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A partial image encryption scheme based on DWT and texture segmentation
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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
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Publicizing the survey image in local consumer protection the mission program is a model
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The investigative film is part of the documentary films and is considered one of the important films that have a high viewership by the recipient, which is of great importance in transmitting information and contributing to creating awareness of the community through the advertising function performed by the cinematic image, as the researcher addresses the concept of advertising and its development through the time stages. And advertising functions. Then the researcher dealt in his research with the cinematic technical elements that contribute to the success of the investigative advertising work, such as camera movements, music, sound effects, dialogue ... etc., which enrich the investigative picture with realism and the flow of informat

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Spiritual Communication in Sufi Discourse- A communicative –Semiotic Approach to the Sufi Symbolic Image
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This paper deals with a central issue in the field of human communication and reveals the roaming monitoring of the incitement and hatred speech and violence in media, its language and its methods. In this paper, the researcher seeks to provide a scientific framework for the nature of the discourse of incitement, hatred speech, violence, and the role that media can play in solving conflicts with their different dimensions and in building community peace and preventing the emergence of conflicts among different parties and in different environments. In this paper, the following themes are discussed:
The root of the discourse of hatred and incitement
The nature and dimensions of the discourse of incitement and hatred speech
The n

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Publication Date
Wed May 31 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Retrieving Image from Noisy Version depending on Multiwavelet Soft-Thresholding with Smoothing Filter
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In this paper, we describe a new method for image denoising. We analyze properties of the Multiwavelet coefficients of natural images. Also it suggests a method for computing the Multiwavelet transform using the 1st order approximation. This paper describes a simple and effective model for noise removal through suggesting a new technique for retrieving the image by allowing us to estimate it from the noisy image. The proposed algorithm depends on mixing both soft-thresholds with Mean filter and applying concurrently on noisy image by dividing into blocks of equal size (for concurrent processed to increase the performance of the enhancement process and to decease the time that is needed for implementation by applying the proposed algorith

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Estimation Activity And Partial Purification Of Leucine Amino Peptidase (Lap) In Patients Wiith Diabetic Nephropathy
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Leucine aminopepotidase (LAP)[EC:] activity has been assayed in (50) serum samples of patients with diabeties naphrophathy D.N (non-insulin dependent diabetic (NIDD) , and (50)serum sample of healthy individuals without any clinically detectable diseases have been as control group. The aim of this study is to measure leucine aminopeptidase activity and partially purifying the enzyme from sera of patients with diabetes nephropathy The results of this study revealed that Leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) activity of nephropathy patient’s serum shows a high signifiacant increase (p < 0.001) compared to that of the healthy subjects.LAP was purified from the serum of patients with diabetes nephropathy by dialysis and gel filtration (Se

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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
Some Properties of Mortar and Concrete Using Brick, Glass and Tile Waste as Partial Replacement of Cement
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The using of waste products as a recycled material was one of the most important studies for saving money and reduces the pollution. Mortar and concrete mixes with (10, 20 and 30)% of brick, glass and tile powder as replacement by weight of cement was investigated. The concrete mixes using brick or glass as 10%replacement of cement exhibited enhancement in compressive strength about (6, 4.7 and 2.0)% and (7.2, 5.6 and 2)% at age 7, 28 and 90 days respectively compared to reference mix. The 20% replacement of glass powder also showed an increase in the compressive strength up to (8, 6.3 and 4) %at age 7,28 and 90 days respectively compared to reference mix. Finally concrete mix using (10, 20 and 30) % tile powder as replacement of cement sho

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 17 2016
Journal Name
جلة ابن الهيثم للعلوم الصرفةم
isolation and partial purification of cell wall lipopolysaccharides of pseduomonas areuginosa and using it as Vaccine it
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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
Some Properties of Mortar and Concrete Using Brick, Glass and Tile Waste as Partial Replacement of Cement
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The using of waste products as a recycled material was one of the most important studies for saving money and reduces the pollution. Mortar and concrete mixes with (10, 20 and 30)% of brick, glass and tile powder as replacement by weight of cement was investigated. The concrete mixes using brick or glass as 10%replacement of cement exhibited enhancement in compressive strength about (6, 4.7 and 2.0)% and (7.2, 5.6 and 2)% at age 7, 28 and 90 days respectively compared to reference mix. The 20% replacement of glass powder also showed an increase in the compressive strength up to (8, 6.3 and 4) %at age 7,28 and 90 days respectively compared to reference mix. Finally concrete mix using (10, 20 and 30) % tile powder as replacement of cement sho

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Publication Date
Wed May 24 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
Some Properties of Mortar and Concrete Using Brick, Glass and Tile Waste as Partial Replacement of Cement
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The using of waste products as a recycled material was one of the most important studies for saving money and reduces the pollution. Mortar and concrete mixes with (10, 20 and 30)% of brick, glass and tile powder as replacement by weight of cement was investigated. The concrete mixes using brick or glass as 10%replacement of cement exhibited enhancement in compressive strength about (6, 4.7 and 2.0)% and (7.2, 5.6 and 2)% at age 7, 28 and 90 days respectively compared to reference mix. The 20% replacement of glass powder also showed an increase in the compressive strength up to (8, 6.3 and 4) %at age 7,28 and 90 days respectively compared to reference mix. Finally concrete mix using (10, 20 and 30) % tile powder as replacement of cement sho

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Control Program for Hydropower Operation Based on Minimizing the Principal Stress Values on the Dam Body: Mosul Dam Case Study
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This study examines the vibrations produced by hydropower operations to improve embankment dam safety. This study consists of two parts: In the first part, ANSYS-CFX was used to generate a three-dimensional (3-D) finite volume (FV) model to simulate a vertical Francis turbine unit in the Mosul hydropower plant. The pressure pattern result of the turbine model was transformed into the dam body to show how the turbine unit's operation affects the dam's stability. The upstream reservoir conditions, various flow rates, and fully open inlet gates were considered. In the second part of this study, a 3-D FE Mosul dam model was simulated using an ANSYS program. The operational turbine model's water pressure pattern is conveyed t

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Monochrome Image Hologram (MIH)
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A new computer-generated optical element called a monochrome image hologram (MIH) is described. A real nonnegative function to represent the transmittance of a synthesized hologram is used. This technique uses the positions of the samples in the synthesized hologram to record the phase information of a complex wavefront. Synthesized hologram is displayed on laser printer and is recorded on a film. Finally the reconstruction process is done using computerized .

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