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Modeling and optimization of biodiesel from high free‐fatty‐acid chicken fat by non‐catalytic esterification and mussel‐shell‐catalyzed transesterification
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In this study, biodiesel was prepared from chicken fat via a transesterification reaction using Mussel shells as a catalyst. Pretreatment of chicken fat was carried out using non‐catalytic esterification to reduce the free fatty acid content from 36.28 to 0.96 mg KOH/g oil using an ethanol/ fat mole ratio equal to 115:1. In the transesterification reaction, the studied variables were methanol: oil mole ratio in the range of (6:1 ‐ 30:1), catalyst loading in the range of (9‐15) wt%, reaction temperature (55‐75 °C), and reaction time (1‐7) h. The heterogeneous alkaline catalyst was greenly synthesized from waste mussel shells throughout a calcination process at different calcination times of (1‐5) h and temperatures of (700‐900) °C. The catalyst was characterized using BET, SEM, EDX, XRD, and FTIR.


In the transesterification reaction, the best values of the studied parameters were: 21:1 methanol: oil molar ratio, 12 wt% catalyst loading, 5 h reaction time, and 63°C reaction temperature, which gave 96.2% methyl esters content. For catalyst synthesis, it was found that the optimum calcination conditions were 900 °C and 3 h, which resulted in a specific surface area of 10.5 m2/g and a large pore volume of 0.0033 cm3/g.


A calcium oxide catalyst was successfully prepared from mussel shells. This catalyst was used to transesterify the chicken fat into biodiesel. The prepared catalyst exhibited a high active surface area and a pore volume, confirming that the CaO catalyst produced from waste mussel shells worked effectively, steadily, and affordably to produce renewable biodiesel. The best working conditions for the transesterification reaction were determined using the central Composite Design method (CCD). © 2023 Society of Chemical Industry.

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2017
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High purity FAU-type zeolite catalysts from shale rock for biodiesel production
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Publication Date
Tue Sep 29 2020
Journal Name
Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms And Catalysis
Development of two-step noncatalytic esterification of waste cooking oil for biodiesel preparation
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An innovative two-step noncatalytic esterifcation technique was proposed to synthesize alkyl esters from free fatty acids simulated in waste cooking oil, as a pretreatment process for biodiesel production, without adding any catalyst under normal conditions of pressure and temperature. The efect of methanol:oil molar ratio, reaction time, mixing rate, and reaction temperature were investigated. The results confrmed that the conversion of the reaction was increased when increasing the methanol molar ratio and decreased in prolonged reaction temperature. High conversion (94.545%) was successfully achieved at optimized conditions of 115:1, 65:1 methanol:oil molar ratio in the frst step and second step, respectively, other conditions i

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Crossref (7)
Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Global Pharma Technology
Analysis of fatty acids of liver in the embryo and adult of domesticated chicken gallus gallus domesticus
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The fatty acids in the embryo's liver at ages (7, 11, 14 and 19) days incubation, small chicken aged (14) days after hatching and adult were analyzed, and found (5) fatty acids, the highest concentration of fatty acid in the adult of domesticated chicken and lowest concentration in small chicken age (14) days after hatching. Statistically, there were high significant differences at the probability level (P≤0.001) between all ages together, and the highest concentrations of Oleic acid (C18:1) and Linoleic acid (C18:2) were in embryo age (7) days incubation, while in embryo age (11) days incubation Stearic acid (C18:0) and α-Linolenic acid (C18:3) were higher concentration and Palmitic acid (C16:0) was the highest concentration in the adul

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Scopus (1)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Free Fatty Acids and Biochemical Changes in Iraqi patients with Chronic Renal Failure
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Chronic renal failure (CRF) is progressive irreversible destruction of kidney tissue by disease which, if not treated by dialysis or transplant, will result in patient's death. This study was carried out on 30 patients (17 male and 13 female) with chronic renal failure. The aim of this research was studied the changes in the level of total protein ,albumin, calcium ,ionized calcium, phosphorous , iron ,ALP, LDH ,CK and FFA in patients with CRF before and after hemodialysis .The obtained results have been compared with 30 healthy subjects as control group (18male and 12 female). The results showed that there was significant increase in the level of calcium ,ionized calcium, phosphorous ,iron ,ALP,LDH,CK and FFA ,while there was a signifi

