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Alternation of consonants in the Iraqi "Baghdad" dialect
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This article discusses the most beloved and creative dialect of the Arabs - the Iraqi dialect, despite its complexity, but it has a lot of beautiful foreign vocabulary. We followed a descriptive and historical approach, also tracked phonetic changes in this dialect, and then gave phonological explanations for these phenomena, trying to connect most of the phenomena with their historical roots in the standard Arabic "al-Fussha" and in ancient Arabic dialects. Most modern linguists have realized the need to study these dialects, since many of the modern dialect characteristics are only extensions of some ancient Arabic dialects, and do not refer them to the classical language. The study of modern Arabic dialects may be faced with a number of obstacles being in this important area of linguistic investigations, including the feeling that the study of modern dialects is a kind of encouragement and the desire to demonstrate and replace them with Classical Arabic.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Changes of the susceptibility of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria to the local therapeutic agent by using Nitrogen laser
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This study involves the investigation of the effect of nitrogen laser with 337.1 nm wavelength on the sensitivity of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria by using local therapeutic due to burns. Thirty six isolate of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria were isolated from 25 patients suffering from sever burns, each isolate of bacteria was irradiated with nitrogen laser at (5, 10, 15 and 30) pulses/second repetition rates for 1, 5, 10, 20 and 30 minutes for each repetition rate. The effects of nitrogen laser on the local therapeutics sensitivity of bacteria were obtained using Kirby Baur method. Changes in the sensitivity of bacteria to local therapeutics (Tetracyclin, Chloramphenicol, Flumizin and Fucidin) occur at high repetition rate(30 pulses/seco

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 13 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Investigation the Effect of Process Variables on the Formability of Parts Processed by Single Point Incremental Forming
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Incremental sheet metal forming process is an advanced flexible manufacturing process to produce various 3D products without using dedicated tool as in conventional metal forming. There are a lot of process parameters that have effect on this process, studying the effect of some parameters on the strain distributions of the product over the length of deformation is the aim of this study.

In order to achieve this goal, three factors (tool forming shape, feed rate and incremental step size) are examined depending on three levels on the strain distributions over the wall of the product. Strain measurement was accomplished by using image processing technique using MATALB program. The significance of the control factors are explored u

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of annealing temperature on the optical properties of (Cu2S)100-x( SnS2 )x thin films
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Thin films of (Cu2S)100-x( SnS2 )x at X=[ 30,40, &50)]% with thickness (0.9±0.03)µm , had been prepared by chemical spray pyrolysis method on glass substrates at 573 K. These films were then annealed under low pressure of(10-2) mbar ,373)423&473)K for one hour . This research includes , studying the the optical properties of (Cu2S)100-x-(SnS2)x at X=[ 30,40, &50)]% .Moreover studying the effect of annealing on their optical properties , in order to fabricate films with high stability and transmittance that can be used in solar cells. The transmittance and absorbance spectra had been recorded in the wavelength range (310 - 1100) nm in order to study the optical properties . It was found that these films had direct optical band

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental Study of the Effect of Fuel Type on the Emitted Emissions from SIE at Idle Period
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The present study investigated the impact of fuel kind on the emitted emissions at the idling period. Three types of available fuels in Iraq were tested. The tests conducted on ordinary gasoline with an octane number of 82, premium gasoline with an octane number of 92, and M20 (consist of 20% methanol and 80% regular gasoline). The 2 liters Mercedes-Benz engine was used in the experiments.

The results showed that engine operation at idle speed emits high levels of CO, CO2, HC, NOx and noise. The produced emission levels depend highly on fuel type. The premium gasoline (ON=92) represents the lower emissions level except for noise at all idling speed. Adding methanol to ordinary gasoline (ON=82) showed high levels of emi

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Global Pharma Technology
Morphometric Assessment of the Cerebellum of the Pre-implanted albino Rats Embryos after Maternal Exposure to AgNPs
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Cerebellum (cb) is the most important and sensitive part of the central nervous system (CNS) after cerebrum. The exposure to any infection during embryogenesis produces abnormalities in the cerebellum function and morphology that effect on behavioral of offspring later. In the present study we used 30 mature female pregnant albino rats divided in to three groups, each group contain 10 females: G1 was considered the control group received D.W only, while G2 group treated orally with (2mg/kg /day) suspension of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) and G3 group treated orally with (20mg/kg/day) AgNPs. The embryos retrieved in different embryonic days from ED12 to ED21. In this study morphometric analysis was measured in the developing albino rats cere

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Studying the parameters effect of the sputtering yield for polypropylene bombarding by ions of atmospheric background gases
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Publication Date
Sun May 22 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Early Childhood Special Education
The impact of using learning acceleration model on the achievement of mathematics for third intermediate grade students
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The current study aims at identifying the impact of using learning acceleration model on the achievement of mathematics for third intermediategrade students. Forachieving this, the researchers chose the School (Al-Kholood Secondary School for Girls) affiliated to the General Directorate of Babylon Education / Hashemite Education Department for the academic year (2021/2021), The sample reached to (70) female students from the third intermediate grade, with (35) female students for each of the two research groups. The two researchers prepared an achievement test consisting of (25) objective items of multiple choice type, The psychometric properties of the test were confirmed, and after the completion of the experiment, the achievement test wa

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 15 2015
Journal Name
مجلة كلية التربية-المؤتمر العلمي التخصصي لكلية التربية
Investigation the Effect of Irradiation by Gamma-Ray on the Structural and Optical Properties of (CIGS) Films
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 29 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Different Magnetic Fields on The Relative Efficiency and The Energy Resolution of Nai(TI) Detectors
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The effect of different magnetic Jiel ds on the Nal(Tl) scintillation detector of (3"x3") and (1.5"x1.5")   sizes was studies, using the radioactive source Cs-137.

Two type:; of coils (A,B)  were used to produce the magnetic fields. The coil "A" is cylindrical of "9cm" diameter and "9cm" length , and of

2500 turns.

The measurements were taken in two positions ;the first when the crystal inside the coil ,and the second, the PMT inside the coil . The range of the magnetic field was (0.35,0.61,0.84,1.1 1,1.37,1.62,1.87 and

2.12) mT.

The coil "D" consists of two circular and parallel coils of "12 em" distance between them and of "18.5 em" diameter of each other and of "125" turns. rive &

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
The Effect of some Variables on the Formulation of Captopril as Tablets Shaymaa Nazar Al – Sammarrai
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Captopril is an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI) used to treat hypertension,
congestive heart failure, and myocardial infraction.
The only dosage form available for captopril is the plain tablet in strength of 12.5,25,50 and 100mg
This investigation is concerned with factors affecting the formulation of captopril as a plain
tablet dosage form of 50mg. Many trials were made to prepare satisfactory tablets for the drug by
using wet – granulation methods with various additives. It was found that poly vinyl pyrrolidone
(P.V.P.) as binder gave the most satisfactory tablets. At the same time a shorter disintegrantion time
and slower dissolution rate were obtained with the addition of starch

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