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Two Phase Approach for Copyright Protection and Deduplication of Video Content in Cloud using H.264 and SHA-512
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Cloud computing offers a new way of service provision by rearranging various resources over the Internet. The most important and popular cloud service is data storage. In order to preserve the privacy of data holders, data are often stored in cloud in an encrypted form. However, encrypted data introduce new challenges for cloud data deduplication, which becomes crucial for big data storage and processing in the cloud. Traditional deduplication schemes cannot work on encrypted data. Among these data, digital videos are fairly huge in terms of storage cost and size; and techniques that can help the legal aspects of video owner such as copyright protection and reducing the cloud storage cost and size are always desired. This paper focuses on video copyright protection and deduplication. A video copyright and deduplication scheme in cloud storage environments using the H.264 compression algorithm and SHA-512 hashing technique is proposed. This paper proposes a combined copyright production and deduplication based on video content to authenticate and to verify the integrity of the compressed H.264 video. The design of the proposed scheme consists of two modules. First, a H.264 compression algorithm is applied on the given video by the user. Second, a unique signature in different time interval of the compressed video is generated by the user in such a way that the CSP can use it to compare the user’s video against other videos without compromising the security of the user’s video. To avoid any attacker to gain access to the hash signature during uploading to the cloud, the hash signature is encrypted with the user password. Some experimental results are provided, showing the effectiveness of our proposed copyright protection and deduplication system.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
PWRR Algorithm for Video Streaming Process Using Fog Computing
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       The most popular medium that being used by people on the internet nowadays is video streaming.  Nevertheless, streaming a video consumes much of the internet traffics. The massive quantity of internet usage goes for video streaming that disburses nearly 70% of the internet. Some constraints of interactive media might be detached; such as augmented bandwidth usage and lateness. The need for real-time transmission of video streaming while live leads to employing of Fog computing technologies which is an intermediary layer between the cloud and end user. The latter technology has been introduced to alleviate those problems by providing high real-time response and computational resources near to the

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2001
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Two Phase Flow in Large Diameter Pipe
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Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Modeling of Corrosion Rate Under Two Phase Flow in Horizontal Pipe Using Neural Network
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The present study develops an artificial neural network (ANN) to model an analysis and a simulation of the correlation between the average corrosion rate carbon steel and the effective parameter Reynolds number (Re), water concentration (Wc) % temperature (T o) with constant of PH 7 . The water, produced fom oil in Kirkuk oil field in Iraq from well no. k184-Depth2200ft., has been used as a corrosive media and specimen area (400 mm2) for the materials that were used as low carbon steel pipe. The pipes are supplied by Doura Refinery . The used flow system is all made of Q.V.F glass, and the circulation of the two –phase (liquid – liquid ) is affected using a Q.V.F pump .The input parameters of the model consists of Reynolds number , w

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Effect of Nanoparticles and Surfactant on Phase Inversion of Two Phases
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In the present study, a pressure drop technique was used to identify the phase inversion point of oil-in-water to water-in-oil flows through a horizontal pipe and to study the effect of additives (nanoparticles, cationic surfactant and blend  nanoparticles-surfactant) on the critical dispersed volume fraction (phase inversion point). The measurements were carried  for mixture velocity ranges from 0.8 m/sec to 2.3 m/sec. The results showed that at low mixture velocity 0.8 and 1 m/sec there is no effect of additives and velocity on phase inversion point, while at high mixture velocities the phase inversion point for nanoparticles and blend (nanoparticles/surfactant) systems was delayed (postponed) to a higher value of the dispers

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Extraction of Zn (II) and Cu (II) Ions Using PEG (300) - KCl Salt Aqueous Two-Phase Systems
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In this paper the process of metal ions extraction (Zn(II) and Cu(II)) was studied in PEG-KCl aqueous two phase system was investigated without using an extracting agent. The experimental runs were performance at constant temperature (25 oC), constant mixing time (30 min), and constant PH of the solution (about 3). The effect of KCl salt concentration (from 10% to 25%), volumetric phase ratio of PEG solution to KCl solution (from 0.5 to 2), and the initial metal ion concentration (from 0.25 ml to 2 ml of 1 gm/L solution) were investigated on the percent extraction of Zn(II) and Cu(II). The results indicated that the percent extraction of metal ions increase with increasing of salt concentration and phase ratio, and slightly de

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 30 2019
Journal Name
Environmental Engineering Research
Numerical modeling of two-dimensional simulation of groundwater protection from lead using different sorbents in permeable barriers
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This study is to investigate the possibility of using activated carbon prepared from Iraqi date-pits (ADP) which are produced from palm trees (Phoenix dactylifera L.) as low-cost reactive material in the permeable reactive barrier (PRB) for treating lead (Pb<sup>+2</sup>) from the contaminated groundwater, and then compare the results experimentally with other common reactive materials such as commercial activated carbon (CAC), zeolite pellets (ZP). Factors influencing sorption such as contact time, initial pH of the solution, sorbent dosage, agitation speed, and initial lead concentration has been studied. Two isotherm models were used for the description of sorption data (Langmuir and Freundlich). The maximum lead sorp

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Scopus (21)
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2003
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Two-Phase Pressure Drop Through Obstructions
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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
New Approach for Solving Two Dimensional Spaces PDE
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Abstract<p>In this paper, new approach based on coupled Laplace transformation with decomposition method is proposed to solve type of partial differential equation. Then it’s used to find the accurate solution for heat equation with initial conditions. Four examples introduced to illustrate the accuracy, efficiency of suggested method. The practical results show the importance of suggested method for solve differential equations with high accuracy and easy implemented.</p>
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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Information hiding in digital video using DCT, DWT and CvT
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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Information hiding in digital video using DCT, DWT and CvT
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The type of video that used in this proposed hiding a secret information technique is .AVI; the proposed technique of a data hiding to embed a secret information into video frames by using Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and Curvelet Transform (CvT). An individual pixel consists of three color components (RGB), the secret information is embedded in Red (R) color channel. On the receiver side, the secret information is extracted from received video. After extracting secret information, robustness of proposed hiding a secret information technique is measured and obtained by computing the degradation of the extracted secret information by comparing it with the original secret information via calculating the No

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