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Ligasure versus clamp and tie technique to achieve henostasis in thyroidectomy for benign diseases
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Gulf Economist
The Bayesian Estimation in Competing Risks Analysis for Discrete Survival Data under Dynamic Methodology with Application to Dialysis Patients in Basra/ Iraq
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Survival analysis is one of the types of data analysis that describes the time period until the occurrence of an event of interest such as death or other events of importance in determining what will happen to the phenomenon studied. There may be more than one endpoint for the event, in which case it is called Competing risks. The purpose of this research is to apply the dynamic approach in the analysis of discrete survival time in order to estimate the effect of covariates over time, as well as modeling the nonlinear relationship between the covariates and the discrete hazard function through the use of the multinomial logistic model and the multivariate Cox model. For the purpose of conducting the estimation process for both the discrete

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Paripex - Indian Journal Of Research
Using falling (deep) Jump training units to improve the explosive and characterized by speed forces for the badminton players College of physical education, and sport science for girls College of physical education, and sport science for girls College of physical education, and sport science for girls KEYWORDS
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The research abstract included introduction and the importance of the research, also included display of the problem represented by weakness for the players when performing some of the basic skills in badminton and the shuttle not reaching to the back corners of the court which gives the player the opportunity to win through applying the pressure on the opponent and make him away from the control center(T) which definitely required level of a collection muscular strength contributed in performance perhaps this related to a number of reasons related with weakness in physical changes especially explosive and characterized by speed forces for the badminton players and be acquainted with them and knowing the extent of their effect in performanc

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
The effect of rehabilitation exercises with different resistances in the water medium according to some variables and biomechanics in restoring the flexibility and strength of the thigh muscles for those with knee roughness
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It included the introduction to the research and its importance, as the knee joint is one of the important joints in the human body that are susceptible to injury, and among these injuries is the roughness of the knee that occurs as a result of weakness and imbalance in the work of the quadriceps muscle, so its treatment is through rehabilitation exercises to treat weakness and gain flexibility and strength.Hence the importance of the research by developing rehabilitation exercises with different resistances in the water medium and restoring flexibility and muscular strength for patients with knee roughness for ages from 30-40 years, and the experimental method was used to solve the research problem, and the research sample included (6) of

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 05 2014
Journal Name
Engineering And Technology Journal
New Method to Increase the Ability of the Water for Dissolving Total Salts in Soil by Using the Magnetism
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Publication Date
Sat Jun 17 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of progressive income tax on inflation in Iraq for the period from 1995 to 2020 : applied research
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                Inflation is one of the important issues that the economic authorities in all countries of the world care about, where the loss of money for its function is one of the most important and largest inflationary effects that this phenomenon leaves on the economy, and Iraq, like other countries, has had its share of the problem of inflation for a long time due to the circumstances that He went through it, whether it was the wars he fought or the economic blockade that was imposed on him in the nineties of the last century. Economically, the problem of inflation is addressed through the use of fiscal policy tools, including tax increases in order to abso

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of the market knowledge to improve marketing performance an empirical study for mobil communication companies in iraq
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       The study aimed to determine the extent of market knowledge in the companies researched, as if market knowledge is qualified to lead the companies researched to achieve marketing performance , for this purpose, formulated hypotheses of the study in three hypotheses, the first major hypothesis "there is a correlation with significance of market knowledge to improve the marketing performance  , "while the second major hypothesis, "there is a significant moral influence of market knowledge to improve the marketing performance  " these hypotheses targeting to determine the role played by market knowledge in the leadership of companies researched to achieve improvement in marketing perfor

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of progressive income tax on inflation in Iraq for the period from 1995 to 2020 : applied research
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                Inflation is one of the important issues that the economic authorities in all countries of the world care about, where the loss of money for its function is one of the most important and largest inflationary effects that this phenomenon leaves on the economy, and Iraq, like other countries, has had its share of the problem of inflation for a long time due to the circumstances that He went through it, whether it was the wars he fought or the economic blockade that was imposed on him in the nineties of the last century. Economically, the problem of inflation is addressed through the use of fiscal policy tools, including tax increases in order to abso

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
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Methods to stimulate consumer desire included in the production of communicative formats for contemporary commercial advertisements.: غسان فاضل الجبوري
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Companies need to educate people about the facts that characterize the business. This is the mission of promotion, it is an important marketing activity, promotion communicates with others and seeks to provide customers with a new business process experience.
Advertising is the most important methods of promotion and the best way to reach an audience. Once the organization advertises its products and services, it can operate in a competitive environment. Marketing competition requires knowledge of humanity that must be affected and convinced. Advertising should create Desires and need for satisfaction. This research comes in the study of visual representations of this psychological incident and how to use it communicatively to create

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Applied Energy
Deep clustering of Lagrangian trajectory for multi-task learning to energy saving in intelligent buildings using cooperative multi-agent
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The intelligent buildings provided various incentives to get highly inefficient energy-saving caused by the non-stationary building environments. In the presence of such dynamic excitation with higher levels of nonlinearity and coupling effect of temperature and humidity, the HVAC system transitions from underdamped to overdamped indoor conditions. This led to the promotion of highly inefficient energy use and fluctuating indoor thermal comfort. To address these concerns, this study develops a novel framework based on deep clustering of lagrangian trajectories for multi-task learning (DCLTML) and adding a pre-cooling coil in the air handling unit (AHU) to alleviate a coupling issue. The proposed DCLTML exhibits great overall control and is

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of an Educational Unit According To the Constructive Strategy in Developing Thinking Skills for Fifth Primary Students
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    The current phase distinguish by the rapid scientific development, which pushes individuals to have the necessities of scientific and practical life through the proper scientific thinking which contribute to the development of invention and creativity away from memorizing and indoctrination and encouraging individuals to looking for information and then attempting to process and develop these information instead of being a passive receiver. The investment of minds becomes the logical investment in all societies by preparing the citizen to become able to face life changes and its necessities. It is very important to take care of individuals and develop their mental abilities and thinking skills. The constructive strateg

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