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Types, contents and scientific research methods used in public relations research at the College of Mass Communication 1989 - 2007.
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This study deals with knowing the types of research in public relations studies at the Faculty of Mass Communication for the period from 1989 to 2007 and knowing the methods that researchers used in their studies, as well as knowing the methods and tools of scientific research that were used, and whether one method or tool is used more than others, and knowing Samples used in the analysis. As well as the contents and types of this research The institutions that were subjected to the study, and the preparation of the respondents This research aims to answer the following questions:. A- What are the types of research and methods that were used in university theses that dealt with the topic? Public Relations at the Faculty of Media from 1989 - until 2007? B - What are the methods and tools of scientific research, and the types of samples used in this research. C - What are the contents and objectives of this research? D - What are the types of institutions that were subjected to the study, and the most important results they reached?

Publication Date
Wed Oct 12 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
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The title of the thesis (TAQWA "Piety", TAWAKKUL "Trusting” AND NIYYAH "Intention" ARE AMONG THE FACTORS OF ADJUSTMENT) is related to the first legislative source of Islam, the Qur’an, and highlights the positive effects while adhering to the teachings of Islamic Sharia in terms of its importance in building the individual and thus society.

In this study, the researcher follows the objective approach, which includes collecting verses that refer to the issue of piety, trust and intention, and studying the verses objectively according to the sources, language books, ethics, and so on.

I sought to give each topic important headings, then study the topic and clarify it in general, based on narrations an

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Publication Date
Wed May 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Experimental Comparison between Classical and Bayes Estimators for the Parameter of Exponential Distribution
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This paper is interested in comparing the performance of the traditional methods to estimate parameter of exponential distribution (Maximum Likelihood Estimator, Uniformly Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimator) and the Bayes Estimator in the case of data to meet the requirement of exponential distribution and in the case away from the distribution due to the presence of outliers (contaminated values). Through the employment of simulation (Monte Carlo method) and the adoption of the mean square error (MSE) as criterion of statistical comparison between the performance of the three estimators for different sample sizes ranged between small, medium and large        (n=5,10,25,50,100) and different cases (wit

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
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Abstract Planetary nebulae (PN) represents the short phase in the life of stars with masses (0.89-7) M☉. Several physical processes taking place during the red giant phase of low and intermediates-mass stars. These processes include :1) The regular (early ) wind and the envelope ejection, 2) The thermal pulses during Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB ) phase. In this paper it is briefly discussed how such processes affect the mass range of Planetary Nebulae(PN) nuclei(core) and their evolution, and the PN life time, and fading time for the masses which adopted. The Synthetic model is adopted. The envelope mass of star (MeN ) and transition time (ttr) calculated respectively for the parameter (MeR =1.5,2, 3×10-3 M☉). Another time scale is o

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
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This search aim to measure Hardness for Epoxy resin and for unsaturated Polyester resin as base materials for composite Hybrid and the materials used is Hybrid fiber Carbon-Kevlar. The Hand Lay-up method was used to manufacture plates of Epoxy resin (EP) and unsaturated Polyester EP,UPE backed by Hybrid fiber (Carbon-Kevlar) and with small volume fraction 5,10 and 15 for every there are Layer of fibers (1,2 and 3). The hardness test was count for material EP, UPE resin and there composites and that we notice that the Hardness (HB) decreased with increase of temperatures.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 11 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Extraction and Identification of Phenolic Compounds from the Iraqi Heliotropium europaeum L. plant
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           The plants of genus Heliotropium L. (Boraginaceae) are well-known for containing the toxic metabolites called pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) in addition to the other secondary metabolites. Its spread in the Mediterranean area northwards to central and southern Europe, Asia, South Russia, Caucasia, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, and India, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and over lower Iraq, Western desert. The present study includes the preparation of various extracts from aerial parts of the Iraqi plant. Fractionation, screening the active constituent, and identification by chromatographic techniques were carried out.Heliotropium  europaeum

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Scopus (3)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Aug 16 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Humanities And Social Sciences Research
Meditative Thinking and its Relationship to the Optional Dynamic Formation of Female Students
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Gymnastics play from sports games that need to use appropriate methods and strategies that address mental abilities and that let the learner create and think about better performance with the supervision and guidance of the teacher. The researcher has chosen meditative thinking, which is a kind of thinking that needs to be taken care of. It is thinking about the situation in front of the individual, analysing it to his elements and drawing up plans that need to be understood with a view to reaching the results required by the situation and evaluating the results in the light of the plans. The analysis of the situation looks to different elements and look for internal relationships between these elements in this case. The problem is that fem

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Key Engineering Materials
Synthesis and Characterization of the Thin Films NiSe2/Si Heterojunction for Solar Cells
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Thin film solar cells are preferable to the researchers and in applications due to the minimum material usage and to the rising of their efficiencies. In particular, thin film solar cells, which are designed based one transition metal chalcogenide materials, paly an essential role in solar energy conversion market. In this paper, transition metals with chalcogenide Nickel selenide termed as (NiSe2/Si) are synthesized. To this end, polycrystalline NiSe2 thin films are deposited through the use of vacuum evaporation technique under vacuum of 2.1x10-5 mbar, which are supplied to different annealing temperatures. The results show that under an annealed temperature of 525 K,

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jan 06 2021
Journal Name
المجلة العراقية لبحوث السوق وحماية المستهلك
The exposure of Baghdad slum residents to television drug advertisements and its trends
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Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Comparison Study between Iraqi Conditions of Contract and FIDIC Conditions- The Red Book
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Reconstruction in Iraq requires coherent legitimate frameworks that are able to detail obligations, rights and responsibilities of the parties participating in reconstruction projects, regardless their type or delivery system.
Conditions of Contract can be considered an important component of these frameworks. This paper investigates flexibility and appropriateness of the application of Iraqi conditions of contract in reconstruction projects. These conditions were compared to FIDIC Conditions. The objective wasn't comparing individual clauses, but rather exploring the principles and philosophy laying behind each conditions, and to what extent each conditions care about realizing equity between main contract parties. Validity of applic

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Publication Date
Sun May 28 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of Mercuric Exposure on Oxidative Stress and Enzymatic Antioxidant Defense System
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 Throughout the centuries, several incidents of mercury toxicity have been reported. Mercury is found in many industries such as battery, thermometer and barometer manufacturing, in the agricultural industry is used in fungicides and in medicine, mercury is used in dental amalgams. An important mechanism involved in cellular injury is induced by exposure to different forms of mercury involves in the induction of oxidative stress.      This study was conducted on non-smoker, male working in a chloroalkali plant for different periods, all workers were not suffering from chronic disease. Healthy non-smoker males that are not exposed, matched age were used as controls(C), workers aged (22-61) years, they were di

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