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Study the effect of essential oils of some plants in protection from Cowpea beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus in laboratory
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The experiments were conducted in laboratory conditions of a temperature of 25± 2C and relative moisture of 40± 5 % to evaluate the effectiveness of the cinnamon, lavender and clove essential oils on some biological life aspects of cowpea beetle, C. maculates. Results of the obligative experiment for the effect of the oils on insect adult killing showed that the concentration of 5% caused a mortality percentage averaged 13.33% of the insect males. The mortality percentage of the insect females was 11.3% for the cinnamon and lavender oils. The lavender oil had the lowest effect on adult killing, not exceeding 0. For the effect of the oils on egg laying, clove oil affected the number of eggs highly at the concentration of 5%, resulting in 2.00 eggs on average. The lowest oil effect on egg number was for the lavender oil at the concentration of 1%, leading to an average of 14.73 eggs. The clove oil at the concentration of 5% showed effectiveness in adult emergence prevention as it was not observed that any insect emerged. In contrast, the same oil at the concentration of 1% had less effect, resulting in the highest emergence percentage reaching 13.33%. The same applies to the effect of the plant oils on insect productivity as the clove oil at the concentration of 5% was the most effective; no insect productivity was recorded, unlike the concentration of 1%, recorded productivity of 110.2 %. In the facultative experiment, the highest mortality percentage was recorded using clove oil against females, as the mortality percentage reached 4.00%. In contrast, the lowest mortality percentage was recorded using lavender oil against males, where no killing occurred, as the mortality percentage did not exceed 0.00%. For the effect of the oils on egg laying, the highest affected oil was cinnamon at a concentration of 5% as the number of eggs reached 5.60, while lavender oil at 3% was the least effective; the average number of eggs was 25. Clove oil at a concentration of 5% had the highest effect in reducing the emergence of the insect, so the emergence percentage did not exceed 0.33%. In comparison, its influence was low at 1%, recording the highest emergence percentage (18.67%). The lowest recorded insect productivity average was from the treatment of the clove oil at a concentration of 5%, which did not exceed 5.20%, while the highest productivity average was from the treatment of the lavender oil at 1%, which reached 89.6%. Keywords: essential oils, Cowpea beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Plant Archives
The effect of adding some essential oils to the physicochemical properties of frozen beef sausage with different storage periods
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Scopus (1)
Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Extraction of Essential Oils from Citrus By-Products Using Microwave Steam Distillation
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The main objectives of this research is to extract essential oil from: orange ( citrus sinensis), lemon( citrus limon) and mandarin( citrus reticulata) peels by two methods: steam distillation (SD) and microwave assisted steam distillation (MASD), study the effect of extraction conditions (weight of the sample, extraction time, and microwave power, citrus peel type) on oil yield and compare the results of the two methods, the resulting essential oil was analyzed by Gas Chromatography (GC).

   Essential oils are highly concentrated substances used for their flavor and therapeutic or odoriferous properties, in a wide selection of products such as foods, medicines and cosmetics. Extracti

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
A laboratory assessment on the effect of powder from Foeniculum vulgare and Eruca sativa against saw-toothed grain beetle Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.)
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 04 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A study of anti fungal activity of a combination of essential oils from medical herbs against water molds
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The aim of this study is to evaluate the anti fungal activity of a combination of essential oils against water molds. HPLC analysis was done to evaluate the quantity and quality of the active compounds in this combination which extracted from three herbs( Peppermint Menthapiperita ,Thyme Thymusvulgaris, Common sage Salvia officinalis L.) and the active compounds are Camphor,Menthol,,Thujone and Thymol with different concentrations. In this study (MIC) , (MFC) were measured and (LD50) determined after 48,96 h from fingerlings treatment of common carp in aquariums .The results of (MIC) were 0.025µl/ml for Aphanomyces sp. and 0.015µl/ml for both Achlya sp. and Fusariumsolani which showed significant differences(p<0.05) from Malachite gre

