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The Role of Quality of Work Life in Reinforcing Core Competencies: A Descriptive and analytical research in the Ministry of Health
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يهدف البحث إلى تشخيص أوجه القصور ونقاط الضعف في تطبيق أبعاد جودة الحياة الوظيفية ومدى تأثيرها على اتجاهات وسلوكيات الموظفين، وبالتالي علاقتها بتعزيز مقدراتهم الجوهرية. وتنبع القيمة العلمية للبحث من إبراز أهمية أبعاد جودة حياة العمل في تحسين الكفاءة الإنتاجية للعاملين في القطاع العام ورفع مستوى الأداء التنظيمي. ولأن جودة الحياة العملية تلعب دوراً مهماً في تعزيز المقدرات الأساسية للموظفين في القطاع العام، فإنها يمكن أيضاً أن تكون حافزاً أو مثبطاً لأي موظف من خلال التكيف مع الظروف الاقتصادية والاجتماعية التي يعيش فيها الفرد والجهود المبذولة في عملهم. استخدم الباحثون المنهج الوصفي التحليلي من خلال اعتماد الاستبيان كأداة أساسية. تم اختيار وزارة الصحة كمجتمع للبحث من خلال مسح عينة شملت المدير العام ومساعديهم، ورؤساء الأقسام ومساعديهم، من مدراء الاقسام والشعب والوحدات. وبلغ حجم العينة 155 من قيادات وزارة الصحة، وتم استخدام البرنامج الإحصائي SPSS لتحليل البيانات. وأظهرت نتائج البحث أن هناك علاقة ارتباط وتأثير مباشر لابعاد جودة حياة العمل ومساهمتها في تعزيز المقدرات الجوهرية في الوزارة المبحوثة مما ينعكس على تحسين ادائها الوظيفي بشكل عام.   نوع البحث: ورقة بحثية

Publication Date
Mon Jun 17 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Extraction Behaviour of Dioctylamine and Tricaprylamine Toward Uranium and Some of the Metal Ins
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 The extraction behaviour of a secondary amine (Dioctylamine) and a combination of secondary amine and tertiary amine (Tricapryl amine) toward some of the metal ions were investigated. Two types of diluents were applied, namely, mesitylene and treated Kerosene fraction. The extractability of dioctylamine and different combinations of tertiary amine and secondary amine toward uranium were investigated. The distribution coefficients and the separataion factors of uranium from the metal ions were calculated.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Aquatic Geochemistry
The Origin and MgCl2–NaCl Variations in an Athalassic Sag Pond: Insights from Chemical and Isotopic Data
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The relationship between organizational culture and administrative creativity among colleges' deans and their assistants in Baghdad University
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Generally, the academic facilities necessitate specific criteria to be under the regional standards such as creative leaders, and a positive climates that induce to create an organizational culture within the academic institution. Consequently, these variables promote to improve the educational and administrative performance pursuing to achieve the general objectives. Thus, the current research aims to explore the level of privileged organizational culture among Baghdad University Colleges, explore the administrative creativity of deans and their assistants in addition to identify the relationship between them. The researchers prepared two instruments which were distributed among (70) individual of the targeted sample to collect the requ

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Dna Repair
The interactions between DNA methylation machinery and long non-coding RNAs in tumor progression and drug resistance
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DNA methylation is one of the main epigenetic mechanisms in cancer development and progression. Aberrant DNA methylation of CpG islands within promoter regions contributes to the dysregulation of various tumor suppressors and oncogenes; this leads to the appearance of malignant features, including rapid proliferation, metastasis, stemness, and drug resistance. The discovery of two important protein families, DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs) and Ten-eleven translocation (TET) dioxygenases, respectively, which are responsible for deregulated transcription of genes that play pivotal roles in tumorigenesis, led to further understanding of DNA methylation-related pathways. But how these enzymes can target specific genes in different malignancies;

