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In some cases, surgeons need to navigate through the computer system for reconfirmation patients’ details and unfortunately surgeons unable to manage both computer system and operation at the same time. In this paper we propose a solution for this problem especially designed for heart surgeon, by introducing voice activation system with 3D visualization of Angiographic images, 2D visualization of Echocardiography processed video and selected patient’s details. In this study, the processing, approximation of the 3D angiography and the visualization of the 2D echocardiography video with voice recognition control are the most challenging work. The work involve with predicting 3D coronary three from 2D angiography image and also image enhancement which utilize the median filtering, morphological opening and contrast improvement and heart boundaries detection. With 3D reconstruction of 2D angiography images, the system was able to display 3D coronary tree, with voice activation. The system was able to rotate, zoom in and out the 3D image, the 2D echocardiography video and display patient’s information that needed by the surgeon while doing heart surgery. Development of this system is useful for surgeons, where they can navigate the system using voice commands instead of keyboard and mouse. Medical practitioners also can facilitate more the angiogram and echocardiograph images. With this system, it can help and ease the work of surgeons in analyzing and processing the medical images especially in-vivo procedure.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Effect of Atmospheric Mixing on Spectral Reflectivity in Sentinel Images of Baghdad Province
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The lowest layer of the atmosphere is called the atmospheric mixed layer, characterized by small-scale, irregular air motions defined by winds that change in speed and direction. Aerosol radiative effects impact the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL), which holds most aerosols in the lower atmosphere. Aerosol absorption and scattering both lower the quantity of solar energy that reaches the ground, which has an impact on the spectral signature of the land coverings. In this study, 51 locations in downtown Baghdad were chosen for four different types of land cover (water bodies, farms, open areas, and residential areas) for Sentinel 2 satellite imagery, and the time the pictures were taken was 8:00 am ( 22 March, 22 June, 20 September,

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 23 2020
Journal Name
Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/egyptology
A Multimodal Discourse Analysis of Visual Images in UNHCR Reports on Displaced Iraqis
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The advent of UNHCR reports has given rise to the uniqueness of its distinctive way of image representation and using semiotic features. So, there are a lot of researches that have investigated UNHCR reports, but no research has examined images in UNHCR reports of displaced Iraqis from a multimodal discourse perspective. The present study suggests that the images are, like language, rich in many potential meanings and are governed by clearly visual grammar structures that can be employed to decode these multiple meanings. Seven images are examined in terms of their representational, interactional and compositional aspects. Depending on the results, this study concludes that the findings support the visual grammar theory and highlight the va

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 16 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
New Techniques of Watermark Images using Bit Plane Slicing and Cubic-spline Interpolation
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A watermark is a pattern or image defined in a paper that seems as different shades of light/darkness when viewed by the transmitted light which used for improving the robustness and security. There are many ways to work Watermark, including the addition of an image or text to the original image, but in this paper was proposed another type of watermark is add curves, line or forms have been drawn by interpolation, which produces watermark difficult to falsify and manipulate it. Our work suggests new techniques of watermark images which is embedding Cubic-spline interpolation inside the image using Bit Plane Slicing. The Peak to Signal Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Mean Square Error (MSE) value is calculated so that the quality of the original i

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Communications In Computer And Information Science
The Use of Biorthogonal Wavelet, 2D Polynomial and Quadtree to Compress Color Images
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In this paper, a compression system with high synthetic architect is introduced, it is based on wavelet transform, polynomial representation and quadtree coding. The bio-orthogonal (tap 9/7) wavelet transform is used to decompose the image signal, and 2D polynomial representation is utilized to prune the existing high scale variation of image signal. Quantization with quadtree coding are followed by shift coding are applied to compress the detail band and the residue part of approximation subband. The test results indicate that the introduced system is simple and fast and it leads to better compression gain in comparison with the case of using first order polynomial approximation.

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 12 2020
Journal Name
International Journal On Advanced Science, Engineering And Information Technology
Developing of a 3D Printer to Produce Parts Using Powder Metal
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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
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In this paper, a discussion of the principles of stereoscopy is presented, and the phases
of 3D image production of which is based on the Waterfall model. Also, the results are based
on one of the 3D technology which is Anaglyph and it's known to be of two colors (red and
A 3D anaglyph image and visualization technologies will appear as a threedimensional
by using a classes (red/cyan) as considered part of other technologies used and
implemented for production of 3D videos (movies). And by using model to produce a
software to process anaglyph video, comes very important; for that, our proposed work is
implemented an anaglyph in Waterfall model to produced a 3D image which extracted from a

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Medical Research & Health Sciences
Assessment of the Healthy Women by Detection and Determination of Cells in Conventional Pap Stained Cervical Smear Images
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Introduction: A Pap test can detect pre-cancerous and cancerous cells in the vagina and uterine cervix. Cervical cancer is the easiest gynecologic cancer to be prevented and diagnosed using regular screening tests and follow-up. This study aimed to estimate the cytological changes and the precancerous lesions using Pap smear test and visual inspection of the cervices of Iraqi women, and also to determine the possible relationship of this cancer with patients’ demographic characteristics. Methods: The study included 140 women aged (18-67) years old referred to the National Cancer Research Center (NCRC), Baghdad, Iraq, during the period 2011-2016. Both visual inspections of the uterine cervix and Papanicolaou smear screening were performed

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of Cost awareness of activation of strategic cost management techniques of industrial units: A prospective study at the General Company for the manufacture of medicines and medical supplies in the province of Mosul
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The last ten years observed a shift enormous scientific in the method and way that it deals professional with the cost accounting and reflected the result those shift enormous scientific of increase the competitive environmental that accompanied the emergence of a modern manufacturing environmental on surface the long roductive life and emergence advanced information technology that give a central focus of his important on client with growing global markets growth on a large scale.

        The research aim to define the concept of cost awareness, the concept and methods of  strategic cost management and the role of cost awareness for managers of industrial units in strategic of cost managem

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 14 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The Usefulness of Mandibular Ramus as an Indicator in Sex Differentiation Using 3D Reconstructed Computed Tomography
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Background: Determination of sex from an unknown human bone is an important role in forensic and anthropology field. The mandible is the largest and hardest facial bone, that commonly resist postmortem damage and forms an important source of information about sexual dimorphism. Mandibular ramus can be used to differentiate between sexes and it also expresses strong univariate sexual dimorphism. This study was undertaken to assess the usefulness of mandibular ramus as an aid in sex differentiation using CT scanning among Iraqi population. Materials and methods: 3D reconstructed computed tomography scanning of 140 Iraqi Arab subjects, (7 0 males and 70 females) were analyzed with their age range from 20-60 years old. The linear measurements w

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effectiveness of a proposed program to solve the problem of mixing Arabic letters similar to the voice of students in the second grade primary
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The purpose of this research is to demonstrate the effectiveness of a program to address the problem of mixing similar letters in the Arabic language for students in the second grade of primary and to achieve the goal of the research. The researcher followed the experimental method to suit the nature of this research and found that there are statistically significant differences between the tribal and remote tests, The effectiveness of the proposed educational program. At the end of the research, the researcher recommends several recommendations, the most important of which are: 1 - Training students to correct pronunciation of the outlets, especially in the first three stages of primary education (primary) and the use of direct training

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