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Determination of Ethanol in Fermented Broth by Headspace Gas Chromatography using Capillary Column
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The gas chromatography (GC) method in analytical chemistry is a quick and accurate method to detect volatile components like ethanol. A method for determining volatile components known as Headspace chromatography (HS-GC) was developed along with an internal standard method (ISM) to identify ethanol in fermented broth in the laboratory. The aim of this research is determining the concentration of ethanol in fermented broth using capillary column (ZB-1). This method can analyze ethanol concentrations in the fermented medium broth ranging from 10 to 200 g/L. The validation of this method was done in order to obtain the results to be of high precision and the significant, precision was represented as the relative standard deviation (RSD) which was less than 5%, accuracy was less than 4 % and significance level was p [ 0.05. It was found that this method exhibited good reproducibility.

Publication Date
Thu May 17 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Two Derivative Spectrophotometric Methods for the Simultaneous Determination of 4-AminoAntipyrine in Presence of Its Acidic Products
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    Simple, economic and sensitive mathematical spectrophotometric methods were developed for the estimation 4-aminoantipyrine in presence of its acidic product. The estimation of binary mixture 4-aminoantipyrine and its acidic product was achieved by first derivative and second derivative spectrophotometric methods by applying zero-crossing at (valley 255.9nm and 234.5nm) for 4-aminoantipyrine and (peak 243.3 nm and 227.3nm) for acidic product. The value of  coefficient of determination  for the liner  graphs were  not less than 0.996 and the recovery percentage were found to be in the range from 96.555 to 102.160. Normal ratio spectrophotometric method 0DD was used 50 mg/l acidic product as a divisor

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Chemical Methodologies
Determination of the Quantity of Losartan Active Ingredient in the Medication Formulations via Turbidimetric-Flow Injection Technique
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Publication Date
Mon Jul 20 2020
Journal Name
Biochemical And Cellular Archive
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In Iraqi patients with acromegaly the present investigation included 40 control group and 70 patients with acromegaly divided 35 patients with Diabetic while another 35 patients without Diabetic, with ages between (29-72) years for the identification of GST activity polymorphisms by present and absent GSTM1, GSTT1, and PCR-RFLP, enzymatic digestions were carried out using BsmAI (Biolabs. England, UK) for GSTP1b and AciI (Biolabs, England, UK) for GSTP1c.the association GSTActivity with GST genotype were investigated in a cohort of Iraq acromegaly patients comparing with the healthy control group. The results show a non-significant change in GSTP1b gene in both groups, while show high significantly in GSTP1c in diabetic and non-diabetic acro

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 25 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Determination and measuring some of the physical and chemical parameters in the clay of Lake Hamrin, Iraq
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The composition of the clay taken from the lake of Hamrin, Iraq was studied with the determination of the concentrations of the major oxides and the minor oxides in it.   Kaolinite was the most dominant clay in the samples, while quartz was the most abundant non-clay mineral. 

Some physico-chemical parameters in lake's water were determined such as oxygen, a chlorosity, nutrient salts,  pH, total alkalinity, total nitrogen, total phosphorous and silicate.

The effect of increased wastewater and human activities affected the composition of water and lead to a decrease in the productivity of the lake which was reflected by the relatively low pH values (average 8.0) and alkalinity in water as a result of t

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Publication Date
Mon May 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Spectral Study of the Pollutants ( Gelbstoff) in Water Liquefaction of Some areas of Baghdad Province by Using the Technique of Raman, Flora
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  In this research we study one of the pollutants(Gelbstoff ) such as Humic  and Fulvic Acids  in tap waters by using the technique of  Raman, Flora to some regions of Baghdad , the results appear that the tap waters  were pollutants which know yellow substance or Gelbstoff instant of suspending waters, which appear through the scattering of the incident light to same the wave length of Raman ,also calculate Raman shift which was 3640 cm-1 and force constant to band (O – H ) was 743 N/m, where the peak of Raman was at the wave length 441 nm after used the excitation wave length 380 nm . The results were in an agreement with lectures [8][9][10].

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Prediction of Compressive Strength of Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements by Using Combined Non-Destructive Tests
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This research is devoted to investigate relationship between both Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity and Rebound Number (Hammer Test) with cube compressive strength and also to study the effect of steel reinforcement on these relationships.
A study was carried out on 32 scale model reinforced concrete elements. Non destructive testing campaign (mainly ultrasonic and rebound hammer tests) made on the same elements. About 72 concrete cubes (15 X 15 X15) were taken from the concrete mixes to check the compressive strength.. Data analyzed.Include the possible correlations between non destructive testing (NDT) and compressive strength (DT) Statistical approach is used for this purpose. A new relationships obtained from correlations results is give

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis and Characterization of Multishapes of Fe3O4 Nanoparticle by Solve-Hydrothermal Method Using Microwave Radiation
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Iron oxide(Fe3O4) nanoparticles of different sizes and shapes were synthesized by solve-hydrothermal reaction assisted by microwave irradiation using ferrous ammonium sulfate as a metal precursor, oleic acid as dispersing agent, ethanol as reducing agent and NaOH as precipitating agent at pH=12. The synthesized Fe3O4 nano particles were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), FTIR and thermal analysis TG-DTG. Sizes and shapes of Fe3O4 nanoparticles were characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and atomic force microscopy (AFM).

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences
Comparison between the estimated of nonparametric methods by using the methodology of quantile regression models
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This paper study two stratified quantile regression models of the marginal and the conditional varieties. We estimate the quantile functions of these models by using two nonparametric methods of smoothing spline (B-spline) and kernel regression (Nadaraya-Watson). The estimates can be obtained by solve nonparametric quantile regression problem which means minimizing the quantile regression objective functions and using the approach of varying coefficient models. The main goal is discussing the comparison between the estimators of the two nonparametric methods and adopting the best one between them

Publication Date
Wed Nov 28 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Engineering & Technology
Improvement of Gypsum Soil by Using Polyurethane to Reduce Erosion and Solubility of Irrigation Canals
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The reducing of erosion and the solubility of irrigation canals soils which constructed on gypsum soil is important in civil and water resources engineering. The main problem of gypsum soils is the presence of gypsum which represents one of most complex engineering problems, especially when accompanied by the moving of water which represent dynamic load along the canal. There are several solutions to this problem, in this research “Poly urethane” is used to give the gypsum soil sufficient hardness to reduce the solubility and erosion, after compacting the soil in the canal, percentages of Poly urethane was used to making cover to the soil by mixing percent of soil with Poly urethane, and the ratio was as follows: (5 and 10) % an

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 08 2023
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment, And Sustainability: Tmrees23fr
Analysis of x-ray diffraction lines of cuprous oxide nanoparticles by using variance analysis method
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In this study, the results of x-ray diffraction methods were used to determine the Crystallite size and Lattice strain of Cu2O nanoparticles then to compare the results obtained by using variance analysis method, Scherrer method and Williamson-Hall method. The results of these methods of the same powder which is cuprous oxide, using equations during the determination the crystallite size and lattice strain, It was found that the results obtained the values of the crystallite size (28.302nm) and the lattice strain (0.03541) of the variance analysis method respectively and for the Williamson-Hall method were the results of the crystallite size (21.678nm) and lattice strain (0.00317) respectively, and Scherrer method which gives the value of c

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