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Identification of Time-Wise Thermal Diffusivity, Advection Velocity on the Free-Boundary Inverse Coefficient Problem
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This paper is concerned with finding solutions to free-boundary inverse coefficient problems. Mathematically, we handle a one-dimensional non-homogeneous heat equation subject to initial and boundary conditions as well as non-localized integral observations of zeroth and first-order heat momentum. The direct problem is solved for the temperature distribution and the non-localized integral measurements using the Crank–Nicolson finite difference method. The inverse problem is solved by simultaneously finding the temperature distribution, the time-dependent free-boundary function indicating the location of the moving interface, and the time-wise thermal diffusivity or advection velocities. We reformulate the inverse problem as a non-linear optimization problem and use the lsqnonlin non-linear least-square solver from the MATLAB optimization toolbox. Through examples and discussions, we determine the optimal values of the regulation parameters to ensure accurate, convergent, and stable reconstructions. The direct problem is well-posed, and the Crank–Nicolson method provides accurate solutions with relative errors below 0.006% when the discretization elements are M=N=80. The accuracy of the forward solutions helps to obtain sensible solutions for the inverse problem. Although the inverse problem is ill-posed, we determine the optimal regularization parameter values to obtain satisfactory solutions. We also investigate the existence of inverse solutions to the considered problems and verify their uniqueness based on established definitions and theorems.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Biotechnology Research Center
The Prophylactic Role of Lipopolysaccharide of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Against Corneal Infection
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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Theoretical Study of the Docking of Medicines with some Proteins
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A set of ten drug compounds containing an amino group in the structure were determined theoretically. The parameters were entered into a model to forecast the optimal values of practical (log P) medicinal molecules. The drugs were evaluated theoretically using different types of calculations which are AM1, PM3, and Hartree Fock at the basis set (HF/STO-3G). The Physico-chemical data like (entropy, total energy, Gibbs Free Energy,…etc were computed and played an important role in the predictions of the practical lipophilicity values. Besides, Eigenvalues named HOMO and LUMO were determined. Linearity was shown when correlated between the experimental data with the evaluated physical properties. The statistical analysis was used to analy

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Chinese Journal Of Physics
Investigation of the thermoelectric properties of one-layer transition metal dichalcogenides
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priorities of materials research due to their promising properties, especially in the field of thermoelectricity. The efficiency or performance of thermoelectric devices is expressed in terms of the thermoelectric figure-of-merit (ZT) – a standard indicator of a material’s thermoelectric properties for use in cooling systems. The evaluation of ZT is principally determined by the thermoelectric characteristics of the nanomaterials. In this paper, a set of investigative computations was performed to study the thermoelectric properties of monolayer TMDCs according to the semiclassical treatment of the Boltzmann transport equation. It was confirmed that the thermoelectric properties of 2D materials can be greatly improved compared with thei

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The preferences of planning bridges of Al-Mosul city post war
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The study started from the problems of wars and the damage that result from deterioration and destruction of infrastructure and the absence of planning and urban reconstruction. The study aims to address the condition of the bad destroyed bridges that have paralyzed traffic from the right and left sides of the city of Mosul. The study is based on the assumption that the reconstruction of bridges will improve the transportation network in the city of Mosul. The study relied on several approaches, including: the historical approach by reviewing global and local experiences and the descriptive approach to review the reality of the state of Mosul after the liberation process, through maps and the analytical approach through statistics and da

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Properties of the Adjoint Operator of a General Fuzzy Bounded Operator
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Our goal in the present paper is to recall the concept of general fuzzy normed space and its basic properties in order to define the adjoint operator of a general fuzzy bounded operator from a general fuzzy normed space V into another general fuzzy normed space U. After that basic properties of the adjoint operator were proved then the definition of fuzzy reflexive general fuzzy normed space was introduced in order to prove that every finite dimensional general fuzzy normed space is fuzzy reflexive.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Study of direct marketing methods and identificationThe suitability of each of them for application in the Iraqi marketAn analytical study of the views of a sample of wholesalers in Baghdad
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Study of Direct Marketing techniques and determining the scope of the suitability of each of them in the application in the Iraqi market - An analytical and explorative study for sample of views for wholesaler in Baghdad. The essential idea of the research is to go into the most important concepts which have been mentioned in the direct marketing and determining its current and most important techniques and knowing the scope of applying these techniques in Baghdad main markets (Karrada, Jamilah, shorja, Baya area, zeyouna and new Baghdad) and which of those techniques most applicable in these markets. The research took a sample of (100) wholesalers who practice the activities of selling nutritional items, auto and outs spare part

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Analisis de la metáfora en la poema " Noche oscura del alma" de San Juan de la Cruz Analysis metaphor in the poem "Dark Night of the Soul" John of the Cross
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 Una joven cuenta cómo, en plena noche, aprovechando la tranquilidad de esa hora, sale a escondidas de su casa y va a reunirse con su enamorado. Envuelta en la oscuridad, se deja dirigir por la luz de su propio amor hasta el lugar de la cita, donde la pasión de los amantes culmina. A continuación, relajados por la brisa nocturna, los amantes se adormecen, primero, el amado velado por la amada, por último, ella misma.

Amor entre dos enamorados. Unión mística de alma y Dios , aunque , de hecho , podría servirnos de clara exposición temática el subtitulo con que el poema suele publicarse en la tradición , tanto manuscrita como impresa : Canciones del alma que se goza d

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Association between Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms rs1042522 and rs1642785 in the TP53 gene and Acute Myeloid leukemia in a sample of the Baghdad/ Iraq population
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Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) represents the most prevalent type of acute leukemia in adults and is responsible for approximately 80% of all cases. The tumor suppressor gene (TP53) is a gene that has been frequently studied in cancer, and mutations in this gene account for about 50% of human cancers. This study aims to evaluate the correlation between two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the gene: rs1042522 and rs1642785, and a group of Iraqi patients suffering from pre-diagnostic acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Blood samples were collected from sixty patients (26 males and 34 females) and sixty controls (26 males and 34 females); these subjects were matched in gender, age, and ethnicity. Genomic DNA has been extracted fro

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Using Regression Analysis as Analytical Procedure to Facilitate the Decision-Making Process in The Tax Audit: An Applied Research in the General Commission of Taxes
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This research aims to clarify the advantages of using the regression method as analytical procedure in the tax audit to reducing the examination cost , time, effort, human and material resources, and represents an applied study in the General Commission of taxes. In order to achieve its objectives the research has used in the theoretical side the descriptive approach (analytical), and in the practical side regression method has been applied to the research sample represented by the soft drinks company that is subject to the tax settlement for the year 2014, where the value of sales has been verified by using the regression method without conductinga comprehensive examination. The most important results of the research indicate that the r

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
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The concept of stigma and its representations in the Arab theatrical text (The Sultan, Al-Ha'ir play, by choice): نزار شبيب كريم - علاء حاتم محسن
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The research deals with the concept of stigma as one of the important phenomena that cast a shadow over the nature of the individual, his being and his personality through the inferior view with which he confronts in society, and (Sartors) indicates in this regard that stigma may lead to negative discrimination that leads to many defects, in terms of obtaining On care, poor health, service, and frequent setbacks that can damage self-esteem. The first roots of this phenomenon go back to the Greek civilization and what the Greeks used to burn and cut off some parts of the body and then announce to the nation that the bearer of this sign is a criminal. In addition to the Arab peoples living from setbacks that contributed to the exacerbation

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