In the current review, an updated list of dark beetle species (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) recorded in Iraq was given. The current paper is based on previous studies in the literature and contains all dark beetles referred to in Iraq, except for the species within the Pimelinae subfamily. The investigation of this review showed the presence of 89 species belonging to 34 genera within five subfamilies. This work included mentioning the basionyms and synonyms for genera and species with their global distribution, as well as, correcting the scientific names that were mentioned in the previous checklists.
A new Species of the Cerambycinae belonging to the genus Hesperophanes was found new to the fauna of Iraq and Science. H. testaceus was studied in details and the male genitalia were illustrated. Type's paratypes and the locality of this newly described Species were mentioned.
Aniera desert/cola was found new to science and to the Iraqi fauna. The description was
mainly based on external features and male genit
A new species of the family Carabidae, subfamily Harpalinae was introdIle7: (1 or a Acupalpus mesopota¬micus on the basis external morphology and male genctalia. The specimens were compared with a world collection of Acupalptis of the British Museum (N. H.) Holotype was kept at the Iraq Natural History Museum. Other 12 specimens were kept in Iraq Natural History Museum.
A revised checklist of the robber fly genera (Diptera, Asilidae) was given during this study in Iraq. The investigation showed (21) genera belonging to seven subfamilies, two genera new recorded to entomofauna of Iraq (Promachus Loew, 1848 and Genus: Dysmacus Loew, 1860). Eight genera showed in this investigation and eleven genera were recorded previously to Iraq.
The present work deals with five species of parasitic Hymenoptera belonging to Pteromalidae, Eupelmidae and Eurytornidae which have been reared from brachid beetles. A new species, Eurytoma irakensis is described and the species, Bruchocida orientalis Crawford is recorded for the first time from Iraq.
Phenomena of an abnormal genitalia was among some specimens of Cicindela aulica Dej.
Collected from Iraq. The fore tarsi of male were asymmetrical having its basal three segments
dilated and clothed beneath with fine bristles as in normal male. While those of the right leg
were found simple as in normal females. Dissection of the genialia of these specimens
showed that they were of two types of both male and female structures.
The abdominal nerve cord of some species of Iraq Carabids has been studied to evaluate
the variation in the number of the abdominal ganglia among the species and to find out
relation of these variations with the classical taxonomy of the family Carabidae into tribes.
In this study, the dung beetles Aphodius (Bodilus) ictericus (Laicharting, 1781) and Aphodius (Planolinellus) vittatus Say, 1825 which belongs to the family of Aphodiidae (Order: Coleoptera) are redscribed here as to being found for the first time in Iraq.
The specimens were collected from different regions in the middle of Iraq; the main diagnostic characters and some morphological features of males were drawn and pictured.
The present paper attempts to establish a distinction between Exochomus negripennis (Er.) and E. quadripustulatus L., depending on the characters of femoral line, male genitalia and spermatheca.
A survey and revised checklist of the species belonging to the family of Compositae for the specimens which are collected and deposited previously at the herbarium of the Iraq Natural History Research Center and Museum, in addition to the current specimens collected for the period 2016-2021. A total of 85 species belonging to 49 genera and 16 tribes are revised with their synonyms, locality, and distributions, flowering and fruiting period.