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المجلات العلمية العراقية ومعاملات التأثير العربية

يهدف البحث الى التعريف بمشاريع معاملات التأثير العربية، وبيان المجلات العلمية العراقية المشتركة بها ودرجة التأثير لها فضلا عن التعريف بمــــــــوقع المجلات العلمية الأكاديمية العراقية IASJ وعدد المجلات الداخلة فيه. واعتمد البحث على المنهج الوصفي أسلوب المسحي من زيارة المواقع الإلكترونية لمعاملات التأثير، والإطلاع على تقارير معامل التأثير للسنوات 2015-2019 . وخرج البحث بعدة استنتاجات منها ازدياد عدد المجلات العراقية الحاصلة على معامل التأثير العربي من 4 إلى 60 مجلة، وازدياد عدد المجلات العراقية الحاصلة على معامل التأثير ارسيف خلال السنوات 2016 - 2019 من 59 الى 86 مجلة. وأوصت الدراسة بضرورة تسويق قاعدة بيانات بالنتاج الفكري العراقي إلى دور النشر العلمية واتاحتها للباحثين والأكاديميين ضمن محركات بحث اكاديمية، واعتماد مشروعي معامل التأثير (معامل التأثير العربي IF ومعامل التأثير والاستشهاد المرجعي ARCIF) من قبل الجامعات العراقية والمؤسســـــــات العلمية والأكاديمية كمعيار ومؤشر لبيان جودة المجلات وتصنيفها والنشر فيها، وضرورة إنشاء مشروع معامل التأثير العراقيIIF يعمل مؤشراً لتصنيف وتقييم جودة النتاج الفكري العراقي حصراً.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
التذكير التذكير و التأنيث في العامية العراقية وعلاقتها بالفصحى دراسة في الموروث

The phenomenon of Masculine and feminine is one of the important grammatical studies because of their influence on the sentence structure, words come either masculine and feminine type when using one of them in place of the other , this displacement might cause distribution in the sentence itself because,

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Employing the references of Shariah Audit in supporting Governance of Iraqi Islamic Banks: An analytically study

The Islamic Banks including the Iraqi ones are often resorted to support their governance frameworks in order to improve its competitiveness in their communities. Where, those banks are looking for activities that enhance their governance; one of these activities is Shariah Audit that provided the auditing capabilities to face of developmental challenges and increase competitiveness. Therefore, the content of this paper, discusses know-how to use the Shariah Audit and its references in support of the Shariah Governance in the Iraqi Isla

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of monetary policy in achieving financial stability of Iraqi banks for the period (2009 - 2017)

The responsibility of the Central Bank through the implementation of its monetary policy to maintain the integrity and stability of the financial system and the economic system, because any shock, whether internal or external, may endanger the financial system and instability, so the research sheds light on the effectiveness of monetary policy in maintaining financial stability, The most important conclusion is that there is an increase in capital, which gives banks the possibility to face the risks to which they are exposed, as well as a rise in the total bad debts, which weakens its financial position, which constitutes a decline in the financial stability of these banks.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of internal audit in promoting social performance reports

The research aims to demonstrate the impact of internal audit in Iraqi economic units on enhancing social performance reports, through the statistical models used, as a survey list (for the independent variant) of the search, which contains five axes of each axis, contains a set of The questions were prepared on the basis of the standards issued by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) and were distributed to a sample of internal auditors, as for (for the approved variable) the researcher obtained numerical data represented by the financial statements of the research sample and used statistical models such as model (Kolmakrov-Smirnov) is a good match (goodness of fit) which assumes that the data is distributed naturally as wel

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The role of women's press in prioritizing the concerns of Iraqi women towards public issues

Women issues occupy an important place in international and development projects and programs. This is one of the goals of 21 Century announced during universal summit conference in 2000. The goals are : teaching children, reducing the average of the dead, in addition to the main goal which is reducing the poor level in 2015.
The increasing number of countries that adopt democratic policies, economic freedom and openness lead to heighten and develop the role of women in different ways. As a result, many feminism journals have appeared. Since journals help people to make decisions about public issues as well as acquiring new knowledge, it stimulates women to make decisions.
Feminism journalism takes a new trend. It has become specia

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The expansion of granting bank credit and its impact on the financial position of some Iraqi banks


                   The study aimed to identify the expansion in granting credit to Iraqi banking institutions and its impact on the financial position of Iraqi banks in terms of revenues, profits, expenses and property rights in banks, as the expansion in granting bank credit will correspond to an increase or decrease in some items of the balance sheet and the financial position of banks, so the problem of the current study It will be determined through whether the expansion of granting bank credit will affect the financial position of Iraqi banks or not by studying the selected research community of the 10 Iraqi banks listed in the Iraq Stock Exchange, The research sample included the u

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2020
Journal Name
مجلة دراسات دولية
دور السياسة الخارجية العراقية في تفعيل الاداء الدبلوماسي لمرحلة مابعد العام 2003

ان مرتكزات السياسة الخارجية العراقية لمرحلة ما بعد العام 2003 قد عكست توجهات ايجابية قادت الى صياغة مجموعة من الرؤى والتصورات الاستراتيجية الجديدة التي افضت الى اعتماد وتوظيف الوسائل والقنوات الدبلوماسية بوصفها وسائل فعالة وبطريقة متكاملة ومتوازنة من اجل تعزيز مستويات الاداء الفعلي وتحقيق جميع الاهداف المستقبلية للسياسة الخارجية العراقية في ضوء صياغة معادلة مفادها: تدعيم وترصين اداء مؤسسات صنع السياسة ال

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2020
Journal Name
دراسات دولية
دور السياسة الخارجية العراقية في تفعيل الاداء الدبلوماسي لمرحلة مابعد العام 2003

ان مرتكزات السياسة الخارجية العراقية لمرحلة ما بعد العام 2003 قد عكست توجهات ايجابية قادت الى صياغة مجموعة من الرؤى والتصورات الاستراتيجية الجديدة التي افضت الى اعتماد وتوظيف الوسائل والقنوات الدبلوماسية بوصفها وسائل فعالة وبطريقة متكاملة ومتوازنة من اجل تعزيز مستويات الاداء الفعلي وتحقيق جميع الاهداف المستقبلية للسياسة الخارجية العراقية في ضوء صياغة معادلة مفادها: تدعيم وترصين اداء مؤسسات صنع السياسة ال

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Digital Communication: The Future of Identity in Arab TV Drama: A Field Study on a Sample of Arab Society in the UAE in 2017

The digital communication of a product of communication and information revolution. It is characterized by accurate and comprehensive in its services and its effects, which brought changes in the structure of many communities and their organizational structures. They have significant impacts on the social systems and social relations, especially in the Arab societies, which are the focus of the globalized Western media, for many reasons: economical, political , cultural and social.
According to this perception, the Arab identity has become in an encounter with big challenges by the globalized media of trade and the media, which aims to achieve greater profits because of identity and its importance to the communities. This occurs par

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2014
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Article International attitudes to change in the Arab countries in the positions of analytical Read (United States, European Union, Russia)

المواقف افي الدول العربية قراءة تحليلية في مواقف لدولية من التغيير (الولايات المتحدة - الاتحاد الاوروبي - روسيا)

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