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A note on an –module with -pure intersection property
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Let be a ring. Given two positive integers and , an module is said to be -presented, if there is an exact sequence of -modules with is -generated. A submodule of a right -module is said to be -pure in , if for every -Presented left -module the canonical map is a monomorphism. An -module has the -pure intersection property if the intersection of any two -pure submodules is again -pure. In this paper we give some characterizations, theorems and properties of modules with the -pure intersection property.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Research In Engineering And Technology (ijaret)
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ABSTRACT: Thin film of CdS has been deposited onto clean glass substrate by using Spray pyrolysis technique. Results of Morphological (AFM) studied; electrical properties and optical conductivity studied are analysis. AFM results show a crystalline nature of the films. From the conductivity measurement at different temperatures, the activation energy of the films was calculated and found to be between 0.188 - 0.124 eV for low temperature regions, and between 1.67-1.19eV for high temperature regions. Hall measurements of electrical properties at room temperature show that the resistivity and mobility of CdS polycrystalline films deposited at 400 C0, were 3.878x103 . cm and 1.302x104cm2/ (V.s), respectively. The electrical conductivity of th

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Hydrophilic Properties Study of Mn-TiO2 Thin Films Deposited by Dipping Technique
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in this paper, the current work was devoted to the manufacture of TiO2 nanoparticles doped with manganese,  synthesis by the sol-gel technique using a dip-conting device, for their hydrophilic properties and photocatalytic activity, and the products were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and Uv-Visible absorption, and the results  XRD showed an  phase Anatase  ,  and the results of the SEM Explained the shape of the morphology of the samples after the doping process compared with pure TiO2, and the results of a shift in light absorption from ultraviolet rays to visible light were evident. The results showed that the thin films have a high wettability   under visible rays

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 08 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Lebanese building law between texts, Application gaps and land scarcity
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This paper examines the gaps in Lebanese building law as well as the exploitation of contractors, stakeholders, and residents in order to make illegal profits at the expense of The Shape of urban agglomerations and their expansion in cities and rural areas, which is contrary to the principles of sustainable land development. It also emphasizes the amplification of the factors of vertical and horizontal building investments in the implementation of buildings contrary to the license, as well as the burden that this places on the city's resulting infrastructure and ability to absorb the activities and needs of its residents. The study then presents recommendations in the process of transformation in the technique of planning and application

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 11 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
á´ª-Prime Submodules
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      Let R be a commutative ring with identity and M be an unitary R-module. Let (M) be the set of all submodules of M, and : (M)  (M)  {} be a function. We say that a proper submodule P of M is -prime if for each r  R and x  M, if rx  P, then either x  P + (P) or r M  P + (P) . Some of the properties of this concept will be investigated. Some characterizations of -prime submodules will be given, and we show that under some assumptions prime submodules and -prime submodules are coincide. 

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 11 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
End á´ª -Prime Submodules
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      Let R be a commutative ring with identity and M  an unitary R-module. Let (M)  be the set of all submodules of M, and : (M)  (M)  {} be a function. We say that a proper submodule P of M is end--prime if for each   EndR(M) and x  M, if (x)  P, then either x  P + (P) or (M)  P + (P). Some of the properties of this concept will be investigated. Some characterizations of end--prime submodules will be given, and we show that under some assumtions prime submodules and end--prime submodules are coincide.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Almost and Strongly Almost Approximately Nearly Quasi Compactly Packed Modules
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In this paper, we present the almost approximately nearly quasi compactly packed (submodules) modules as an application of the almost approximately nearly quasiprime submodule. We give some examples, remarks, and properties of this concept. Also, as the strong form of this concept, we introduce the strongly, almost approximately nearly quasi compactly packed (submodules) modules. Moreover, we present the definitions of almost approximately nearly quasiprime radical submodules and almost approximately nearly quasiprime radical submodules and give some basic properties of these concepts that will be needed in section four of this research. We study these two concepts extensively.

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 30 2007
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
Plagiarism in Theses and Dissertations: Methods of Detecting and Avoiding
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The present study aims at identifying the styles, procedures of Iraqi universities to avoid plagiarism and evaluate these steps, also to evaluate the form prepared by the Directory of Scientific Supervision and Evaluation, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. The study uses documentary style, 150 teachers in the following colleges (Education Ibn Rushd, Languages and Arts) in university of Baghdad whom already used the aforementioned list were the sample of the study and they asked to give their opinions about the list.The study consists of five sections, first one deals with general view, second explains plagiarism and its types, shapes and reasons,third tackles with ways of detecting plagiarism, its programs, consequences

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Materials In Civil Engineering
Moisture Susceptibility and Fatigue Performance of Hydrated Lime–Modified Asphalt Concrete: Experiment and Design Application Case Study
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Hydrated lime has been recognized as an effective additive used to improve asphalt concrete properties in pavement applications. However, further work is still needed to quantify the effect of hydrated lime on asphaltic concrete performance under varied weather, temperature, and environmental conditions and in the application of different pavement courses. A research project was conducted using hydrated lime to modify the asphalt concretes used for the applications of wearing (surface), leveling (binder), and base courses. A previous publication reported the experimental study on the resistance to Marshall stability and the volumetric properties, the resilient modulus, and permanent deformation at three different weather temperatures. This

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
International Communications In Heat And Mass Transfer
Study of synthesis, stability and thermo-physical properties of graphene nanoplatelet/platinum hybrid nanofluid
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In the present study a new synthesis method has been introduced for the decoration of platinum(Pt) on the functionalized graphene nanoplatelet (GNP) and also highlighted the preparation method of nanofluids. GNP–Pt uniform nanocomposite was produced from a simple chemical reaction procedure, which included acid treatment for functionalization of GNP. The surface characterization was performed by various techniques such as XRD, FESEMand TEM. The effective thermal conductivity, density, viscosity, specific heat capacity and stability of functionalized GNP–Pt water based nanofluids were investigated in different instruments. The GNP–Pt hybrid nanofluids were prepared by dispersing the nanocomposite in base fluid without adding any surfac

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 19 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study the Effect of Zn Doping in the Structural and Electrical Properties of CdTe Thin Films
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Some of structural ,and electrical properties of pure and zinc (Zn) doped cadmium telluride thin films with impurity percentages (0.5, 1, 1.5)%, deposited on hot glass substrate (temperature equals to 423K) of  thickness of 300nm and rate deposition of 0.5 nm.s-1  by thermal co-evaporation technique under vacuum of (2×10-5)Torr have been investigates. The structural properties for the prepared films were studied before and after. doping process by analysis of the X-ray diffraction, and it appeared that pure and dopant  CdTe thin films are polycrystalline and have the cubic structure with preferential orientation in the [111] direction, and the crystal structure of the films were improved due to doping process. From d.c

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