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Preparation of Posaconazole Nanosponges for Improved Topical Delivery System
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The objective of the current research was to develop the posaconazole (PCZ) loaded NS into the carbopol 934 polymeric gel for prolonged drug release and improved topical delivery; seven different nanosponge formulations of PCZ were formulated using the emulsion solvent diffusion method using various amounts of polymer (ethylcellulose, EC). The aqueous and dispersed phases were prepared using polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and dichloromethane. The prepared nanosponges (NS) were studied for particle size, structural appearance, and in vitro drug release. Furthermore, the selected formula was formulated as hydrogel and was evaluated for physical characteristics, drug content, and in-vitro drug release. Morphological studies revealed irregular shapes, rough and porous surfaces of nanosponges. The particle sizes were in the range of 201.6 ± 29.9 to 4904.7 ± 540.4 nm. In-vitro release studies revealed the sustained release pattern of the drug-loaded nanosponges. The lyophilized PCZ-NS formula had a 12-fold increase in saturation solubility over PCZ pure powder. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) of the selected formula showed no significant shifts in the positions of wavenumbers compared to that of pure drug. This indicates there is no interaction between drug and excipients used. PCZ NS loaded hydrogel significantly improved the dissolution rate, which was significantly higher (p is less than 0.05) than that of pure PCZ hydrogel.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Experimental study for the properties of Fe3O4 dusty plasma using the air in vacuum chamber system
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In this work, we carried out an experimental study of thedusty
plasma by taking the dust material Fe3O4 with radius of the any grain
0.1μm - 0.5μm. In experiment we use air in the vacuum chamber
system under different low pressure (0.1-1) Torr. The results
illustrated that the present of dust particles in the air plasma did not
effect on Paschen minimum which is 0.5 without dust and with Fe3O4
dusty grains.
The effect of Fe3O4 dust particles on plasma parameters can be
notice in direct current system in glow discharge region. The plasma
parameters which were studied in this work represent plasma
potential, floating potential,electron saturation current, temperatu

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A proposed model for disclosing the role of the collective intelligence system in improving joint auditing
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This research aims to present a proposed model for disclosure and documentation when performing the audit according to the joint audit method by using the questions and principles of the collective intelligence system, which leads to improving and enhancing the efficiency of the joint audit, and thus enhancing the confidence of the parties concerned in the outputs of the audit process. As the research problem can be formulated through the following question: “Does the proposed model for disclosure of the role of the collective intelligence system contribute to improving joint auditing?”   

The proposed model is designed for the disclosure of joint auditing and the role

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2010
Journal Name
The International Journal Of Biochemistry & Cell Biology
A plate-based assay system for analyses and screening of the Leishmania major inositol phosphorylceramide synthase
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Sphingolipids are key components of eukaryotic membranes, particularly the plasma membrane. The biosynthetic pathway for the formation of these lipid species is largely conserved. However, in contrast to mammals, which produce sphingomyelin, organisms such as the pathogenic fungi and protozoa synthesize inositol phosphorylceramide (IPC) as the primary phosphosphingolipid. The key step involves the reaction of ceramide and phosphatidylinositol catalysed by IPC synthase, an essential enzyme with no mammalian equivalent encoded by the AUR1 gene in yeast and recently identified functional orthologues in the pathogenic kinetoplastid protozoa. As such this enzyme represents a promising target for novel anti-fungal and anti-protozoal drugs. Given

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 07 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Developing of Bacterial Mutagenic Assay System for Detection of Environmental and Food MutagensV – Using Anticancer Drug Cyclophosphamide
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G-system composed of three isolates G3 ( Bacillus),G12 ( Arthrobacter )and G27 ( Brevibacterium) was used to detect the mutagenicity of the anticancer drug, cyclophosphamide (CP) under conditions similar to that used for standard mutagen, Nitrosoguanidine (NTG). The CP effected the survival fraction of isolates after treatment for 15 mins using gradual increasing concentrations, but at less extent comparing to NTG. The mutagenic effect of CP was at higher level than that of NTG when using streptomycin as a genetic marker, but the situation was reversed when using rifampicin resistant as a report marker. The latter effect appeared upon recording the mutagen efficiency (ie., number of induced mutants/microgram of mutagen). Measuring the R

