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The Correlation of P53 and MSI Immune Markers in Gastric Adenocarcinoma
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العلاقة بين تعبير المعلمات المناعية ل (P53) وعدم استقرار الساتل الميكروي  (MSI) مع العوامل السريرية المرضية لسرطان المعدة الغدي باستخدام الكيمياء النسيجية المناعية. الخلاصة الخلفية: يحدث سرطان المعدة الغدي بسبب عدم استقرار الكروموسومات، وطفرات TP53، واختلال الصيغة الصبغية، والانتقالات، والجينات الورمية الأولية، والتغيرات الجينية المثبطة للورم.عدم استقرار الساتل الميكروي(MSI)  يسبب فشل إصلاح عدم تطابق الحمض النووي، مما يؤثر على دقة تكرار الحمض النووي. يم الكشف عن أخطاء النسخ المتماثل المبكرة بواسطة مجمع البروتين المتغاير  (hMSH2/hMSH6) ، الذي يقوم بتفعيل hMLH1) و(hPMS2  لإعادة تكوين الحمض النووي. يحدث عدم استقرار الساتل الميكروي في حالات سرطان المعدة المتفرق ومتلازمة لينش. الهدف من الدراسة: دراسة العلاقة بين تعبيرالمعلم P53 وتعبير المعلمات المناعية لـعدم استقرار الساتل الميكروي (MSI) مع العوامل السريرية المرضية لسرطان المعدة الغدي باستخدام الكيمياء النسيجية المناعية. المواد والطرق: تم فحص 40 كتلة من نسيج سرطان المعدة الغدي المثبت بالفورمالين والمطمور بالشمع في بغداد، العراق. تناولت الدراسة حالات سرطان المعدة الأولية، مع البيانات السريرية المرضية المتاحة، والأنسجة الجراحية. التعبير المناعي الكيميائي الذي تم تقييمه بواسطة نظام تسجيل النقاط. تم استخدام برنامج SPSS لتحليل البيانات، كما تم استخدام اختبارات Chi-square واختبارات Fisher الدقيقة لتقييم الارتباطات. تم اعتبار مستوى الثقة 95٪ والقيمة الاحتمالية P 0.05 أو أقل مهمًا. النتائج : كان التصبيغ المناعي النسيجي الكيميائي لـ P53 إيجابيًا في 65٪ من الحالات، بينما كانت نتائج MSI إيجابية في 97.5٪ من الحالات. حصل الزوجان المتغايران MLH1/PMS2 على نتائج إيجابية بنسبة 32.5% ونتائج سلبية 67.5%، في حين حصل الزوجان المتغايران MSH2/MSH6 على نتائج إيجابية بنسبة 87.5% ونتائج سلبية 12.5%. ارتبطت صبغة P53 بشكل كبير بانتشار العقدة الليمفاوية  ودرجة الورم ، ولكن لم يكن هنالك ارتباط مع العوامل الأخرى. لم يتم العثور على ارتباط كبير بين معلمات MSI والعوامل المدروسة,لم يكن هناك ارتباط كبير بين معلمات MSI غير المتجانسة (MLH1 / PMS2) والمعلمات المرضية السريرية، ولكن كان هناك ارتباط كبير بين علامات MSI الزوجين غير المتجانسة (MSH2 / MSH6) والنقائل فقط . الاستنتاج: : يعد P53 معلما حيويا مهما لتقييم انتشار العقدة الليمفاوية  وعدوانيتها في التصنيف النسيجي، مما يشير إلى التشخيص، وتحديد مرضى السرطان الأكثر عرضة لخطر الإصابة بالورم النقيلي. على الرغم من أن MSH2/MSH6  اظهر ارتباطا مهمًا مع النقائل الورمية ، إلا أن معلمات MSI كان لها أقل قيمة إنذارية في دراستنا. هناك حاجة إلى مزيد من البحث لإثبات فعاليتها في علاج سرطان المعدة.

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Evaluation of the Activity of Olibanum Oil as an Immune Booster in Rats
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The applications of herbal medicine have recently acquired growing interest in range of the prophylaxis and treatment of diseases. Olibanum has been used since ancient eras and several reports studied the pharmacological characteristics of boswellic acid, particularly their effect on the inflammatory response, analgesic properties, and anti-arthritic activity mostly in cell lines, but new approaches include animal models to assess these natural derivatives effects taking into consideration of being safer than synthetic preparations.  The impact of olibanum oil on several parameters was studied in rats during this study. These included white blood cell (WBC) count, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and C reactive protein (CRP), as well a

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 03 2018
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Metaphorical correlation in the contemporary sculpture
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The present research is concerned with the way in which different dialects interact with each other in contemporary sculpture through the use of the metaphor for various shapes, meanings and materials and placing them in contexts that conflict with the familiar. These attempts come in harmony with the spirit of the times in seeking exoticism, surprise and splendor as a means of renewal. modern Art . Therefore, the research was divided into four axes, the first of which included the research problem, its importance and its aim, which is to attempt to uncover the metaphorical metaphorical relational mechanism in modern sculpture. The second axis included the theoretical framework. The third axis included the research procedures of determin

