لقد مثلت عملية التحول من النظام الشمولي الى مشروع اقامة نظام جديد ومغاير نقلة نوعية شهده المجتمع العراقي بعد 9/4/ 2003 القت بظلالها على مختلف الاصعدة السياسية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية، ولعل من بين ابرز تلك التحولات ذلك الذي تبلور على حول مفهوم الهوية الوطنية واعادة تشكيلها من خلال صياغة جديدة لمفهوم المواطنة الذي يفترض ان تكون القاعدة الراسخة التي يتأسس عليها المشروع الوطني الجديد الرامي الى إقامة او إعادة تأسيس الدولة العراقية الجديدة دولة المؤسسات وحكم القانون. والملاحظ ان عملية التحول الكبيرة والقاسية تلك وان كانت في مجملها مدعاة الى التفاؤل والامل في بناء دولة تحترم مواطنيها ويضطلع نظامها السياسي بالواجبات او المهام التي يتعين عليه انجازها، الا انها واجهت ومازالت عقبات كأداء شوهت ذلك الهدف، وقد لانجانب الواقع اذا ماوضعنا ( مفهوم الهوية ودلالاته) في مقدمة تلك العقبات، وذلك لان المفهوم قد تم تشويهه اساساً على مدى سنوات ومراحل بناء الدولة العراقية منذ بدايات القرن الماضي صعوداً. وعليه تنطلق هذه الدراسة من فرضية مفادها: ان اشكالية الهوية في العراق تعود الى تعدد وتنوع واختلاف المكونات الاجتماعية التي تبدأ بالقومية والدين واللغة وتنتهي بالقبيلة والطائفة، وعلى الرغم من التداخل والتفاعل والتعايش بين هذه المكونات الاجتماعية فقد بقيت الحدود الجغرافية لاتتطابق مع حدود المشاعر القومية والدينية والطائفية وذلك لتعدد الولاءات والانتماءات التي تستقطب كل واحدة منها مشاعر الولاء الاجتماعي حولها . وعليه فأن عملية بناء الدولة العراقية يجب ان تستند الى اسس وطنية مجردة من أية نزعات طائفية أو عرقية أو دينية عنصرية، لتكون الهوية العراقية الوطنية الواحدة هي الهدف أولا وأخيرا، ولكن ليس على حساب أية مجموعة أو طائفة معينة
Islamic Culture face many challenges Such as، Secularism، westrenism، globalism and Colonialism under current attempts For western States and united states of America to dominate on world and Confront all her Opponent Polaris it be clear when U. S. A. Occupied Afghanistan and Iraq and Threatened many Arabic and Islamic States
Islamic Culture face many challenges Such as، Secularism، westrenism، globalism and Colonialism under current attempts For western States and united states of America to dominate on world and Confront all her Opponent Polaris it be clear when U. S. A. Occupied Afghanistan and Iraq and Threatened many Arabic and Islamic States
Most of World nations are striving to provide the necessary needs to protect their economic properties assets against natural or abnormal disasters that may be inflicted on such property and the means that used by such countries to reduce the damages is insurance, whereas insurance as a system that collects and distributes different risks into the group thus to achieve a social symbiosis between individuals. The system works to transfer the risks from the individual to the group and then distributes the losses to all members of the group.
According to the importance of the insurance sector and the need to develop it as well as working on improving its performance, this search aims to identify the ac
... Show MoreAbstract The success of the system of government in any country needs to have a handle on the amount of power efficiency , capacity , capability and wisdom, Iraq has gone through since its inception through several stages of time, namely: The first stage: which ran from August 23, 1921 until July 14, 1958 and was ruling monarchy (rule of the royal family) and punishing power of political elites both of them and works access to power without taking into consideration the laws and principles of the Constitution, and as a result of the inability of civilian powers and political parties access to power to grant that army officers regulatory and disciplinary specifications as well as possessing arms and overthrow the rule of the minority coup
... Show MoreThe vision and philosophy of the economic system in Iraq after 2003 were not clear-cut because of overlapping internal factors was the novelty of the political system and the lack of political and economic decision makers to understanding and conviction full need shaping a new administration for the Iraqi economy is able to succeed economic development programs, and external factors was determinedly organizations international application of shock reforming style and contrary to the social reality and the security which reflected negatively on the work and consistency Lisseeash financial balance between stability and growth and raise the level of consumer spending and the importance of r
... Show MoreAppeared in the light of globalization growing convergence of the distances between the countries in world, this convergence is causing mixing of cultures to become culture is a universal one culture, There are positives and negatives of this mixing and mingling of cultures, consider Loss of cultural identity is one of the biggest negatives the Arab cultural infrastructure in general and Iraq in special. In addition consider subject to not keep the cultural identity is the most important Arab issues and dangerous to our Arab identity in various fields, including design and architecture, highlights here the subject of research on the impact of globalization on the identity of the interior spaces, cafés of Baghdadi, one of the historical
... Show MoreIn order to achieve overall balance in the economy to be achieved in different markets and at one time (market commodity, monetary and labor market and the balance of payments and public budget), did not provide yet a model from which to determine the overall balance in the economy and the difficulty of finding the inter-relationship between all these markets and put them applied in the form of allowing the identification of balance in all markets at once.
One of the best models that have dealt with this subject is a model
(LM-BP-IS), who teaches balance in the commodity market and money market and balance of payments and the importance of this issue This research tries to shed light on the reality
اشكالية المواطنة في الخطاب الاسلامي المعاصر
Explanation of article events , or discribing it establish to anderstanding an phenomenon which its effects still clear in the art , surching like this may be very usful in the analysis of new art , which considering one of the most important turns in the history of art . and if we look to human body in the art as existenc in the art , from it’s begening to the modern age . so we can understand the meaning of this existence and it’s directins which cover all the worid and the lead us to thiories and suggestion’s help in understand to this direction and the effects between our arts and the external directions.
بعض المعادلات في اشكالية الانتخابات العراقية