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Influence of Different Factors on Permanent Deformation of Hot Asphalt Concrete Mixtures
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The performance of flexible pavements is significantly impacted by the permanent deformation (rutting) of asphalt pavements. Rutting shortens the pavement's useful service life and poses significant risks to those using the highway since it alters vehicle handling characteristics.. The aim of this research is to evaluate the permanent deformation of asphalt mixtures under different conditions,to achieve this aim 108 cylindrical specimens has been prepared and tested under repeated loading in uniaxial compression mode. Five factors were considered in this research, these factors represent the effect of environmental condition and traffic loading as well as mixture properties, they include testing temperature, loading condition (stress level and duration), mixture properties (asphalt type and content). The permanent deformation is evaluated in term of the following parameters, accumulation of permanent strain, axial resilient micro strain, initial permanent strain (intercept, a), accumulation rate of permanent deformation (slope, b), rate of decrease in permanent deformation (α) and constant of proportionality between permanent and elastic strains (µ). Based on the repeated load test results, it was found that when the testing temperature increased from 20 to 40◦C, the permanent strain and intercept increased by a factor of 4.8 and 1.9, respectively. Further increase of the testing temperature from 40 to 60◦C, resulted in the permanent strain increment by a factor of 5.13 whereas the intercept by a factor 2.18. In addition, the test data shows the permanent strain value for load duration of 0.4 sec. is 1.64 times the value for 0.1 sec. Finally, the findings showed that the resilient response of the substance is comparatively more sensitive to asphalt content than the plastic response. Furthermore, the rutting resistance is highly affected by the variables considered in this research.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
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Extraction, optical properties, and aging studies of natural pigments of various flower plants
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2021
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Astronomy Letters
The Dichotomy of the Mass-radius Relation and the Number of Globular Clusters
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
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Open Engineering
Field tests of grouted ground anchors in the sandy soil of Najaf, Iraq
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Abstract<p>This article presents test results documentation for four grouted ground anchors embedded in sandy soil. Three anchors were trial, while one was a working anchor. One trial anchor is instrumented with eight resistance-type strain gauges glued on the corrugated pipe and embedded within the grouted body. An acceptance test was made for all anchors to determine the working load. Acceptance criteria suggested by the Post-Tensioning Institute were applied, and the working anchor did not pass the creep criterion, so it was taken out of service. The strain measurements indicated that the compression stresses were generated along the free length, while the tension stresses were generated alon</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
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Asian Journal Of Chemistry
Levels and Distribution of Trace Metals in Surface Soils of Al-Diwaniya, Iraq
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In this work, monitoring of monthly variation (from May 2016 to October 2016) in the concentration of the metals (Co, Zn, Cd, Pb, Ni and Fe) from Al-Diwaniya city of Iraq. Investigation about the pollution with these metals was achieved from five selected sites locate in study area by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy. The results showed a wide variation in the levels of heavy metals from site to site and from month to month. A total of 180 surface soil samples were analyzed to detecting the pollution with selected samples. The resultsshowed that the highest concentration with Ni was 6.290 mg kg-1 while the lowest concentration detected with Ni was 0.080 mg kg-1. The results of pollution index (enrichment factor, contamination factor, po

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
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Der Pharma Chemica
Synthesis, characterization and biological evaluation of new potentially active hydrazones of naproxen hydrazide
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To synthesize new hydrazone derivatives of naproxen with enhanced anti-inflammatory activity and devoid the ulcerogenic side effects. Hydrazones were synthesized by conjugation of naproxen hydrazide with seven natural and synthetic aldehyde and ketone by using glacial acetic acid as catalyst. The synthesis has been carried out following simple methodology in excellent isolated yields.The structure of the synthesized derivatives has been characterized by elemental microanalysis (CHN), FTIR Spectroscopy, and other physicochemical properties.The anti- inflammatory activity of the synthesized compounds was evaluated in vivo using the egg-white induced edema model in rats, and the results of the biological assay was found to be comparable to Nap

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 19 2024
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Известия Юго-Западного государственного университета. Серия: Лингвистика и педагогика
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Abstract Purpose of research: The purpose of the article is to conduct a comparative analysis of the concept and types of puns in the Russian and Arabic languages. The main focus is on identifying similarities and differences in the definition of a pun, as well as analyzing its various types in both languages. The purpose of the study is to understand how puns are used to achieve comic or semantic effect in different cultural contexts. Methods: The study includes an analysis of literature providing information about puns in Russian and Arabic. For comparative analysis, methods were used to compare concepts, definitions and types of puns in both languages. The phonetic, semantic and syntactic aspects of the pun are considered, and cultural f

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
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Lxxvi Международная научно-практическая конференция «Научный форум: филология, искусствоведение и культурология»
Comparative analysis of the concept and types of homonyms in Russian and Arabic
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Abstract: This article is a comparative analysis of the concept and types of homonyms in Russian and Arabic. Homonyms are lexical units that have the same sound but different meanings. The study of homonymy in different languages can help reveal the features of the semantic structure and syntactic rules of each language. The article discusses the main aspects of homonymy in Russian and Arabic, as well as a comparative analysis of the types of homonyms that exist in both languages. The study includes an analysis of the semantic meanings of homonyms, their use in context, and possible differences in syntactic features that may affect their interpretation and perception by native speakers of these languages. The purpose of the article is to id

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 23 2024
Journal Name
Proceedings Of The Southwest State University. Series: Linguistics And Pedagogy
Acomparative Analysis of the Concept and Types of Homonyms in Russian and Arabic
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Purpose of research: The purpose of the article is to conduct a comparative analysis of the concept and types of puns in the Russian and Arabic languages. The main focus is on identifying similarities and differences in the definition of a pun, as well as analyzing its various types in both languages. The purpose of the study is to understand how puns are used to achieve comic or semantic effect in different cultural contexts.

Methods: The study includes an analysis of literature providing information about puns in Russian and Arabic. For comparative analysis, methods were used to compare concepts, definitions and types of puns in both languages. The phonetic, semantic and syntactic aspects of the pun are considered,

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
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Journal Of Research In Pharmacy
Preparation and in-vitro evaluation of Carbopol hydrogel of clobetasol-loaded ethylcellulose microsponges
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: Clobetasol propionate (CP) is a potent corticosteroid used for skin conditions but often causes side effects due its systemic absorption. To improve its solubility and reduce it side effects (like skin irritation, skin atrophy, hypopigmentation and steroidal acne), Microsponge (Msg) has been employed as a unique three-dimensional particle that can encapsulate hydrophilic and lipophilic drugs. This study aims to develop and evaluate CP Msg-loaded hydrogels. Two Clobetasol-loaded ethylcellulose-based Msg formulas were prepared using the quasi-emulsion solvent diffusion method, then they were incorporated into Carbopol hydrogel. Two ratios of Carbopol 940 (1% and 1.5% w/w) were used. The prepared hydrogel were assessed for appearance, pH, dr

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
Egyptian Journal Of Chemistry
Synthesis and Characterization of some Tetrazole Derivatives and Evaluation of their Biological Activity
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