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A Framework for Predicting Airfare Prices Using Machine Learning
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Many academics have concentrated on applying machine learning to retrieve information from databases to enable researchers to perform better. A difficult issue in prediction models is the selection of practical strategies that yield satisfactory forecast accuracy. Traditional software testing techniques have been extended to testing machine learning systems; however, they are insufficient for the latter because of the diversity of problems that machine learning systems create. Hence, the proposed methodologies were used to predict flight prices. A variety of artificial intelligence algorithms are used to attain the required, such as Bayesian modeling techniques such as Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), Adaptive boosting (ADA), Decision Trees (DT), K- nearest neighbor (KNN), and Logistic Regression (LR), have been used to identify the parameters that allow for effective price estimation. These approaches were tested on a data set of an extensive Indian airline network. When it came to estimating flight prices, the results demonstrate that the Decision tree method is the best conceivable Algorithm for predicting the price of a flight in our particular situation with 89% accuracy. The SGD method had the lowest accuracy, which was 38 %, while the accuracies of the KNN, NB, ADA, and LR algorithms were 69 %, 45 %, and 43 %, respectively. This study's presented methodologies will allow airline firms to predict flight prices more accurately, enhance air travel, and eliminate delay dispersion.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Turkish Journal Of Physiotherapy And Rehabilitation
classification coco dataset using machine learning algorithms
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In this paper, we used four classification methods to classify objects and compareamong these methods, these are K Nearest Neighbor's (KNN), Stochastic Gradient Descentlearning (SGD), Logistic Regression Algorithm(LR), and Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP). Weused MCOCO dataset for classification and detection the objects, these dataset image wererandomly divided into training and testing datasets at a ratio of 7:3, respectively. In randomlyselect training and testing dataset images, converted the color images to the gray level, thenenhancement these gray images using the histogram equalization method, resize (20 x 20) fordataset image. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used for feature extraction, andfinally apply four classification metho

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Detecting Textual Propaganda Using Machine Learning Techniques
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Social Networking has dominated the whole world by providing a platform of information dissemination. Usually people share information without knowing its truthfulness. Nowadays Social Networks are used for gaining influence in many fields like in elections, advertisements etc. It is not surprising that social media has become a weapon for manipulating sentiments by spreading disinformation.  Propaganda is one of the systematic and deliberate attempts used for influencing people for the political, religious gains. In this research paper, efforts were made to classify Propagandist text from Non-Propagandist text using supervised machine learning algorithms. Data was collected from the news sources from July 2018-August 2018. After annota

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 09 2024
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A Novel Hybrid Machine Learning-Based System Using Deep Learning Techniques and Meta-Heuristic Algorithms for Various Medical Datatypes Classification
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Medicine is one of the fields where the advancement of computer science is making significant progress. Some diseases require an immediate diagnosis in order to improve patient outcomes. The usage of computers in medicine improves precision and accelerates data processing and diagnosis. In order to categorize biological images, hybrid machine learning, a combination of various deep learning approaches, was utilized, and a meta-heuristic algorithm was provided in this research. In addition, two different medical datasets were introduced, one covering the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of brain tumors and the other dealing with chest X-rays (CXRs) of COVID-19. These datasets were introduced to the combination network that contained deep lea

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Survey on Arabic Text Classification Using Deep and Machine Learning Algorithms
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    Text categorization refers to the process of grouping text or documents into classes or categories according to their content. Text categorization process consists of three phases which are: preprocessing, feature extraction and classification. In comparison to the English language, just few studies have been done to categorize and classify the Arabic language. For a variety of applications, such as text classification and clustering, Arabic text representation is a difficult task because Arabic language is noted for its richness, diversity, and complicated morphology. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis and a comparison for researchers in the last five years based on the dataset, year, algorithms and the accuracy th

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
AlexNet-Based Feature Extraction for Cassava Classification: A Machine Learning Approach
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Cassava, a significant crop in Africa, Asia, and South America, is a staple food for millions. However, classifying cassava species using conventional color, texture, and shape features is inefficient, as cassava leaves exhibit similarities across different types, including toxic and non-toxic varieties. This research aims to overcome the limitations of traditional classification methods by employing deep learning techniques with pre-trained AlexNet as the feature extractor to accurately classify four types of cassava: Gajah, Manggu, Kapok, and Beracun. The dataset was collected from local farms in Lamongan Indonesia. To collect images with agricultural research experts, the dataset consists of 1,400 images, and each type of cassava has

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science
BotDetectorFW: an optimized botnet detection framework based on five features-distance measures supported by comparisons of four machine learning classifiers using CICIDS2017 dataset
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<p><span>A Botnet is one of many attacks that can execute malicious tasks and develop continuously. Therefore, current research introduces a comparison framework, called BotDetectorFW, with classification and complexity improvements for the detection of Botnet attack using CICIDS2017 dataset. It is a free online dataset consist of several attacks with high-dimensions features. The process of feature selection is a significant step to obtain the least features by eliminating irrelated features and consequently reduces the detection time. This process implemented inside BotDetectorFW using two steps; data clustering and five distance measure formulas (cosine, dice, driver &amp; kroeber, overlap, and pearson correlation

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Evaluating Machine Learning Techniques for Carbonate Formation Permeability Prediction Using Well Log Data
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Machine learning has a significant advantage for many difficulties in the oil and gas industry, especially when it comes to resolving complex challenges in reservoir characterization. Permeability is one of the most difficult petrophysical parameters to predict using conventional logging techniques. Clarifications of the work flow methodology are presented alongside comprehensive models in this study. The purpose of this study is to provide a more robust technique for predicting permeability; previous studies on the Bazirgan field have attempted to do so, but their estimates have been vague, and the methods they give are obsolete and do not make any concessions to the real or rigid in order to solve the permeability computation. To

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 30 2023
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Traitement Du Signal
A Comprehensive Review on Machine Learning Approaches for Enhancing Human Speech Recognition
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Constructing a Software Tool for Detecting Face Mask-wearing by Machine Learning
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       In the pandemic era of COVID19, software engineering and artificial intelligence tools played a major role in monitoring, managing, and predicting the spread of the virus. According to reports released by the World Health Organization, all attempts to prevent any form of infection are highly recommended among people. One side of avoiding infection is requiring people to wear face masks. The problem is that some people do not incline to wear a face mask, and guiding them manually by police is not easy especially in a large or public area to avoid this infection. The purpose of this paper is to construct a software tool called Face Mask Detection (FMD) to detect any face that does not wear a mask in a specific

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Machine Learning Approach for Facial Image Detection System
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HM Al-Dabbas, RA Azeez, AE Ali, Iraqi Journal of Science, 2023

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