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 13 2018
Journal Name
Current Research In Microbiology And Biotechnology
Study of Rosemary Essential Oil Antibacterial Effect on bacteria Isolated from Urinary Tract Infections in some Hospitals of Baghdad
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Sixty urine samples were collected from women with urinary tract infection in different ages. The aims of this study were determined the dominancy of pathogens isolated from urine of women with UTI and evaluating the antibacterial activity of Rosmarinus officinalis L. essential oil against these pathogenic isolates. Identification of bacteria was done on Chromogenic orientation agar while disc diffusion method was used for determination the sensitivity of bacterial isolates to antibiotics and Agar well diffusion method was used for evaluation the antibacterial effect of Rosemary essential oil on these isolates. The results showed that 50% of women infected with Escherichia coli, it was dominants in ages above 15 years old while Staphylococc

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 13 2018
Journal Name
Current Research In Microbiology And Biotechnology
Study of Rosemary Essential Oil Antibacterial Effect on bacteria Isolated from Urinary Tract Infections in some Hospitals of Baghdad
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Sixty urine samples were collected from women with urinary tract infection in different ages. The aims of this study were determined the dominancy of pathogens isolated from urine of women with UTI and evaluating the antibacterial activity of Rosmarinus officinalis L. essential oil against these pathogenic isolates. Identification of bacteria was done on Chromogenic orientation agar while disc diffusion method was used for determination the sensitivity of bacterial isolates to antibiotics and Agar well diffusion method was used for evaluation the antibacterial effect of Rosemary essential oil on these isolates. The results showed that 50% of women infected with Escherichia coli, it was dominants in ages above 15 years old while Staphyl

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The impact of volatile oils of three medicinal plants on the bacteria isolated from patients with tonsillitis
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Were collected three types of medicinal plants from their natural habitat after Astkhalasalziot volatile manner steam distillation and determine the quality and quantity of vehicles chemical for each of the oils obtained using a technique JC discouraged when you merge oily thyme and lemon grass against bacteria either when using oils in three did not have a different effect

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Science And Technology
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This study was aimed to investigate the effect of essential oil extracted from the yellow peels of Citrus aurantium on the growth of four species of fungi: Penicillium expansum, Penicillium oxalicum, Fusarium oxysporum and Fusarium proliferatum and effect of one fungicide: Aliette (fosetyl-aluminum) against these fungi. The results showed that the essential oil of C. aurantium inhibited the radial growth of P. oxalicum at concentration 4.5% while P. expansum and F. oxysporum at concentrations 5% and F. proliferatum at concentrations 5.5% additionally the one fungicide tested showed inhibitory effect on radial growth of these fungi. So that there is a negative relationship between the increasing of concentration and radial growth of fungi.

Publication Date
Wed Apr 19 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of Aqueous Extract and Essential Oils of the Leaves of Eucalyptus incrassate on β- Lactam Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
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According to the extraction procedure , Eucalyptus incrassata leave sample yielded 5% and 2% w/w(Based on dry leaves ) of the aqueous extract and essential oils respectively. Disk diffusion method was used to determine the antimicrobial activity of aqueous extract and essential oils of E . incrassata leaves against eight isolates of multidrug- resistant of Staphylococcus aureus ( S. aureus) . It was found that aqueous extract and essential oils have variable antimicrobial activity(the inhibition zone diameter ranged from 7 to 14 mm respectively ) , while essential oils showed more effect than aqueous extract .         It was noticed that values of Minimal Inhibitory Concentration ( MIC )  for

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 04 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the Effect of Ocimum basilscm oil in the Sensory properties of Laboratory Biscuit
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The study aims at showing the effect of basil oil on the sensory properties of the laboratory biscuits. the results show the sensory valuation before and after the storage. the (A4) equation exceeds 15% of T exchange (3 , 4 , 5 g. basil 19 , 55 g . fats )in most of the studied sensuous qualities. Then, the (A5) equation of 20% exchange percentage (4.60g. basil oil + 18.40g. fats). Then, the (A3) equation of 10% exchange percentage (2.30g. basil oil + 20.70g. fats). Then the (A2) equation of 5% exchange percentage (1.5g. basil oil + 21.85g. fats). Finally, the control equation (A1) received the lower value of sensuous evaluation and general acceptance. Abstract differences also appeared at denotation level 0.05 between the (A2)

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