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The directorial vision of the theatrical text In the concept of a picture theater
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أثر تنوع الرؤى الاخراجية للاتجاهات والحركات المسرحية المعاصرة في أتساعالاشتراطات الجمالية لبنية الخطاب المسرحي + الامر الذي ادى الى انزياح مكوناتالعرض وعناصره ؛ ومنها المنظومة السردية للنص التي شكلت في بدايات المسرحجغرافية العرض المسرحي والمرتكز النظري والفكري الذي يمد العرض المسرحي أغلبتدفقه الجمالي وعنصر أستعلائي لعناصر العرض الاخرى ؛ وضمن التطورات اللاحقةأنسحب المخرج المسرحي من سطوة البنية النصية الى مدايات أكثر عمقا وأكثر كثافةجمالية ؛ بذلك تشكل مفهوم جديد يدعى " المعالجة النصية " وبتعدد الاتجاهات أصبح كلأتجاه يسعى الى معالجة خاصة للمكون النصي + وهذه الدراسة تتخذ الرؤية الاخراجيةلمسرح الصورة و ومعالجته للمدوّن النصي لا سيما ان مسرح الصورة يحاول تبني قيمجمالية خاصة بالتشكيل الصوري لخطاب العرض المسرحي بما يتجانس مع لغة المسرحالمعاصرة ؛ وقد تضمنت الدراسة الحالية الاطار المنهجي الذي احتوى على : (مشكلةالبحث ؛ وهدف البحث ؛ وحدوده ) 0 كما تضمن البحث أطارا نظريا شمل مبحثين ‎٠‏‏المبحث الاول :(معالجة النص في الاتجاهات المسرحية المعاصرة )والمبحث الثاني :(الأنشاء الصوري في مسرح الصورة) ؛ فضلا عن المؤشرات التي اسفر عنها الاطارالنظري ءوتضمن البحث اجراءات البحث مبينا فيه مبررات اختيار عينة البحث ؛ ومن ثمقيام الباحث بتحليل(عينة البحث ) من العروض التي قدمها مسرح الصورة للمخرج(صلاح القصب) مسرحية (مكبث ) ؛ وصولا لنتائج البحث التي شملت الابعاد الجماليةللرؤية الاخراجية لمسرح الصورة في معالجته للنص الدرامي ؛ ومن ثم يختم البحثبقائمة المصادر ؛ وملخص باللغة الانكليزية

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Physical Chemistry Research
Thermophysical Study of Ethylene Glycol + H<inf>2</inf>O and Ethylene Glycol + (DMF/H<inf>2</inf>O) at 298.15 K
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n this research, some thermophysical properties of ethylene glycol with water (H2O) and two solvent mixtures dimethylformamide/ water (DMF + H2O) were studied. The densities (ρ) and viscosities (η) of ethylene glycol in water and a mixed solvent dimethylformamide (DMF + H2O) were determined at 298.15 K, t and a range of concentrations from 0.1 to1.0 molar. The ρ and η values were subsequently used to calculate the thermodynamics of mixing including the apparent molar volume (ϕv), partial molar volume (ϕvo) at infinite dilution. The solute-solute interaction is presented by Sv results from the equation ∅_v=ϕ_v^o+S_v √m. The values of viscosity (B) coefficients and Falkenhagen coefficient(A) of the Jone-Dole equation and Gibbs free

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Enhanced Physical Absorption Properties of ZnO Nanorods by Electrostatic Self-Assembly with Reduced Graphene Oxide and Decorated with Silver and Copper Nanoparticles
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The preparation and characterization of innovative nanocomposites based on zinc oxide nanorods (ZNR) encapsulated by graphene (Gr) nanosheets and decorated with silver (Ag), and cupper (Cu) nanoparticles (NP) were studied. The prepared nanocomposites (ZNR@Gr/Cu-Ag) were examined by different techniques including Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM), Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Atomic force microscopy (AFM), UV-Vis spectrophotometer and fluorescence spectroscopy. The results showed that the ZNR has been good cover by five layers of graphene and decorated with Ag and Cu NPs with particles size of about 10-15 nm. The ZNR@Gr/Cu-Ag nanocomposites exhibit high absorption behavior in ultraviolet (UV) region of sp

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 18 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Light Induced Hydrogen Production From Ethanolic Aqueous Solutions Sensitizzed By 2,4-Dimetboxy Benzylidene-2- Hydroxy Aniline And Some of Its Metal Complexes
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Hydrogen   productions  were  achieved    by  irradiating  ethanol ic aqueous solutions (20%. v/v) containing  mixtures of  the  ligand  2,4- dimethoxybcnzylidene-2-hydroxy    aniline     (HL)     or    one    of     i ts complexes  (ML2)   wi th  the  following  divalent  ions:  fVbl  (II),  Fc(IT), Co(II). Ni( rt ), Cu(H) and  Zn (11), as photosensi1izers, methyl  viol ogen (MY.:-)    as   electron   acceptor.  ethylene    diamine &nbsp

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Synthesis, Characterization and Analytical Study of Metal Complexes Derived from 1,2-Bis-(4´-Amino-2´,3´- Dimethyl-1´- Phenyl-Pyrazolinyl)- Diimino Ethane
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       Six transition metal complexes of Cr (III), Mn(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), and Zn(II) were prepared using 1,2-bis -(4-Amino-2,3-dimethyl-1- phenyl-pyrazolinyl)-diimino ethane(L) as ligand.  These complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, magnetic susceptibility, UV/VIS and FT-IR spectroscopy. These data showed that the solid complexes of Mn(II), Co(II), Zn(II) were tetrahedral geometry, and Cr(III) was octahedral while the symmetry around  Ni(II) and Cu(II) ions with the new ligand were square planar of the formula [ML]Cl2 ,  M=Ni(II) and Cu(II).        