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 02 2020
Journal Name
Biochemical And Cellular Archives
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Orthodontic treatment is an inclusive treatment that includes growth adjustment of the craniofacial area and alveolar bone reconstruction that affects the movement of teeth. Apply orthodontic forces to correct teeth anomaly via alveolar bone remodeling includes a combination of cellular and molecular events in the gum. Orthodontic tooth movement is based on force induced periodontal ligament and alveolar bone remodeling. Mechanical motivation on a tooth causes an inflamed response in the gum tissue. Inflammatory immune markers stimulate the biological processes associated with alveolar bone resorption. The aim of this article is shedding light on the significance role inflammatory immune response in orthodontic treatment.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Discourse Markers in English spoken Language
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English, like any other language, has a number of such discourse markers including well, yes, surely, on the contrary, so and nevertheless. They are lexical items or grammatical forms typically serve to relate one utterance to another in discourse.
Discourse markers are considered as cues or signals for the reader or the hearer that make cohesion and coherence, In fact, these markers are found in various grammatical forms such as interjections, linking adverbials, greetings and farewells….etc. Discourse markers. Play a very important role, not only in conversation, but in written text as well.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of hot water and ethanol extract of Nigella sativa in immune system of Albino Mice
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The result showed that hot water and ethanol extracts of Nigella sativa contain alkaloids ,saponins, flavonoids,tannins,glycosides,terpins and steroids. Albino mice were administered orally with 0.1 of the extract at dose of 100 mg/kg, body weight the results showed high level of white blood cell ,total and differential count of WBC,phagocytosis index, mitotic index, Arthus and delayed type hypersensitivity. The result, also showed high level of hemoglobin (Hb) and the packed cell volume (PCV) the alcoholic extract has been found more efficient than hot water extract on mice.

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 26 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Medical Microbiology
Bacterial secretions in growth medium stimulate the mouse respiratory innate immune response
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ntroduction. Finding a safe innate immune response stimulator is one of the greatest challenges facing immunologists and vaccine manufacturers. Gap statement. The role of sterile bacterial secretions (SBSs) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in stimulating the innate immune response was not investigated previously. Aim. The comparative effect of SBSs and bacterial cells of P. aeruginosa isolates isolated from freshwater (PAE) and infected wounds (PAC) on the respiratory tract innate immune response. Methodology. Four test mice groups were instilled intranasally (i.n.) with 106 c.f.u of PAC, 106 c.f.u of PAE, SBS of PAC, and SBS of PAE. Two control groups were given i.n. either LB broth or PBS. Time-course changes in IL-1 beta mRNA, TNF-alpha mRNA, I

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2013
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HBV and HCV are the major causes of chronic liver diseases throughout the world, and constitute a major global health risk. There is accumulated evidence that the imbalance of proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokine production may play an important role in the pathogenesis of viral hepatic infections and may influence the clinical outcome and disease progression. This study was undertaken to analyze the circulating levels of Tumor Necrotic Factor (TNF-α) and Th2 cytokine IL-10 in patients infected with Hepatitis B and C virus. The study population consisted of 30 patients with chronic HBV, in addition to other 30 patients with chronic HCV infection were recruited on their first examination at the Al-Kindy General Hospital in Baghdad

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Public Health Research & Development
Immunohistochemical Expression of CDX2 Protein in Iraqi Patients with Human Gastric Cancer (HGC)
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This study aimed to evaluate the IHC expression of CDX2 protein in HGC patients and control groups and also to study the correlation between IHC expression of the CDX2 and different clinicopathological variables such as: age, gender, histopathological subtype, grade, and stage of the tumor in HGC cases. the retrospectively sectional study for the period from 2014 to 2018 included a total of 60 formalin fixed paraffin embedded blocks of the HGC tissue (partial or total gastrectomy specimens) that collected from the archived materials of the Department of Pathology of Baghdad Teaching Hospital and the Center of Gastrointestinal and Hepatic Diseases, and also some samples were collected from other private laboratories. The IHC expression of th

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Postgraduate Medical Journal
The polycystic ovary syndrome as a cause of increase in inflammatory markers and metabolic risks
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BACKGROUND: Polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS) is one of the most common endocrine disorder affecting women in reproductive age. No single etiologic factor fully accounts for the spectrum of abnormalities in the polycystic ovary syndrome. Different changes in hormonal, metabolism and the inflammatory markers as squealy of PCOS with adverse effect on the women life. OBJECTIVE: To study the relationship between polycystic ovary syndrome and levels of C-reactive protein, human interleukin and hormonal and metabolic alteration in women with PCOS PATIENTS AND METHODS: Thirty women with Polycystic Ovary syndrome (PCOS) and other thirty women without PCOS were included. Venous blood samples were taken in early follicular phase of menstrual cycle [day

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Pharmacy And Technology
Reading of Immune picture in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in Iraqi Patients
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Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a myeloproliferative disorders characterized by formation of Philadelphia chromosome. After disease development, several events may associate with the reduction of anti-tumor immunity. The present study was designed to investigate the immunological profile of innate and adaptive immune response in Iraqi patients with CML. Patients were grouped into untreated (UT), treated (T) with chemotherapy, while another apparently healthy individuals were recruited to represent the control (C) group. Methods: ELISA technique was used to estimate serum levels of GM-CSF, IL-1a, IL-8, IL2, INF-?, IL-4, and IL-10 while SRID was used to estimate serum levels of C4, IgM, IgA, and IgG. Results: Regarding to innate immune resp

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