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Spin-Image Descriptors for Text-Independent Speaker Recognition
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Building a system to identify individuals through their speech recording can find its application in diverse areas, such as telephone shopping, voice mail and security control. However, building such systems is a tricky task because of the vast range of differences in the human voice. Thus, selecting strong features becomes very crucial for the recognition system. Therefore, a speaker recognition system based on new spin-image descriptors (SISR) is proposed in this paper. In the proposed system, circular windows (spins) are extracted from the frequency domain of the spectrogram image of the sound, and then a run length matrix is built for each spin, to work as a base for feature extraction tasks. Five different descriptors are generated from the run length matrix within each spin and the final feature vector is then used to populate a deep belief network for classification purpose. The proposed SISR system is evaluated using the English language Speech Database for Speaker Recognition (ELSDSR) database. The experimental results were achieved with 96.46 accuracy; showing that the proposed SISR system outperforms those reported in the related current research work in terms of recognition accuracy.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Using the Image in Teaching Arabic Language Vocabulary to Non-Native Speakers: The Experience of the Arabic Language Institute - King Abdul-Aziz University - as a Model: آمال موسى عباس الإمام
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The study aims to demonstrate the importance of instructional methods in teaching Arabic language as a second language or teaching the Arabic language to non-native speakers. The study is in line with the tremendous development in the field of knowledge, especially in the field of technology and communication, and the emergence of many electronic media in education in general and language teaching in particular. It employs an image in teaching vocabulary and presenting the experience of the Arabic Language Institute for Non-Speakers-King Abdul-Aziz University. The study follows the descriptive approach to solve the problem represented by the lack of interest in the educational methods when teaching Arabic as a second language. Accordingl

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 03 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Muslim Arab Self and the image of the other, religiously and culturally different: a critical analytical study of the causes and forms of political and social intolerance in Iraq
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This research aims to analyze the intellectual and civilizational regression that afflicted Iraqi and Arab society due to political and religious tyranny and internal conflicts, which was reflected in the deterioration of human rights values and the absence of equality and justice in dealing with the other religiously, which affected the reluctance of members of religious groups to interact with their national societies and then migrate to Outside, which contributed to a double loss, in terms of the loss of these societies by productive and effective national competencies, and in terms of distorting the image of Islam. The research stressed that the first treatments of this phenomenon are the consolidation of the values of citize

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 25 2019
Journal Name
The Dialectic of the Living Body (the actor) and the Dead Body (the Sinography Item) in the Construction of the Staged Image of the Play: جاسم كاظم عبد - عماد هادي عباس
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The current research deals with the dialectical relationship resulting from the conflict in the violent combination and construction of the living ( the actor)and the dead (the item) in the structure of the Sinography construction and the emergence of the theatrical play space , which can be summed up by the following question: what is the nature of the dialectical relationship between the living (the actor) and the dead( the item) in the Sinography creation, which limited the research in a central objective : to identify the controversy of the living (actor) and the dead (item) in the performance unit of the theatrical scene . The research, in its objective limits set forth in its methodological framework, analyzes this controversy in o

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 19 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The agenda of the French news agency AFP in dealing with the press image of the peaceful resistance The Great Return Marches as a model "an analytical study" “A analytical study”
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The study aimed to identify the treatment of the press image of the Great Return Marches in the French international news agency AFP by knowing the most important issues, their direction and the degree of interest in them. The study belongs to the descriptive research, and used the survey method, within the context of the content analysis method, and the researcher relied on the content analysis form tool and the interview tool to collect data. The study population is represented in the photos published by the French News Agency about the Great Return Marches during the period (end of March / 2018 until the end of November / 2019. The researcher chose an intentional sample using the Complete Census method. The study material represented

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
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مفهوم معامل الارتباط كمقياس يربط بين متغيرين هذا يجلب انتباهنا إلى موضوع الإحصاء في كل المستويات. أكثر من ذلك هناك ثلاث نقاط خاصة هي اعتيادياً نشدد عليها كما يأتي:-

(1 معامل الارتباط هو الدليل المعياري والذي قيمته لا تعتمد على قياسات  

    المتغيرات الأصلية.

 (2قيمته تقع في المدى] 1,1-[ .


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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison for estimation methods for the autoregressive approximations
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      In this study, we compare between the autoregressive approximations (Yule-Walker equations, Least Squares , Least Squares ( forward- backword ) and Burg’s (Geometric and Harmonic ) methods, to determine the optimal approximation to the time series generated from the first - order moving Average non-invertible process, and fractionally - integrated noise process, with several values for d (d=0.15,0.25,0.35,0.45) for different sample sizes (small,median,large)for two processes . We depend on figure of merit function which proposed by author Shibata in 1980, to determine the theoretical optimal order according to min

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 08 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-nahrain University
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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Material Requirements Planning for the Electric Motor in Fuzzy Environment for State Company for Electric Industries
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This research aims at examining the expected gap between the fact of planning and controlling process of production at the State Company for Electric Industries and implementation of material requirements planning system in fuzzy environment. Developing solutions to bridge the gap is required to provide specific mechanisms subject to the logic of fuzzy rules that will keep pace with demand for increased accuracy and reduced waiting times depending on demand forecast, investment in inventory to reduce costs to a minimum.

The proposed solutions for overcoming the research problem has required some  questions reflecting the problem with its multiple dimensions, which ar

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 03 2008
Journal Name
All Days
Correlations for Optimum Separation Pressures for Sequential Field Separation System
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ABSRACT<p>A study has been done to find the optimum separators pressures of separation stations. Stage separation of oil and gas is accomplished with a series of separators operating at sequentially reduced pressures. Liquid discharged from a higher pressure separator into the lower pressure separator. The set of working separators pressures which yield maximum recovery of liquid hydrocarbon from the well fluid is the optimum set of pressures which is the target of this work.</p><p>Computer model is used to find the optimum separators pressures. The model employs the Peng-Robinson equation of state for volatile oil. Application of this model shows good improvement of al</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Strategies For Urban Land use planning for Sustainable Urban Development
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The concept of sustainability is one of the modern concepts that influenced the quality of the urban plans for the cities, through the interest in the environmental and social aspects as well as the economic aspect and the need to balance to achieve sustainable development.

The research aims to identify the most prominent methods of sustainable urban land use planning and the strategies developed within these approaches to achieve sustainable development. The research started from the problem of a knowledge gap in adopting sustainable approaches and strategies when planning urban land uses for the holy city of Karbala.

In the theoretical aspect, the concepts of sustainable development, sustainable planning methodologies a

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