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
مجلة العلوم النفسية
Emotional sensitivity in children from the parents' point of view Preparation
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The current research aims to: 1- Identify the emotional sensitivity of children from the parents' point of view. 2- Identifying the differences in the emotional sensitivity of children from the parents ’point of view, according to the parents’ gender variable (father - mother). The basic research sample consisted of (285) male and female students from the sixth grade (primary school), chosen in a randomized stratified method from the districts (Al-Karkh and AlRasafa). While the sample of statistical analysis amounted to (200) father and (200) mothers of male and female students who were randomly selected from the sixth grade of the education directorates (Al-Karkh and Al-Rasafa). The two researchers also used a number of sta

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Preparation single layer of (MgO) as antireflection coating using PLD technique
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In this work preparation of antireflection coating with single layer of MgO using pulsed laser deposition (PLD) method which deposit on glass substrate with different thicknesses (90 and 100) nm annealed at temperature 500 K was done.
The optical and structural properties (X-ray diffraction) have been determined. The optical reflectance was computed with the aid of MATLAB over the visible and near infrared region. Results shows that the best result obtained for optical performance of AR'Cs at 700 shots with thickness 90 nm nanostructure single layer AR'Cs and low reflection at wavelength 550 nm.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Construction of Phenytoin Selective Electrodes and Its Application to Pharmaceutical Preparation
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Phenytoin selective electrodes were constructed based on penytoin-phosphotungstate (Ph-PT) complex with different plasticizers; di-butyl phosphate (DBP), tri-butyl phosphate (TBP), di-butyl phthalate (DBPH),and o-nitro phenyl octyl ether (NPOE) phthalate. The electrodes based on DBPH, ONPOE plasticizers gave Narnistain slope which are, 56.4 and 55.3mV/decade with detection limit of 1.9x10-5 M , 1.8x10-5 and concentration range 10-1 to 10-4 M and pH range 3.0 – 8.0. The electrodes based on TBP and DBP showed non-Nernistain slopes, 40.2,40.5 mV/decade for both plasticizers. Interfering of some cations was investigated and shows no interfering with electrodes response. Potentiometric methods were used for measuring phenytion in

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Preparation and Evaluation of Chloramphenicol as Thermosensitive Ocular in- situ Gel
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The purpose of this study was to develop poloxamer-based in-situ gel of chloramphenicol aiming to increase bioavailability and prolong corneal contact time, controlling drug release, and enhancing ocular bioavailability. The in-situ gel was prepared using different concentrations of poloxamer 407 combined with hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) or carbapol 940 to achieve gelation temperature about physiological temperature and improve rheological behavior and gelling properties of poloxamer gel. The prepared formulations were evaluated for their appearance, pH, and sol-gel transition temperature. The formulations F2, F3, and F5 have a gelation temperature within the accepted range 35-370C an

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Preparation of Polyester/ Micro Eggshell Fillers Composite as Natural Surface Coating
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    To fabricate an inexpensive surface coating with excellent mechanical properties with good water resistance and thermal diffusion, white eggshell fibers with particle size (~1micrometer) has been added by different weight percentages (1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8 %) to Unsaturated Polyester.

The weight ratio (4%) of eggshell powder is a good ratio to be added to polyester to improve its mechanical properties, such as hardness, impact strength, and wear resistance. The hardness was improved by (3.75%); impact strength has the same value as polyester, flexural strength by (8.43%) and high improvement in wear resistance (74.4%), as well as to get further improvements in mechanical properties of polyester, the eggshell powder was added

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Pharmacy Research
Preparation and characterization of lacidipine as an oral fast dissolving film
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Background: Fast dissolving oral drug delivery system is solid dosage form which disintegrates or dissolves within second when placed in the mouth without need of water or chewing. In present investigation, an attempt has been made to develop oral fast dissolving film of calcium channel blocker lacidipine. Method: Five formulas were prepared by solvent casting method using HPMC (METOLOSE)® as a film forming polymer and evaluated for their physical characteristics such as thickness, weight variation, folding endurance, drug content, disintegration time and in vitro drug release. The compatibility of the drug in the formulation was confirmed by FTIR and DSC studies. Result and Conclusion: The optimized formula F1 showed minimum in vitr

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