يهدف البحث إلى تشخيص أوجه القصور ونقاط الضعف في تطبيق أبعاد جودة الحياة الوظيفية ومدى تأثيرها على اتجاهات وسلوكيات الموظفين، وبالتالي علاقتها بتعزيز مقدراتهم الجوهرية. وتنبع القيمة العلمية للبحث من إبراز أهمية أبعاد جودة حياة العمل في تحسين الكفاءة الإنتاجية للعاملين في القطاع العام ورفع مستوى الأداء التنظيمي. ولأن جودة الحياة العملية تلعب دوراً مهماً في تعزيز المقدرات الأساسية للموظفين في القطاع العام، فإنها يمكن أيضاً أن تكون حافزاً أو مثبطاً لأي موظف من خلال التكيف مع الظروف الاقتصادية والاجتماعية التي يعيش فيها الفرد والجهود المبذولة في عملهم. استخدم الباحثون المنهج الوصفي التحليلي من خلال اعتماد الاستبيان كأداة أساسية. تم اختيار وزارة الصحة كمجتمع للبحث من خلال مسح عينة شملت المدير العام ومساعديهم، ورؤساء الأقسام ومساعديهم، من مدراء الاقسام والشعب والوحدات. وبلغ حجم العينة 155 من قيادات وزارة الصحة، وتم استخدام البرنامج الإحصائي SPSS لتحليل البيانات. وأظهرت نتائج البحث أن هناك علاقة ارتباط وتأثير مباشر لابعاد جودة حياة العمل ومساهمتها في تعزيز المقدرات الجوهرية في الوزارة المبحوثة مما ينعكس على تحسين ادائها الوظيفي بشكل عام. نوع البحث: ورقة بحثية
The historical center's landscape suffers from neglect, despite their importance and broad capabilities in enhancing the cultural value of the historical center, as landscape includes many heterogeneous human and non-human components, material and immaterial, natural and manufactured, also different historical layers, ancient, modern and contemporary. Due to the difference in these components and layers, it has become difficult for the designer to deal with it. Therefore, the research was directed by following a methodology of actor-network theory as it deals with such a complex system and concerned with an advanced method to connect the various components of considering landscape as a ground that can include various elements and deal wi
... Show MoreThe problem of research is that there are ways to protect and sustain environmentally important sites in Iraq. There are no documentary sources for these sites, such as the natural landscape of natural and important natural resources, which suffer from severe environmental neglect
Objective: The aim of this study was to develop a bioadhesive gel of gatifloxacin for the treatment of periodontal diseases.Methods: Periodontal gels of gatifloxacin were prepared using different hydrophilic polymers such as carbopol 940 (CP 940), carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose (HPMC) in varied concentrations, either alone or as a combination. The prepared gels were evaluated for their physical appearance, pH, drug content, viscosity, bioadhesiveness and in vitro drug release profile. The influence of the type and the concentration of polymer on the drug release as well as on viscosity and mucoadhesiveness of prepared gels were investigated.Results: The prepared gels showed acceptable physical proper
... Show MoreThis study aims to formulate azithromycin oleogel to locally treat skin infections such as acne vulgaris and skin wound infection. Providing a form of azithromycin that can be administered topically is highly desired to prevent unwanted systemic complications including diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain. Additionally, it will avoid first pass metabolism, improves patient acceptance, provides an alternative in nauseated patients, decreases the dose by direct contact with the pathological site, and provides a noninvasive and convenient mode of administration. Furthermore, for treating wound infections, the gel will act as a scaffold biomaterial for wound closure besides its antibacterial effect. Herein, we propose the use of grapeseed oil-b
... Show MoreObjective: The purpose of this study was to determine the association between caries related microorganisms in children’s saliva, such as Streptococcus mutans and lactobacilli, and their demographic factors. Methods: This study involved a sample of 135, both sexes with an age range between 3 and 10 years. Unstimulated saliva was obtained and diluted in normal saline. Saliva was then placed in selective media. Salivaris agar was used for mutans streptococci while Rogosa agar for lactobacilli. After incubation, Streptococcus mutans counting of CFU (colony forming units) with morphology characterization and numbers of CFU per milliliter of saliva for lactobacilli. Demographic factors information was collected using a questionnaire.
... Show MoreMK Al-Janabi, NA Nasir, RK Jaber, AO Oleiwe, Iraqi Postgraduate Medical Journal, 2018 - Cited by 7
This paper set forth the spatial suitability of the informal settlement supposed to be distributed by the Iraqis government to poor people. The Iraqi government identified 9 locations of informal settlement in Baghdad city and acceptance it as a reality as a help for them to getting home. In this paper I discovered the suitability of those locations which one will be suitable more than others for living. The analysis process was applied using the GIS environment – spatial analysis. According to the results, It has been identified as the most important measures to identify which one of these areas suitable for development for housing by using some criteria (Distance from the city center, Proximity from transport routes, Proximity of high v
... Show MoreModern trends have appeared recently in educational thought that call for the achievement of the outcomes of the educational process. Some of these trends are the development of individual thinking skills, considering the individual differences, and learning basic skills. The five-year learning cycle is one of these models. It is called as five-year learning cycle because it passes through five stages. These five stages are: (operate - discover - clarify - expand – Evaluate), which make the learner as the main axis for activating thinking processes. This can be done by organizing study materials through research, investigation, and identifying concepts by himself, as in learning sports skills that depend on motor performance and teamwork,
... Show MoreArgumentation is not a contemporary, yet a deep rooted intellectual phenomenon dates back to Romans and Greeks times. The argumentative elements ,the author is trying to convey to the reader, are linguistic procedures aim at persuading and being persuaded of what is true. The present study traces, through Camus’ novel The plague, the best method to construct argumentative techniques used to express the author’s deep philosophies.
L’argumentation n’est pas un phénomène intellectuel nouveau, ses origines reviennent aux savants grecs et romains. Elle est une act
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