Solanum americanum is a new annual shrubby plant seen recently in fields and gardens of Baghdad city. A new species is described and illustrated, inhabit wet or semi dry places and have consequently a mesophytic habit. A detailed morphological study of the stems, leaves, Inflorescence, flower, male and female reproductive organs and fruits has been done, revealed several interesting taxonomic characteristics, which have not previously been studied in Iraq. Also, anatomical studies reveals constant taxonomical characteristics such as the presence of anthocayanine in outer row of epidermis, distinct chlorenchyma in whole cortex, the wide pith of stems, and presence of distinct mesophyll that differentiated into palisade layer and spongy laye
... Show MoreObjective of the study was to rate and analyze the physical fitness of female students from Iraq and Russia to find similarities, differences and regularities. Sampled for the study were 44 female non-sporting students: 20 students from Pedagogical University in Bagdad; and 24 students from Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism in Moscow. The study was designed to obtain the joints flexibility, coordination, speed-strength and static endurance rates. The Iraqi students were tested with higher coordination abilities than their Russian peers, whilst the latter were ranked higher in the speed-strength, shoulder joints and spine flexibility tests, albeit lower than their Iraqi peers in the hip flexibility test
... Show MoreTwelve species of Tubuliferous thrips, of the family Phlaeothripidae had been reported from Iraq. Two of these were reported previously, Haplothrips cerealis Priesner, by El-Haidari and Daoud 1971 and Haplothrips tritici kurdjumov by Al-Ali 1977 and the rest were recorded for the first time: these are Haplothrips hukkineni Priesner; Haplothrips subtilissimus (Haliday); Haplothrips reuteri Karny; Haplothrips jasonis Priesner; Haplothrips sallloumensis Priesner; Haplothrips pharao Priesner; Phlaeothrips sycomri Priesner; Karnyothrips flavipus (Jones); Karnyothrips melaleucus (Bagnall); Dolicholepta micrurus (Bagnall). Number of insec
... Show MoreAl-Ruhbah region is located in the southwest of Najaf Governorate. A numerical model was created to simulate groundwater flow and analyze the water quality of the groundwater, by developing a conceptual model within the groundwater modeling system software. Nineteen wells were used, 15 for pumping and four for observation. A three-dimensional model was built based on the cross-sections indicating the geologic layers of the study area, which were composed of five layers. When a distance of 1,000 m between the wells was adopted, 135 wells can be operated simultaneously. These wells were hypothetically operated at 6, 12, and 18 h intervals, with a discharge of 200, 430, and 650 m
Shiranish formation has been divided into two microfacies units: 1-Marly biowacke stone facies 2-Biogenic pack stone facies These microfacies reflected marine deep shelf margin in the upper part of the formation, the lower part was deeper. 238 slides were investigated depending on Mineralogical, compositional and Biological processes, which reflect deep shelf margin at upper part of the formation, but at the lower part open sea environment. The age of the formation is estimated depending on the recognized biostratigraphic zone using the index fossils to be Upper- Middle Maestrichtian.
The public procurement crisis in Iraq plays a fundamental role in the delay in the implementation of construction projects at different stages of project bidding (pre, during, and after). The procurement system of any country plays an important role in economic growth and revival. The paper aims to use the fuzzy logic inference model to predict the impact of the public procurement crisis (relative importance index and Likert scale) was carried out at the beginning to determine the most important parameters that affect construction projects, the fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP) to set up, and finally, the fuzzy decision maker's (FDM) verification of the parameter for comparison with reality. Sixty-five
... Show MoreThe present study included the physico-chemical parameters of Lesser-Zab river and its effects on Tigris river. Monthly water samples were taken from the two rivers during January to October 1999.There were no signifcant difference in water temperatures. Both rivers were fresh to oligohalin, alkaline and very hard. Close values were determined in total suspended solids in both rivers with little increasing during rainfall period and high discharge. Water was well areated and over saturation was recorded in several occasions. Dissolved oxygen values of Tigris river were influenced by Lesser-Zab. Cations were more dominant than anions in both rivers. In Lesser-Zab, the anions were increased during spring season and declined in summer which t
... Show MoreStudies in Iraq that concerned identification of free-living Protozoa (sarcodina) are scarce; so the current study deals with these protozoan communities inhabiting the Tigris River in Baghdad City. Sampling collection stations have been selected at each of AL-Gheraiˈat and AL-Adhamiyah area adjacent to the river. Monthly intervals sampling with three samples were collected from each station from June to September 2020. Total of 23 sarcodina taxa were listed, out of them 5 taxa were new record to the Tigris River in Baghdad: Difflugia urceolata Carter, 1864 (Arcellinida, Difflugiidae), Heleopera perapetricola Leidy, 1879 (Arcellinida, Heleoperidae), Rhaphidiophrys pallida F.E. Schulze, 1874 (Centrohelida, Raphidiophridae), Saccamoeba sp
... Show MoreThis study includes a detailed morphological description of Cosmina baghdadensis sp. nov.
from Iraq.
Many characters are used in identification especially chaetotaxy and male genetalia.
Locality, host plant, and data of collection were given.
This research includes a detailed morphological description of
the Sarcophaga dialensis sp . nov . in Iraq . Many morphological characters are used in identification especially chaetotaxy and male genitalia .Locality records , data of collection and host plant were mentioned.