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 19 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Optimization of Citric acid production from Locally isolate fungus Aspergillus niger by solid state fermentation
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  This study aimed to obtain an isolate of a mold that has well characteristic for production of citric acid from raw materials available locally by solid-state fermentation and determination of the optimum conditions for production .Fourteen mold isolates producing acid were obtained from different sources, involved decayed fruits and soils. These isolates were subjected to initial qualitative screening followed by secondary quantitative screening In secondary screening a method combined between the submerged fermentation and solid-state fermentation was followed using a piece of sponge saturated by nutrients required for growth and production of acid. It was found that the isolate of A7 was the highest producer for citric acid tha

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2013
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Kinetic Study and Simulation of Oleic Acid Esterification in Different Type of Reactors
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Esterification reaction is most important reaction in biodiesel production. In this study, oleic acid was used as a suggested feedstock to study and simulate production of biodiesel. Batch esterification of oleic acid was carried out at operating conditions; temperature from 40 to 70 °C, ethanol to oleic acid molar ratio from 1/1 to 6/1, H2SO4 as the catalyst 1 and 5% wt of oleic acid, reaction time up to 180 min. The optimum conditions for the esterification reaction were molar ratio of ethanol/oleic acid 6/1, 5%wt H2SO4 relative to oleic acid, 70 °C, 90 min and conversion of oleic 0.92. The activation energy for the suggested model was 26625 J/mole for forward reaction and 42189 J/mole for equilibrium constant. The obtained results s

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2013
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Kinetic Study and Simulation of Oleic Acid Esterification over Prepared NaY Zeolite Catalyst
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Esterification considers the most important reaction in biodiesel production. In this study, oleic acid was used as a suggested feedstock in order to study and simulate production of biodiesel. The batch esterification reaction of oleic acid was carried out at various operating conditions; temperature from 40 to 70 °C, ethanol to oleic acid molar ratio from 3/1 and 6/1 and a reaction time up to 180 min.
The catalyst used was prepared NaY zeolite, which is added to the reaction mixture as 2, 5 and 10 wt.% of oleic acid.
The results show that the optimum conditions, gives 0.81 conversion of oleic acid, were 6/1 molar ratio of ethanol/oleic acid, 5 wt.% NaY relative to initial oleic acid, 70°C and 60 minutes. The activation energy o

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 31 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Kinetics and Mass Transfer Study of Oleic Acid Esterification over Prepared Nanoporous HY zeolite
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A mathematical model was proposed to study the microkinetics of esterification reaction of oleic acid with ethanol over prepared HY zeolite catalyst. The catalyst was prepared from Iraqi kaolin source and its properties were characterized by different techniques. The esterification was done under different temperature (40 to 70˚C) with 6:1 for molar ratio of ethanol to oleic acid and 5 % catalyst loading.

   The microkinetics study was done over two period of time each period was examined individually to calculate the reaction rate constant and activation energy. The impact of the mass transfer resistance to the reactant was also investigated; two different studies have been accomplished to do this purpose.


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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Kinetics and Mass Transfer Study of Oleic Acid Esterification over Prepared Nanoporous HY zeolite
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A mathematical model was proposed to study the microkinetics of esterification reaction of oleic acid with ethanol over prepared HY zeolite catalyst. The catalyst was prepared from Iraqi kaolin source and its properties were characterized by different techniques. The esterification was done under different temperature (40 to 70˚C) with 6:1 for molar ratio of ethanol to oleic acid and 5 % catalyst loading.    The microkinetics study was done over two period of time each period was examined individually to calculate the reaction rate constant and activation energy. The impact of the mass transfer resistance to the reactant was also investigated; two different studies have been accomplished to do this purpose.    The e

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Crossref (9)
Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Thermal and Catalytic Degradation Kinetics of High-Density Polyethylene Over NaX Nano-Zeolite
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Thermal and catalytic pyrolysis of waste plastics in an inert atmosphere has been regarded as a creative method, since pyrolysis can convert plastics waste into hydrocarbons that can be used either as fuels or as a source of chemicals.

Natural Iraqi kaolin clay was used to synthesis the NaX nano- zeolite by hydrothermal conditions with average particle size equal to 77.63nm.Thermal decomposition kinetics of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) in the absence and presence of catalysts nano NaX Zeolite was investigated. Thermal and catalytic degradation of HDPE was performed using a thermogravimetric analyzer in nitrogen atmosphere under non-isothermal conditions 4, 7 and 10 °C/min heating rates were employed in thermogravimetric anal

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