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
New Methods and Old Issues: Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Social Network Sites in the Arab Region
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This paper critically looks at the studies that investigated the Social Network Sites in the Arab region asking whether they made a practical addition to the field of information and communication sciences or not. The study tried to lift the ambiguity of the variety of names, as well as the most important theoretical and methodological approaches used by these studies highlighting its scientific limitations. The research discussed the most important concepts used by these studies such as Interactivity, Citizen Journalism, Public Sphere, and Social Capital and showed the problems of using them because each concept comes out of a specific view to these websites. The importation of these concepts from a cultural and social context to an Ara

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Analytical Solutions to Investigate Fractional Newell-Whitehead Nonlinear Equation Using Sumudu Transform Decomposition Method
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Some nonlinear differential equations with fractional order are evaluated using a novel approach, the Sumudu and Adomian Decomposition Technique (STADM). To get the results of the given model, the Sumudu transformation and iterative technique are employed. The suggested method has an advantage over alternative strategies in that it does not require additional resources or calculations. This approach works well, is easy to use, and yields good results. Besides, the solution graphs are plotted using MATLAB software. Also, the true solution of the fractional Newell-Whitehead equation is shown together with the approximate solutions of STADM. The results showed our approach is a great, reliable, and easy method to deal with specific problems

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Global Pharma Technology
Application of H-Point Standard Addition Method in Kinetic- Spectrophotometric Determination of Phenylephrine in Nasal Drops and Tetracycline in Capsule
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A new simultaneous spectrophotometric-kinetic method was developed to determine phenylephrine (PHEN) and tetracycline (TETR) via H-point standard addition method (HPSAM). The proposed procedures rely on the measurements of the difference in the rate of charge-transfer (CT) reaction between each of PHEN and TETR as electron donors with p-Bromanil (p-Br) as an electron acceptor. Different experimental factors which affect the extent of the complex formation were investigated by monitoring the value of absorbance at 446 nm. Time pair of 50 -100 sec was selected and employed, among different examined pairs since it results in the highest accuracy for HPSAM-plot. Linear calibration graphs in the concentration ranges of 10.0-40.0 and 10.0–50.0

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Forced Displacement during the Syrian Forced Displacement during the Syrian Crisis, and its Impact on Jaramana’s Children's Education: A Field Study , and its Impact on Jaramana’s Children's Education: A Field Study: نهال ريحاوي جلب , قاسم الربداوي
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The study aims to examine the problem of forced displacement and its social and economic problems in light of the Syrian crisis. Such an aim helps to know the difficulties and challenges facing the children of displaced families in learning, and the reasons for their lack of enrolment. It also clarifies whether there are significant statistical differences at  among the attitudes of the children of the displaced families towards education regarding the following variables: (the work of the head of the family, the economic level of the family, and the work of the children). The study has adopted the descriptive-analytical approach;  a questionnaire was adopted as a tool to collect information. The study was applied to a sample o

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 03 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Discrete Mathematics
Heavy Metals Pollution in Soil and Its Influence in South of Iraq
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The aim of this paper is to determine the significant levels of some heavy metals such: lead, chromium, nickel and cadmium, were determined. Sources of pollution and their distribution according to presence of elements in the soils over the whole zone of the province of Maysan in southern of Iraq were investigated 36 soil samples from different zones: residential, industrial, commercial, agricultural and main roads, were collected from the soil surface and a depth of 30 cm and analyzed measuring of concentrations for heavy metals by a device ICP-MS technique. The results were compared with global standard levels of these elements in the soil.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Bacterial and Fungal Contamination in Three Brands of Cosmetic Marketed in Iraq
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         Cosmetic products must be safe for use by consumers , It is also regulated and required the legislation of countries all over the world .  In this study out of 80 cosmetic products analyzed and 32.5% were found to be contaminated .Products such as mascara, lip pencil and eye pencil were analyzed . The contaminants including bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus , Staphylocoocus epidermidis , Pseudomonas aeruginosa , Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumonia   which were ranging  in number  from (103-104 ) C.F.U. /ml and fungi such as Penicillium spp. , <

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