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Evaluating alveolar bone thickness in upper and lower incisors from orthodontic perspective. A Cone beam computed tomography-based retrospective study
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Purpose: This study aimed to assess the thickness of alveolar bone of maxillary and mandibular incisors from orthodontics perspective. Materials and Method: A total of 73 Cone beam computed tomography for Iraqi patients (47 females and 26 males) were included in this study. The selected images were captured and imported to AutoCAD database software to perform the measurement. To measure alveolar bone thickness, a reference line was drawn through the long axis of each incisor, from the incisal edge to the root apex. Then, labial and lingual/palatal perpendicular lines were drawn to the reference line at 3, 6, and 9mm apically from the cemento-enamel junction (CEJ). Results: The buccal bone is generally thinner than the lingual/palatal bone. The bone gets relatively thicker closer to the apex. The buccal bone for all lower incisors was less than 1 mm at 3- and 6-mm distance. It was slightly thicker at the central incisor as compared to the lateral at 9-mm distance. Genders have a difference in the thickness of the palatal alveolar bone in their right and left lateral incisors, which are 3mm and 9mm, respectively. Alveolar bone thickness is significantly positively correlated with several teeth. Conclusions: Males and females in this study showed comparable alveolar bone thickness. The alveolar bone thickness increased with increasing age. It is essential to assess the thickness of alveolar bone pre-orthodontic treatment (especially for patients with thin biotype, and those cases that involve labial proclination of the lower incisors).

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Algebraic Statistics
The effect of compound exercises for the arm least used in developing the accuracy of the passing skill of the handball for ages (15-17) years
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Rationalization the costs of agricultural Activities under the use of genetic engineering: An applied research in ministry of agriculture - The directorate of inspection & certification of seeds
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The importance of this research has been to rationalize the cost of producing maize seeds through the followers of modern techniques and methods in agricultural activities such as genetic engineering for increasing production efficiency of maize seeds as well as the importance of calculating seed cost rationalization through the ABC system and thus rationalizing government spending. The research is based on one hypothesis in two ways that the use of genetic engineering on maize seeds works to: one - increase production efficiency of seeds and savings in agricultural inputs. 2. Rationalize the costs of examining and planting maize seeds. In order to calculate the costs will be based on the cost system based on activities ABC. The research

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
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The effect of differentiated education strategy on the achievement of the students of the Institute of Fine Arts in the subject of aesthetics: وفاء شكر حسن
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Current research targeted: Recognizing the impact of the differentiated education strategy on the achievement of the students of the Institute of Fine Arts / Diyala, for the academic year (2018-2019).
The researcher used the experimental approach designed by two groups (control - experimental) and with a post-test to achieve the goal of the research, and the research sample was chosen from students of the fourth stage for the academic year (2018-2019).
The sample was distributed randomly into two groups, the first experimental consisting of (30) students who studied using the differentiated education strategy, and the second control group consisting of (30) students who studied using the traditional method.
The researcher pre

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of the legal rules to the reduction of public office Crimes(Search in the Office of the Inspector General of the Ministry of Environment)
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The goal of the research is to diagnose some of the negative phenomena which was discovered through the period from (2010 to 2014) as determined by the national strategy to eliminate the corruption which was set out by the joint council of  the corruption elimination in Iraq. And to measure the gap in applying the legal rules by the administration, concerning the misconducts and felonies upon the state employments made by the state employee and how far they are applied in the studied sample and to show the nature of the rules and their importance and their role when they are applied in scientific and expertise manner. And to encourage the offices of the general supervisors to adhere to them which will lead t

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Символичность деревни (( Джикора )) в лирике иракского поэта Бадра Шакера ас-Саййаба Symbolism of Jekor Village in the Poetry of the Iraqi Poet Badr Shakir as-Sayyab
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       В данном исследовании рассматривается символичность (( Джикора )) в лирике иракского поэта ас-Саййаба и перевода лирики o деревне и городе с арабского на русский. Русский читатель пока не имеет возможности познакомиться с стихотворениями Бадра Шакера.


     The paper aims at making the Russian reader acquainted with the Iraqi Poet Badr Shakir as-Sayyab, and showing the effect of the village an

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 27 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The extent to which the Iraqi environment responds to the requirements of IAS 12 in determining income tax: بحث تطبيقي في الهيئة العامة للضرائب/ قسم الشركات
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The importance of this research comes from the possibility of achieving positive interaction between accounting and tax through the interest in setting accounting standards and adapting them to local tax legislation, as the adoption of the application of the international standard (IAS 12) for income taxes helps to measure and determine the base for income tax and may lead to an increase in the tax outcome. Through the reliance of enterprises on many accounting bases, and that the tax administration in Iraq depends on the element of personal judgment in determining the tax base, which leads to lack of objectivity in determining the tax outcome, as the impact of the accounting standard (IAS 12) on the tax base and tax outcome is one of th

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 13 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Semiology of Narrative Construction in Television Advertising to an Announce "God Will not Forget us" about the Covid-19 Pandemic for Zain Mobile Telecommunication Company
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This research paper tries to show the significance of the narrative structure in the television advertisement and its connotations. The researchers chose the annual advertisement of Zain Mobile Telecommunication Company for the year 2020, which shed light on the global Corona pandemic crisis. The idea of the advertisement won wide approval as it focused on the suffering that everyone is witnessing like medical and security personnel in particular, and family relationships consequences.
In addition to the positive global interaction with the message presented by the Company in these exceptional circumstances. The advertisement, which lasted for 2.35 minutes, exceeded 13 million views in a short period of time. This prompted us to choos

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Quality of University Education at the Middle Technical University in The Light of the Application of National Ranking project for the Quality of Iraqi Universities
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The research aims to identify ways of upgrading the quality level of university education at the Middle Technical University in light of its application for the National Ranking project for the quality of Iraqi universities in order to obtain advanced grades among the Iraqi universities , Which is qualified to enter the Ranking of universities worldwide, through displaying the mechanism of the Application of  National Ranking project for the quality of Iraqi universities in the Middle Technical University and its formations consisting of (5) technical colleges and (11) technical institute.

        The results of the application showed several observations: The most

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
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Role of the Internet in Spreading Rumors Social networking sites "Facebook" model For the duration of 1-7-2017 until 30-11-2017: يوسف محمد حسين
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This study is about the role of the Internet in spreading rumors, especially through social networking sites "Facebook" model as the effectiveness of social networks lies in the speed of transmission of events; these two characteristics are important to the public, making the Internet a strong contender for television and its relationship with the public. That's why we find that the Internet today has become a fertile environment for the growth and spread of rumors. The more limited the platforms and places of publication, the greater the responsibility in the search for the original source in   spreading this or that rumor, as the Internet is considered an easy means in the production, spreading  and re-spreading  of

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using the Balanced Performance Approach to Increase the Effectiveness of Strategic Planning in order to Maximize the Job Satisfaction Rates at the Faculties of Bisha University
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Purpose: To use the balanced measurement approach as a strategic link for increasing the effectiveness of strategic planning in the direction of achieving satisfaction rates at Bisha University in Saudi Arabia

Design / methodology / approach –The questionnaire survey was used to collect the data of the study from the faculty members at University of Bisha.

Findings –Prove the assumption that the use of the balanced measurement approach - as a strategic planning tool - leads to maximize the satisfaction rates among faculty members at the University of Bisha.

Research limitations/implications-  adopt effective strategic planning in order to achieve

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