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Biological treatment of hydrocarbons contaminated soil by Serratia ficaria
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Petroleum is one of the most important substances consumed by man at present times, a major energy source in this century, petroleum oils can cause environmental pollution during various stages of production, transportation, refining and use, petroleum hydrocarbons pollutions ranging from soil, ground water to marine environment, become an inevitable problem in the modern life, current study focused on bioremediation process of hydrocarbons contaminants that remaining in the bottom of gas cylinders and discharged to the soil. Twenty-four bacterial isolates were isolated from contaminated soils all of them gram negative bacteria, bacterial isolates screening to investigate the ability of biodegradation of hydrocarbons, these isolates inoculated  with modified mineral salt media containing 1% hydrocarbons for five days in shaking incubator 150 rpm at 30oC. Then measured optical density by a spectrophotometer (UV–9200) at waves length 540nm, biomass, where three isolates appeared highest ability to growth than others isolates. These three bacterial isolates were diagnosed by morphological features, gram stain, microscopically examination, biochemical tests, as well as by using VITEK 2 Compact device. One of three isolates was selected and result of identification of this bacterium showed that belonged to Serretia ficaria.

Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Treatment of Wastewater Contaminated with Pesticide (Alachlor) by Solar Enhanced Advanced Oxidation Processes
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The degradation performance of aqueous solution of pesticide Alachlor has been studied at solar pilot scale plant in two photocatalytic systems: homogeneous photocatalysis by photo-Fenton and heterogeneous photocatalysis with titanium dioxide. The pilot scale system included of compound parabolic collectors specially designed for solar photocatalytic applications, and installed at University of Baghdad, Department of Environmental Engineering back yard. The influence of different concentrations, H2O2 (200-2400 mg/l), Fe+2(5- 30 mg/l) and TiO2 (100-500 mg/l) and their relationship with the degradation efficiency were studied.

      The COD removal efficienc

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences (ijas)
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This study was aimed to determine a phytotoxicity experiment with kerosene as a model of a total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPHs) as Kerosene pollutant at different concentrations (1% and 6%) with aeration rate (0 and 1 L/min) and retention time (7, 14, 21, 28 and 42 days), was carried out in a subsurface flow system (SSF) on the Barley wetland. It was noted that greatest elimination 95.7% recorded at 1% kerosene levels and aeration rate 1L / min after a period of 42 days of exposure; whereas it was 47% in the control test without plants. Furthermore, the percent of elimination efficiencies of hydrocarbons from the soil was ranged between 34.155%-95.7% for all TPHs (Kerosene) concentrations at aeration rate (0 and 1 L/min). The Barley c

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 14 2023
Journal Name
Environmental Monitoring And Assessment
The technique of arsenic elimination from contaminated soil with enhanced conditions by electro-kinetic remediation
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 19 2014
Journal Name
Romanian Biotechnological Letters
Optimization conditions for bioemulsifier production by local Streptomyces sp. SS20 isolated from hydrocarbon contaminated soil
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Bioremediation of Lead and Cadmium Contaminated soil by Sesbania rostrata plant and AM fungi Glomus mosseae
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This study was conducted to determine the activity of plant Sesbania rostrata and two isolate from arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi (A,B) as a bioremediation of soil polluted by cadmium and lead elements in north and south of Baghdad city. The results showed that the average of soil pollution by cadmium and lead elements in north of Baghdad was less than the average of soil pollution in the south of Baghdad which recorded 10.0, 9.0 mg/kg and 27.0, 25.0 mg/kg respectively. The plant Sesbania recorded ability to accumulate the lead element in shoot system 19.65 mg/kg and in root system 27.2 mg/kg and for cadmium element 19.6, 24.6 mg/kg in shoot and root respectively. The results showed that the isolate A from soil pollution is more effected

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 15 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Bioremediation of Soil Contaminated with Diesel using Biopile system
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This study was focused on biotreatment of soil which polluted by petroleum compounds (Diesel) which caused serious environmental problems. One of the most effective and promising ways to treat diesel-contaminated soil is bioremediation. It is a choice that offers the potential to destroy harmful pollutants using biological activity. The capability of mixed bacterial culture was examined to remediate the diesel-contaminated soil in bio piling system. For fast ex-situ treatment of diesel-contaminated soils, the bio pile system was selected. Two pilot scale bio piles (25 kg soil each) were constructed containing soils contaminated with approximately 2140 mg/kg total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs). The amended soil: (contaminated soil with the a

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 02 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of chelating agents on removal of 137Cs from contaminated soil
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In the present research, the chemical washing method has been selected using three chelating agents: citric acid, acetic acid and Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid (EDTA) to remove 137Cs from two different contaminated soil samples were classified as fine and coarse grained. The factors that affecting removal efficiency such as type of soil, mixing ratio and molarity have been investigated. The results revealed that no correlation relation was found between removal efficiency and the studied factors. The results also showed that conventional chemical washing method was not effective in removing 137Cs and that there are further studies still need to achieve this objective.

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Publication Date
Tue May 23 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Modeling and Simulation of Copper Removal from the Contaminated Soil by a Combination of Adsorption and Electro-kinetic Remediation
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Electro-kinetic remediation technology is one of the developing technologies that offer great promise for the cleanup of soils contaminated with heavy metals. A numerical model was formulated to simulate copper (Cu) transport under an electric field using one-dimensional diffusion-advection equations describing the contaminant transport driven by chemical and electrical gradients in soil during the electro-kinetic remediation as a function of time and space. This model included complex physicochemical factors affecting the transport phenomena, such as soil pH value, aqueous phase reaction, adsorption, and precipitation. One-dimensional finitedifference computer program successfully predicted meaningful values for soil pH profiles and Cu

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Bioremediation of Nickel and Lead contaminated soil by Vica faba L. plant and AM fungi Glomus mosseae
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This study is conducted to determine the activity of plant Vica faba and two isolated from arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi (A,B) in bioremediation of soil pollution by Nickel and Lead elements in north and south of Baghdad city. The results showed that the average of soil pollution by Nickel and Lead elements in north of Baghdad was less than the average of soil pollution in the south of Baghdad which recorded 29.0,9.0PPm and 42.0, 25.0PPm respectively. The results show that the isolate A from the polluted soil is more active from isolate B which isolate from unpolluted soil for bioremediation. Vica faba recorded more in accumulate the Lead element in shoot system which was 19.65PPm and in root system was 27.2PPm and for Nickel element 24.65

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Environmental Technology & Innovation
Biomineralization based remediation of cadmium and nickel contaminated wastewater by ureolytic bacteria isolated from barn horses soil
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