      A simple method for the determina

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparison Between Conventional and Microwave Methods For Extraction Pectin and Degree of Esterification from Orange (Citrus sinesis) and Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) Peels
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In this study Microwave and conventional methods have been used to extract and estimate pectin and its degree of esterification from dried grapefruit and orange peels. Acidified solution water with nitric acid in pH (1.5) was used. In conventional method, different temperature degrees for extraction pectin from grape fruit and orange(85 ,90 , 95 and 100?C) for 1 h were used The results showed grapefruit peels contained 12.82, 17.05, 18.47, 15.89% respectively, while the corresponding values were 5.96, 6.74, 7.41 and 8.00 %, respectively in orange peels. In microwave method, times were 90, 100, 110 and 120 seconds. Grapefruit peels contain 13.86, 16.57, 18.69, and 17.87%, respectively, while the corresponding values were of 6.53, 6.68, 7.2

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Publication Date
Mon May 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Excess Molar Volumes and Viscosities of Mixtures Containing Dimethylformamide (DMF) with benzene, o-xylene, 1, 4- Dioxane and Tetrahydrofuran at 298.15 K.
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          Measurements of excess molar volumes VE , viscosities η , excess viscosities Δ ln η  and excess molar activation energies of viscous flow ΔGE , are reported for binary mixtures of dimethylformamide (DMF) with , benzene , o-xylene , 1,4- dioxane and tetrahydrofuran are reported from density and viscosity measurements at 298.15 k and at atmospheric pressure over the entire composition range . The excess values are positive for the mixture (DMF+ polar solvent) and negative deviation from ideality for the mixture (DMF + non-polar solvent) over the whole composition range and discussed in the light of molecular interaction in the mixture.

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Medicinal And Chemical Sciences
Synthesis, Characterization, and Biological Activity of New Metal Ion Complexes with Schiff Base (Z)-3((E)-2-Hydroxybenzylidene) Hydrazineylidene) Indolin-2-One
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The study involved preparing a new compound by combining between 2-hydroxybenzaldehyde and (Z)-3-hydrazineylideneindolin-2-one resulting in Schiff bases and metal ions: Mn(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), and Zn(II) forming stable minerals-based-Schiff complexes. The formation of resulting Schiff bases is detected spectrally using LC-Mss which gave corresponding results with theoretical results, 1H-NMR proves the founding of N=CH signal, FT-IR indicates the occurrence of imine band and UV-VIs mean is proved the ligand formation. On the other hand, minerals-based-Schiff was characterized using the same spectral means that relied with ligand (Schiff bases). Those means gave satisfactory results and proved the suggested distinguishable geometries.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 28 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Qualitative and Quantitative Determination of Dapagliflozin Propanediol Monohydrate and Its Related Substances and Degradation Products Using LC-MS and Preparative Chromatography Methods
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Dapagliflozin is a novel sodium-glucose cotransporter type 2 inhibitor. This work aims to develop a new
validated sensitive RP-HPLC coupled with a mass detector method for the determination of dapagliflozin, its
alpha isomer, and starting material in the presence of dapagliflozin major degradation products and an internal
standard (empagliflozin). The separation was achieved on BDS Hypersil column (length of 250mm, internal
diameter of 4.6 mm and 5-μm particle size) at a temperature of 35℃. Water and acetonitrile were used as
mobile phase A and B by gradient mode at a flow rate of 1 mL/min. A wavelength of 224nm was selected to
perform detection using a photo diode array detector. The method met the

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed May 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis, Spectroscopy and Biological Activity Study of Some New Complexes with Schiff Base Derived From Malonic Acid Dihydrazide with 2-pyridine Crboxaldehyde
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تم تحضير ثلاث معقدات جديدة Ni (II)و Cu (II) و Zn (II) باستخدام الليكند المحضر الجديد من تفاعل حامض مالونيك ثنائي هيدرازايد مع 2-بيريدين كربوكسالديهايد. حيث شخصت المعقدات لمحضرة وكذلك الليكند باستخدام تقنيات مختلفة مثل FT-IR و UV-Vis و Mass و 1H-NMR و 13C-NMR وتحليل العناصر CHN و تقدير محتوى  الكلور والموصلية المولارية والحساسية المغناطيسية والامتصاص الذري لتشخيص هذه المركبات. لكل معقد محضر جديد من النيكل والنحاس والزنك ، كشفت نتائج ا

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Medicinal And Chemical Sciences
Synthesis, Characterization, and Biological Activity of New Metal Ion Complexes with Schiff Base (Z)-3((E)-2-Hydroxybenzylidene) hydrazineylidene)indolin-2-one
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The study involved preparing a new compound by combining between 2- hydroxybenzaldehyde and (Z)-3-hydrazineylideneindolin-2-one resulting in Schiff bases and metal ions: Mn(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), and Zn(II) forming stable minerals-based-Schiff complexes. The formation of resulting Schiff bases is detected spectrally using LC-Mss which gave corresponding results with theoretical results, 1H-NMR proves the founding of N=CH signal, FT-IR indicates the occurrence of imine band and UV-VIs mean is proved the ligand formation. On the other hand, minerals-based-Schiff was characterized using the same spectral means that relied with ligand (Schiff bases). Those means gave satisfactory results and proved the suggested distinguishable geometries

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