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Rock facies classification and its effect on the estimation of original oil in place based on petrophysical properties data
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The most significant function in oil exploration is determining the reservoir facies, which are based mostly on the primary features of rocks. Porosity, water saturation, and shale volume as well as sonic log and Bulk density are the types of input data utilized in Interactive Petrophysics software to compute rock facies. These data are used to create 15 clusters and four groups of rock facies. Furthermore, the accurate matching between core and well-log data is established by the neural network technique. In the current study, to evaluate the applicability of the cluster analysis approach, the result of rock facies from 29 wells derived from cluster analysis were utilized to redistribute the petrophysical properties for six units of Mishrif Formation; MA, MB11, MB12, MB21, MC1, and MC2. The precise facies modelling is constructed by using Petrel software while applying different appropriate scale-up methods. Consequently, the petrophysical properties such as porosity, water saturation and permeability are distributed within each unit depending on facies modelling. The Net to a gross parameter which has a significant impact on determining original oil in place (OIIP) also calculated and distributed using facies modelling. The facies modelling is performed to obtain an accurate estimation of OIIP. Finally, the results of the facies investigation have a significant effect on petrophysical properties and therefore affect the estimation of OIIP by 2\% for the whole Mishrif Formation.

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
2015 Annual Ieee Systems Conference (syscon) Proceedings
Automatic generation of fuzzy classification rules using granulation-based adaptive clustering
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Publication Date
Thu May 11 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Annealing Temperature on the Structural and Optical Properties of The CdO Thin Films Prepared By Vacuum Evaporation Thermal Technique
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      Cadmium Oxide films have been prepared by vacuum evaporation technique on a glass substrate at room temperature. Structural and optical properties of the films are studied at different annealing temperatures (375 and 475) ËšC, for the thickness (450) nm at one hour. The crystal structure of the samples was studied by X- ray diffraction. The highest value of the absorbance is equal to (78%) in the wavelength (530) nm, at annealing temperature (375) ËšC. The value of at a rate of deposition is (10) nm/s. The value of optical energy gap found is equal to (2.22) eV.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The effect of contact time between alginate impression material and type III dental stone on the surface properties of stone casts
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Background: Alginate impression material is the irreversible hydrocolloid material that is widely used in dentistry. The contact time between alginate and gypsum cast could have a detrimental effect on the properties of the gypsum cast. The objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of various contact time intervals of Alginate impressions & type III dental stone on surface properties of stone cast. Materials and Methods: Time intervals tested were 1hour, 6 hours and 9 hours. Surface properties of stone cast evaluated were surface detail reproduction, hardness and roughness. Surface detail reproduction was determined using cylindrical brass test block in accordance with ISO 1563. Surface roughness was measured by profilometer

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effect of (SWOM) strategy on acquiring the psychological concepts of educational psychology course and its retention among education college students
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The current study aims to investigate the effect of (SWOM) strategy on acquiring the psychological concepts of educational psychology course and its retention among education college students. To do this, a sample of (57) male and female student were intentionally selected from first grade, Kurdish department / college of education / Ibin Rushd of human sciences. The sample distributed on two classes, whereby the experimental group consisted of (28) student were taught according to the (SWOM) strategy while the control group made up of (29) student were taught based on the tradition method. The two researchers designed a scale included (50) item to measure students' achievement. The experiment lasted for ten weeks, SPSS was used

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Lime Addition Methods on Performance Related Properties of Asphalt Concrete Mixture
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In the recent years, some of the newly constructed asphalt concrete pavements in Baghdad as well as other cities across Iraq showed premature failures with consequential negative impact on both roadway safety and economy. Frequently, load associated mode of failure (rutting and fatigue) as well as, occasionally, moisture damage in some poorly drained sections are the main failure types found in those newly constructed road.

In this research, hydrated lime was introduced into asphalt concrete mixtures of wearing course in two methods. The first one was the addition of dry lime on dry aggregate and the second one was the addition of dry lime on saturated surface dry aggregate moisturized by 2.0 to 3.0 percent of wa

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Distributing Steel Fibers on Some Properties of Slurry Infiltrated Fiber Concrete
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The slurry infiltrated fiber concrete (SIFCON) is nowadays considered a special type of high fiber content concrete; it is high strength and high performance material. This paper investigates the effect of spread steel fiber into the slurry mortar on some properties of SIFCON. According to fiber distribution, two sets were used in this investigation. The first set consisted of randomly distributing fibers inside the slurry. The second set was by placing the fibers in an orderly manner inside the slurry. Crimped steel fibers with an aspect ratio of (60) were used. Two different volume fractions percentage of (7% and 9%) by volume of mold were used in both sets for this study. Also, a w/c ratio of (0.35) and superplasticiz

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 12 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of industrial powder on mechanical properties of glass fiber reinforced epoxy composite
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In the present study, composites were prepared by Hand lay-up molding and investigated. The composites constituents were epoxy resin as the matrix, 6% volume fractions of Glass Fibers (G.F) as reinforcement and 3%, 6% of industrial powder (Calcium Carbonate CaCO3, Potassium Carbonate K2CO3 and Sodium Carbonate Na2CO3) as filler. Density, water absorption, hardness test, flexural strength, shear stress measurements and tests were conducted to reveal their values for each type of composite material. The results showed that the non – reinforced epoxy have lower properties than composites material. Measured density results had show an incremental increase with volume fraction increase

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2010
Journal Name
Ibn Al- Haitham J. Fo R Pure & Appl. Sci
Evaluation of The Nuclear Data on(α,n)Reaction for Natural Molybdenum
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The cross section evaluation for (α,n) reaction was calculated according to the available International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and other experimental published data . These cross section are the most recent data , while the well known international libraries like ENDF , JENDL , JEFF , etc. We considered an energy range from threshold to 25 M eV in interval (1 MeV). The average weighted cross sections for all available experimental and theoretical(JENDL) data and for all the considered isotopes was calculated . The cross section of the element is then calculated according to the cross sections of the isotopes of that element taking into account their abundance . A mathematical representative equation for each of the element

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Publication Date
Mon May 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Evaluation of The Nuclear Data on(α,n)Reaction for Natural Molybdenum
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The cross section evaluation for (α,n) reaction was calculated according to the available International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and other experimental published data . These cross section are the most recent data , while the well known international libraries like ENDF , JENDL , JEFF , etc.   We considered an energy range from threshold to 25 MeV in interval (1 MeV).   The average weighted cross sections for all available experimental and theoretical(JENDL) data and for all the considered isotopes was calculated . The cross section of the element is then calculated according to the cross sections of the isotopes of that element taking into account their abundance . A mathematical representative equation for eac

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Effects of Conductance on Metastable Switches in Memristive Devices Based on Anti-Hebbian and Hebbian (AHaH) Learning Rules
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     In the last few years, the literature conferred a great interest in studying the feasibility of using memristive devices for computing. Memristive devices are important in structure, dynamics, as well as functionalities of artificial neural networks (ANNs) because of their resemblance to biological learning in synapses and neurons regarding switching characteristics of their resistance. Memristive architecture consists of a number of metastable switches (MSSs). Although the literature covered a variety of memristive applications for general purpose computations, the effect of low or high conductance of each MSS was unclear. This paper focuses on finding a potential criterion to calculate the conductance of each MMS rather t

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