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The Effect of Flow as a Strategy on EFL Student-teachers' Performance and their Flow
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This study aims at suggesting flow as a strategy for training female EFL student-teachers in the teaching training course and finding out the effect of this strategy on their performance and their flow state. The training course syllabuses will be constructed according to the flow nine factors and the teaching skills. The measurement tools are the student-teacher performance checklist that has already been used by the department of English language and SHORT Flow State Scale (S FSS-2). The study population is represented with the (60) female student-teachers/ fourth stage/ evening studies at theEnglish department /college of education for women/the University of Baghdad. The study is used the experimental design in that (30) of the student-teachers are selected randomly and divided into two groups (15) student-teachers for the experimental group, trained according to the flow strategy, and (15) for control one, trained according to the conventional way. The flow state is investigated and used for comparing the two groups. After gathering the data and analyzing them statistically, the results show that the strategy has influenced the experimental group students' performance and their flow state. Accordingly, the recommendation indicates the importance of incorporating the flow in the teacher education programs, and the suggestions are given to study the flow in in-service EFL teachers and to make further studies concerning the flow and positive psychology of the EFL teacher.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 30 2007
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Performance of Dual-Media Down-Flow Rapid Gravity Filters
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The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of variation of influent raw water turbidity, bed composition, and filtration rate on the performance of mono (sand) and dual media (sand and anthracite) rapid gravity filters in response to the effluent filtered water turbidity and headloss development. In order to evaluate each filter pe1formance, sieve analysis was made to characterize both media and to determine the effective size and uniformity coefficient. Effluent filtered water turbidity and the headloss development was recorded with time during each experiment.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Study Impact of Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) on a Transmission Line Performance under Different Loading Conditions
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Now-a-days the Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) technology is very effective in improving the power flow along the transmission lines and makes the power system more flexible and controllable. This paper deals with the most robust type of FACTS devices; it’s a Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC). Many cases have been taken to study how the system behaves in the presence and absence of the UPFC under normal and contingency conditions. The UPFC is a device that can be used to improve the bus voltage, increasing the loadability of the line and reduce the active and reactive power losses in the transmission lines, through controlling the flow of real and reactive power. Both the magnitude and the phase angle of th

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 03 2023
Journal Name
مجلة كلية التربية للبنات
Iraqi EFL Teachers Perspective towards Virtual Platforms in Teaching EFL
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Virtual platforms are online classes used in teaching and learning EFL that let both teachers and students connect, communicate and cooperate online in real time. Learners get access to educational possibilities at home easily. Virtual classes can be conducted using a variety of techniques, including video conferencing, Google Meet, Zoom, conversations, reactions, and screen sharing. Users can access these programs on a range of gadgets, including laptops, tablets, and smartphones. The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic affected all educational institutions, including schools, colleges, and universities. Our Iraqi educational institutions have been switched to use virtual platforms in this pandemic, much as all other foreign institutions

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 11 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Water flow velocity and oxide film formation effect on copper pipe corrosion
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An overall mathematical model for copper pipe corrosion in flowing water was derived based on mass transfer fundamentals where we introduced the effects of boundary layer velocity, bulk flow velocity and the surface oxide protective film on the corrosion rate. A set of experiments were conducted in a straight 10mm diameter copper pipe, flow of water include six velocities of maximum value 7.33m/sec at 200C and 350C. The good agreement between the calculated and experimental corrosion rate values were achieved , the agreement reached 92% .

