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Evaluating alveolar bone thickness in upper and lower incisors from orthodontic perspective. A Cone beam computed tomography-based retrospective study

Purpose: This study aimed to assess the thickness of alveolar bone of maxillary and mandibular incisors from orthodontics perspective. Materials and Method: A total of 73 Cone beam computed tomography for Iraqi patients (47 females and 26 males) were included in this study. The selected images were captured and imported to AutoCAD database software to perform the measurement. To measure alveolar bone thickness, a reference line was drawn through the long axis of each incisor, from the incisal edge to the root apex. Then, labial and lingual/palatal perpendicular lines were drawn to the reference line at 3, 6, and 9mm apically from the cemento-enamel junction (CEJ). Results: The buccal bone is generally thinner than the lingual/palatal bone. The bone gets relatively thicker closer to the apex. The buccal bone for all lower incisors was less than 1 mm at 3- and 6-mm distance. It was slightly thicker at the central incisor as compared to the lateral at 9-mm distance. Genders have a difference in the thickness of the palatal alveolar bone in their right and left lateral incisors, which are 3mm and 9mm, respectively. Alveolar bone thickness is significantly positively correlated with several teeth. Conclusions: Males and females in this study showed comparable alveolar bone thickness. The alveolar bone thickness increased with increasing age. It is essential to assess the thickness of alveolar bone pre-orthodontic treatment (especially for patients with thin biotype, and those cases that involve labial proclination of the lower incisors).

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Proposing a Scheme for Human Interactive Proof Test using Plasma Effect

            Human Interactive Proofs (HIPs) are automatic inverse Turing tests, which are intended to differentiate between people and malicious computer programs. The mission of making good HIP system is a challenging issue, since the resultant HIP must be secure against attacks and in the same time it must be practical for humans. Text-based HIPs is one of the most popular HIPs types. It exploits the capability of humans to recite text images more than Optical Character Recognition (OCR), but the current text-based HIPs are not well-matched with rapid development of computer vision techniques, since they are either vey simply passed or very hard to resolve, thus this motivate that

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Materials Today: Proceedings
Studying the impact of condensate blockage on gas production: A review

When the drawdown pressure amounts to a value below the dew point pressure, a minor droplet of condensate is shaped and accumulated in the close area of wellbore. As the accumulation happens, the saturation of the liquid will grow and a reduction in gas relative permeability will happen, therefore it will affect the productivity. Generally, condensate baking problem in gas wells is being deliberated and studied and numerous techniques have been suggested to solve the problem. The studying of condensate banking dynamics is essential to evaluate the productivity and behavior of the wells of the gas fields.

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2021
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences (pen)
A proposed encryption technique of different texts using circular link lists

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Multi-variables Multi -sites Model for Forecasting Hydrological Data Series

A multivariate multisite hydrological data forecasting model was derived and checked using a case study. The philosophy is to use simultaneously the cross-variable correlations, cross-site correlations and the time lag correlations. The case study is of two variables, three sites, the variables are the monthly rainfall and evaporation; the sites are Sulaimania, Dokan, and Darbandikhan.. The model form is similar to the first order auto regressive model, but in matrices form. A matrix for the different relative correlations mentioned above and another for their relative residuals were derived and used as the model parameters. A mathematical filter was used for both matrices to obtain the elements. The application of this model indicates i

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Intelligent Engineering And Systems
A Ranked-Aware GA with HoG Features for Infant Cry Classification

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Further Results on (a, d) -total Edge Irregularity Strength of Graphs

Consider a simple graph   on vertices and edges together with a total  labeling . Then ρ is called total edge irregular labeling if there exists a one-to-one correspondence, say  defined by  for all  where  Also, the value  is said to be the edge weight of . The total edge irregularity strength of the graph G is indicated by  and is the least  for which G admits   edge irregular h-labeling.  In this article,   for some common graph families are examined. In addition, an open problem is solved affirmatively.

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Tigris And Euphrates Rivers: Their Environment From Headwaters To Mouth
Ornamental Fishes: A Looming Danger for Inland Fish Diversity of Iraq

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Properties of the Adjoint Operator of a General Fuzzy Bounded Operator

Our goal in the present paper is to recall the concept of general fuzzy normed space and its basic properties in order to define the adjoint operator of a general fuzzy bounded operator from a general fuzzy normed space V into another general fuzzy normed space U. After that basic properties of the adjoint operator were proved then the definition of fuzzy reflexive general fuzzy normed space was introduced in order to prove that every finite dimensional general fuzzy normed space is fuzzy reflexive.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Int. J. Nanoelectronics And Materials
The response of a window glass to the frequencies of sound

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Removal of Nickel Ions Using A Biosorbent Bed (Laminaria saccharina) Algae

The present study aims to remove nickel ions from solution of the simulated wastewater using (Laminaria saccharina) algae as a biosorbent material. Effects of experimental parameters such as temperature at (20 - 40) C⁰, pH at (3 - 7) at time (10 - 120) min on the removal efficiency were studied.
Box-Wilson method was adopted to obtain a relationship between the above three experimental parameters and removal percentage of the nickel ions. The experimental data were fitted to second order polynomial model, and the optimum conditions for the removal process of nickel ions were obtained.
The highest removal percentage of nickel ions obtained was 98.8 %, at best operating conditions (Temperature 35 C⁰, pH 5 and Time 10 min).

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