Genus Eucalyptus belongs to the family Myrtaceae that consists of more than 700 species, various hybrids and varieties. The majorly distributed species that are grown in Iraq are Eucalyptus alba, E. macarthurii, E. siderophloia and E. camaldulensis, E. tereticornis, E. vicina. Most Eucalyptus species are highly dependent on rainfall, and this is challenged by climatic changes owing to global warming making it difficult to effectively match the availability of mature trees and the market demand, especially for use as power transmission poles. With the widespread availability of other naturally occurring Eucalyptus species, it has become important to determine the genetic diversity and to analyze the phenotypic traits of these species for suitability as power transmission poles. However, the absence of complete genomic data for this plant greatly limits its ability to progress genetically. The goal of this study was to examine the ribosomal RNA gene in Eucalyptus plants and control the sequencing system on a large scale in this species. Samples from plants were used to extract genomic DNA. Detection analysis was performed using PCR methods. Sequence analysis of ribosomal RNA gene was conducted with data analysis. Gel electrophoresis revealed bands of extracted nucleic acid from the ribosomal RNA gene of plants. The ribosomal RNA gene had several transitions and transversion mutations when compared to other globally known ones. Our findings demonstrated that the ribosomal gene developed in this study can be used for detecting the genus of Eucalyptus plants and obtaining 14 species belonging to the genus of the Eucalyptus was registered at the Gene Bank as new species in Iraq.
Environmental factors that damage plant cells by dehydrating them, such cold, drought, and high salinity, are the most common environmental stresses that have an impact on plant growth, development, and productivity in cultivated regions around the world. Several types of plants have several drought, salinity, and cold inducible genes that make them tolerant to environmental challenges. The purpose of this study was to investigate several species in
Genetic variation was studied in 22 local and imported samples collected from local Iraqi market by using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD-PCR). Five randomly primers set were used in this study. These primers produced 292 bands. Molecular weights of these bands ranged between 1.8 Kb (1800 bp) to 150 bp. The percentage of polymorphic bands is 100%, with one distinguished band which is produced by using C52 primer. The other primers did not produce any distinguished band. The results of Dendrogram of the studied samples depended on RAPD-PCR results by using Jaccard coefficient for genetic similarity was distributed the samples into 8 groups. This Dendrogram revealed a higher similarity between Iraqi/Yousifia green bell pepper and Jo
... Show MoreThe role of transmembrane protease serine 2(TMPRSS2) in prostate carcinogenesis relies on overexpression of ETS transcription factors. The aim of this article was to investigate the association of TMPRSS2 polymorphism (rs12329760 (C\T)) with prostate cancer (PCa) in sample of Iraqi patients. One hundred and two individuals were involved in this study for the period from February – 2019 to February – 2020. The sample type was formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue samples (FFPE), which involved fifty-six samples of pre-diagnosed patients with prostate cancer, aged between 48 and 86 years, and forty-six samples were found to be controls (healthy group) dependent on Prostate Gland integrity, which is the same age as in a group o
... Show MoreThis study was carried out to assess genetic diversity of ten cultivars of Rice (Oryza sativa L.). One of DNA markers based on Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was used namely DAF markers (DNA Amplification Fingerprint). Six primers were tested, the results showed, that no amplification products using the primers OPD.14 and OPM.5. Two primers (OPX.8 and OPT.2) produced monomorphic band across all cultivars, while only two primers generated polymorphic bands. The number of total bands produced from one of them (OPN.7) were sixteen. Also this primer produced ten polymorphic profiles (DAF patterns) which were unique to the ten cultivars that could be distinguished. The number of total bands generated by primer OPX.1 were thirteen and this prim
... Show MoreLeishmaniasis is one of the important parasitic diseases, affecting mainly low social class people indeveloping countries, and is more prevalent and endemic in the tropical and subtropical regions of old worldand new world. Despite ofbroad distribution in Iraq,little known about the geneticcharacteristics of thecausative agents. So this study was aimed to evaluate the genetic varietyoftwo IraqiLeishmaniatropicaisolatesbased on heat shock protein gene sequence 70 (HSP70) in comparison with universal isolates recordedsequences data. After amplification and sequencing of HSP70 gene,the obtainedresults were alignment alongwith homologous Leishmania sequences retrieved from NCBI by using BLAST. The analysis results showedpresence of particular g
... Show MoreTench is a cyprinid fish that has undergone human-induced translocations. The natural populations of the species are on the decline due to habitat loss and spawning grounds degradation. The genetic diversity of seven natural populations was investigated to establish the genetic knowledge base for successful conservation efforts and for selective breeding. Twelve microsatellite markers, the sequencing of a 615 bp section of mtDNA (Cytb) and PCR-RFLP analysis of two nuclear markers (Act) and (RpS7) were used to analyze the genetic variation and structure among 175 individuals. All microsatellite loci were found to have moderate levels of polymorphism. The pairwise Fst values between population pairings were moderate; the populations w
... Show MoreFourteen morphologically varied Ricinus communis L. seeds were collected from different localities in Egypt, El-Sudan and Saudi Arabia. Seed morphology and ITS barcoding analysis were performed to assess their diversity and phylogenetic relationship. Sequence’s alignment of nrITS region from different accessions display high levels of genetic similarities. Cluster analysis could not group different accessions according to their geographical distribution. Nevertheless, the genetic barcodes are interestingly matched with the morphological features of the Ricinus seeds. In conclusion, seed morphology proved to be a valuable tool in evaluating biodiversity and phylogenetic relationship in plant species with different loca
... Show MoreGenetic diversity was studied in 31 Iraqi common reed samples , which were collected from Iraqi marshes in Basrah , Messan and Thi-Qar provinces and also from different areas in Baghdad province . Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique was used for evaluation of genetic diversity between collected samples . Seven primers were used for polymorphism detecting between common reed samples . The results revealed 102 bands for the all samples when RAPD-PCR was used . The percentage rate for the monomorphic bands is 6.86% , while the percentage rate for the polymorphic bands is 93.13% , and the numbers of these bands are ranging between 10 to 17 for each used primer . The UBC1 primer gave the highest number of poly
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