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 02 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluation of the Stability and Flow of Asphalt Concrete Produced with Waste Brick Tile Powder as a Filler
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The utilization of recycled brick tile powder as a replacement for conventional filler in the asphalt concrete mix has been studied in this research. This research evaluates the effectiveness of recycled brick tile powder and determines its optimum replacement level. Using recycled brick tile powder is significant from an environmental standpoint as it is a waste product from construction activities. Sixteen asphalt concrete samples were produced, and eight were soaked for a day. Samples contained 5% Bitumen, 2% to 5% brick tile powder, and conventional stone dust filler. The properties of samples were evaluated using the Marshall test. It was observed that the resistance to stiffness and deformation of asphalt concrete

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Degree of Student Teachers Acquisition at Sultan Qaboos University in Skills of Teaching Arabic via A Virtual Micro-Teaching Lab Based on their Point of View
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The study aims to investigate the degree of student teachers at Sultan Qaboos University acquired skills in teaching Arabic via a virtual micro-teaching lab, as well as to reveal the difficulties they faced and their development proposals. To do this, the researchers developed a questionnaire divided into four dimensions: planning, implementation, evaluation, and

ethical values for the teaching profession, in addition to two open-ended questions to identify difficulties and suggestions. It was administered to (30) student teachers. The results revealed that the average degree of student-teacher acquisition of skills was high in its four dimensions. It ranged between (39.2) to (82.2), while the overall average was (56.2).

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 03 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Batch and Flow-Injection Spectrophotometric Determination of Thymol Using Procaine Hydrochloride as a New Chromogenic Reagent
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New, simple and sensitive batch and Flow-injecton spectrophotometric methods for the determination of Thymol in pure form and in mouth wash preparations have been proposed in this study. These methods were based on a diazotization and coupling reaction between Thymol and diazotized procaine HCl in alkaline medium to form an intense orange-red water-soluble dye that is stable and has a maximum absorption at 474 nm. A graphs of absorbance versus concentration show that Beer’s law is obeyed over the concentration range of 0.4-4.8 and 4-80 µ of Thymol, with detection limits of 0.072 and 1.807 µ of Thymol for batch and FIA methods respectively. The FIA procedure sample throughput was 80 h-1. All different chemical and physical e

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Design Parameters and Support Conditions on Natural Frequency of Pipe Excited by a Turbulent Internal Flow
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In this study, the effect of design parameters such as pipe diameter, pipe wall thickness, pipe material and the effect of fluid velocity on the natural frequency of fluid-structure interaction in straight pipe conveying fully developed turbulent flow were investigate numerically,analytically and experimentally. Also the effect of support conditions, simply-simply and clamped-clamped was investigated. Experimentally, pipe vibrations were characterized by accelerometer mounted on the pipe wall. The natural frequencies of vibration were analyzed by using Fast Fourier Transformer (FFT). Five test sections of two different pipe diameters of 76.2
mm and 50.8 mm with two pipe thicknesses of 3.7 mm and 2.4 mm and two pipe materials,stainles

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Pakistan Journal Of Medical And Health Sciences
The Effect of Hand Blood Flow on the Peripheral Fingertip Plethysmographic Waveforms Morphology and Pulse Wave Velocity
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Photoplethysmography (PPG) is a non-invasive optical technique that employs variations in light absorption produced by alteration in the blood volume in capillaries at the skin during the cardiac cycle. This study aims to understand factors related to PPG morphology; a hand-elevation, the study has modified blood flow to and from the finger was conducted in the laboratory. It is widely established that the position of the limb relative to the heart has an effect on blood flow in arteries and venous. Peripheral digital pulse wave (DPW) signals were obtained from 15 healthy volunteer participants during hand-elevation, and hand-lowering techniques wherein the right hand was lifted and lowered relative to heart level, while the left h

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal For Re Attach Therapy And Developmental Diversities
Challenges of Developing Communicative Competence among Iraqi EFL Undergraduate Student
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Research in the field of English language as a foreign language (EFL) has been consistently highlighted the need for communicative competence skills among students. Accompanied by the validated positive impact of technologies on students’ skills’, this study aims to explore the strategies used by EFL students in enhancing their communicative competence using digital platforms and identify the factors of developing communicative competence using digital platforms (linguistic factors, environmental factors, psychological factors, and university-related factors). The mixed-method research design was utilized to obtain data from Iraqi undergraduate EFL students. The study was conducted in the Iraqi University in Baghdad Iraq. EFL undergradu

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