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Evaluating alveolar bone thickness in upper and lower incisors from orthodontic perspective. A Cone beam computed tomography-based retrospective study
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Purpose: This study aimed to assess the thickness of alveolar bone of maxillary and mandibular incisors from orthodontics perspective. Materials and Method: A total of 73 Cone beam computed tomography for Iraqi patients (47 females and 26 males) were included in this study. The selected images were captured and imported to AutoCAD database software to perform the measurement. To measure alveolar bone thickness, a reference line was drawn through the long axis of each incisor, from the incisal edge to the root apex. Then, labial and lingual/palatal perpendicular lines were drawn to the reference line at 3, 6, and 9mm apically from the cemento-enamel junction (CEJ). Results: The buccal bone is generally thinner than the lingual/palatal bone. The bone gets relatively thicker closer to the apex. The buccal bone for all lower incisors was less than 1 mm at 3- and 6-mm distance. It was slightly thicker at the central incisor as compared to the lateral at 9-mm distance. Genders have a difference in the thickness of the palatal alveolar bone in their right and left lateral incisors, which are 3mm and 9mm, respectively. Alveolar bone thickness is significantly positively correlated with several teeth. Conclusions: Males and females in this study showed comparable alveolar bone thickness. The alveolar bone thickness increased with increasing age. It is essential to assess the thickness of alveolar bone pre-orthodontic treatment (especially for patients with thin biotype, and those cases that involve labial proclination of the lower incisors).

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A Critical Discourse Analysis of the 2012 American Presidential Election Debates
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This study discusses the Critical Discourse Analysis of 2012 American Presidential Election Debate’. The researcher adopts a model proposed by Van Dijk’s (2006 d). Six ideological categories have been selected within the overall strategies of the ideological square are used. The categories are of three levels of discourse structure : (the meaning, the argumentation, and the rhetoric) .They have shown effective criteria for detecting the most disguised systems of racism and manipulation.

            Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the elite discourses of candidates contribute to the reproduction of domination, Orientalism, and Islamophobia. This can be appl

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 20 2024
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Efficacy of Feed Restriction Program on Broiler Production: A Review:
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Poultry often intake energy to meet their energy needs, which is associated with both more fat and protein deposition, which is also conditioned by the presence of adequate other nutritional nutrients. The most significant supplement in creature sustenance or diets is protein, with exceptional thought given to the proportion among energy and protein in consumes less calories (energy: protein ratio EPR). This implies that a specific protein level relates with the fundamental measure of energy in the eating regimen. The article evaluated the manipulation of energy to protein ratio and its effect on broiler performance and carcass lipid profile. The author's methodology depends on analyzing and comparing other scientists’ studies and work

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Biochem. Cell. Arch.
6-Mercaptopurine Derivatives: Maintenance Therapy Of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: A Review
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Materials Chemistry And Physics
BC2N nanotube as a promising anode for rechargeable calcium ion batteries
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Because of cost-effective production and abundant resources of calcium, Ca-ion batteries (CIBs) are an appropriate option to alternate Li-ion batteries (LIBs). A new category of anode materials for CIBs has emerged since the successful synthesis of carbon nanotubes, which are B and N doped derivatives of it. For high-performance CIBs, BC2N nanotube (BC2NNT) has been studied as promising anode materials. In order to comprehend electrochemical attributes, cycling stability, and adsorption behavior of BC2NNT, first-principles computations have been executed. Based on nuclear magnetic resonance computations, two types of hexagonal rings (B2C2N2 (I) and BC4N (II)) were specified that are non-aromatic. Ca has adsorption on B2C2N2 and BC4N with ad

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 16 2018
Journal Name
Springer Science And Business Media Llc
MOGSABAT: a metaheuristic hybrid algorithm for solving multi-objective optimisation problems
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 15 2021
Journal Name
Abstract And Applied Analysis
Dynamical Behaviors of a Fractional-Order Three Dimensional Prey-Predator Model
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In this paper, the dynamical behavior of a three-dimensional fractional-order prey-predator model is investigated with Holling type III functional response and constant rate harvesting. It is assumed that the middle predator species consumes only the prey species, and the top predator species consumes only the middle predator species. We also prove the boundedness, the non-negativity, the uniqueness, and the existence of the solutions of the proposed model. Then, all possible equilibria are determined, and the dynamical behaviors of the proposed model around the equilibrium points are investigated. Finally, numerical simulations results are presented to confirm the theoretical results and to give a better understanding of the dynami

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 26 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Pharmacy Practice
What might COVID-19 patients experience after recovery? A comprehensive review
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Abstract<sec> <title>Objectives

The objective of this review was to describe the COVID-19 complications after recovery.


The researchers systematically reviewed studies that reported post-COVID-19 complications from three databases: PubMed, Google Scholar and the World Health Organization (WHO) COVID-19 database. The search was conducted between 21 November 2020 and 14 January 2021. Inclusion criteria were articles written in English, with primary data, reporting complications of COVID-19 after full

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Applied Mathematics
The Dynamics of a Delayed Ecoepidemiological Model with Nonlinear Incidence Rate
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In this paper, the general framework for calculating the stability of equilibria, Hopf bifurcation of a delayed prey-predator system with an SI type of disease in the prey population, is investigated. The impact of the incubation period delay on disease transmission utilizing a nonlinear incidence rate was taken into account. For the purpose of explaining the predation process, a modified Holling type II functional response was used. First, the existence, uniform boundedness, and positivity of the solutions of the considered model system, along with the behavior of equilibria and the existence of Hopf bifurcation, are studied. The critical values of the delay parameter for which stability switches and the nature of the Hopf bifurcat

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 06 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Optics
Synthesis of N-A cysteine-capped CdTe QDs for optical biosensing
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In this investigation, water-soluble N-Acetyl Cysteine Capped-Cadmium Telluride QDs (NAC/CdTe nanocrystals), utilizing N-acetyl cysteine as a stabilizer, were prepared to assess their potential in differentiating between DNA extracted from pathogenic bacteria (e.g. Escherichia coli isolated from urine specimen) and intact DNA (extracted from blood of healthy individuals) for biomedical sensing prospective. Following the optical characterization of the synthesized QDs, the XRD analysis illustrated the construction of NAC-CdTe-QDs with a grain size of 7.1 nm. The prepared NAC-CdTe-QDs exhibited higher PL emission features at of 550 nm and UV-Vis absorption peak at 300 nm. Additionally, the energy gap quantified via PL and UV–Vis were 2.2 eV

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Applied Numerical Mathematics
Multiple time-dependent coefficient identification thermal problems with a free boundary
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