” between two neural networks by using the mutual learning concept. The two networks exchange their outputs (in bits) and the key between two communicating parties ar eventually represented in the final learned weights, when the two networks are said to be synchronized. Security of neural synchronization is put at risk if an attacker is capable of synchronizing with any of the two parties during the training process.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Mathematical treatment for solition-soliton interactions in mono-mode optical fiber
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There are many images you need to large Khneh space With the continued evolution of storage technology for computers, there is a continuing need and are required to reduce Alkhoznip space Pictures Zguet pictures in a good way, the way conversion Alamueja to Purifiers

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 13 2016
Journal Name
University Of Baghdad
Employ Mathematical Model and Neural Networks for Determining Rate Environmental Contamination
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of Models (NAGARCH & APGARCH) by Using Simulations
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Simulation experiments are a means of solving in many fields, and it is the process of designing a model of the real system in order to follow it and identify its behavior through certain models and formulas written according to a repeating software style with a number of iterations. The aim of this study is to build a model  that deals with the behavior suffering from the state of (heteroskedasticity) by studying the models (APGARCH & NAGARCH) using (Gaussian) and (Non-Gaussian) distributions for different sample sizes (500,1000,1500,2000) through the stage of time series analysis (identification , estimation, diagnostic checking and prediction). The data was generated using the estimations of the parameters resulting f

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
Baltic Journal Of Law & Politics
The Geomorphological Aspects in Diyala Governorate and the Possibility of Investing Them for Tourism Activity According to the Perspective of Sustainable Development Using RS and GIS Techniques
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Diyala Governorate has many unique and diverse geomorphological features that the region enjoys, which are among the attractions for natural tourism, as the natural environment is considered a maker of tourism. The importance of geomorphological aspects as components of natural tourism is due to their association with tourism and entertainment, as a result of the enjoyment of many geomorphological aspects of the beauty of its natural landscape on the one hand, and on the other hand, the association of these manifestations with different types of tourism activity. Any tourist area as it is the main factor for tourist attractions, such as the presence of the Hamrin hills, and sand dunes. Planning for the development of tourism activity in the

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