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First-Principles Analysis of Cr-Doped SrTiO3 Perovskite as Optoelectronic Materials
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The influence of Cr3+ doping on the ground state properties of SrTiO3 perovskite was evaluated using GGA-PBE approximation. Computational modeling results infered an agreement with the previously published literature. The modification of electronic structure and optical properties due to Cr3+ introducing into SrTiO3 were investigated. Structural parameters assumed that Cr3+ doping alters the electronic structures of SrTiO3 by shifting the conduction band through lower energies for the Sr and Ti sites. Besides, results showed that the band gap was reduced by approximately 50% when presenting one Cr3+ atom into the SrTiO3 system and particularly positioned at Sr sites. Interestingly, substituting Ti site by Cr3+ led to eliminating the band gap indicated a new electrical case of transferring semiconducting material into a conducting material which intern enhance conductivity. Furthermore, it was found that Cr3+ doping either at Sr or Ti positions could effectively develop the SrTiO3 dielectric constant properties. In addition, the absorption spectra was extended to cover the visible light region of the electromagnetic radiation, indicating the capability of this compound in harvesting sunlight for solar cell applications. Consequently, it can be said that Cr3+ is an effective dopant which opening up new prospects for various industrial and technological applications.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
"Explanation of the Fundamentals for Al-Bazdawi" Study and Investigation (From the beginning of Prohibition Chapter to its End)
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This research addresses: Sharh Usul Al-Bazdawi "Explanation of the Fundamentals for Al-Bazdawi", by studying and investigating, from the beginning of prohibition chapter to its end. The researcher conducted a study about this book stating its significance and introducing the compiler and the commentator. The researcher as well mentioned that the prohibition has a special formula and requires repetition, and he went on explaining that prohibition according to Hanafis does not require absolute corruption of the prohibited matter unless based on an evidence, and that what is condemned as wrong act for itself is considered void and what is condemned as wrong act for external reasons is considered corrupt accor

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Evaluation of 532 nm Q-Switched Nd:YAG Laser and Acid Etching of Class V Composite Restoration: Comparative Histological Study
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Laser etching may be an alternative to acid etching of enamel and dentin. Several characteristics of irradiated dental hard tissues have been considered advantageous, microscopically rough surfaces without demineralization, open dentinal tubules without smear layer production and dentin surface sterilization. The aim of this study is to determine and compare histology the microleakage in class V cavity restored with a light cured composite after conditioning the samples(tooth surface) with 1-acid etching, 2-Q-switched Nd:YAG Laser etching and finally 3- acid and laser etching. Materials and methods: Twenty four non carious human extracted teeth were used in this study. The samples were equally grouped into four groups of six teeth each.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
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The Egyptian Journal Of Hospital Medicine
High Tumor Levels of Ki-67, VEGF and Endostatin Are Associated with Progression of Breast Cancer in Iraqi Women
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 13 2018
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Current Research In Microbiology And Biotechnology
Study of Rosemary Essential Oil Antibacterial Effect on bacteria Isolated from Urinary Tract Infections in some Hospitals of Baghdad
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Sixty urine samples were collected from women with urinary tract infection in different ages. The aims of this study were determined the dominancy of pathogens isolated from urine of women with UTI and evaluating the antibacterial activity of Rosmarinus officinalis L. essential oil against these pathogenic isolates. Identification of bacteria was done on Chromogenic orientation agar while disc diffusion method was used for determination the sensitivity of bacterial isolates to antibiotics and Agar well diffusion method was used for evaluation the antibacterial effect of Rosemary essential oil on these isolates. The results showed that 50% of women infected with Escherichia coli, it was dominants in ages above 15 years old while Staphylococc

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 12 2017
Journal Name
World J Exp Biosc
Detection and sequencing of blaVEB-1 gene in clinical isolates of Proteus mirabilis Isolates from Baghdad City`s hospitals
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In Present study, 25 clinical isolates of Proteus spp. of clinical samples, urine, wounds and burns collected from different hospitals in Baghdad city, all isolates were identified as Proteus mirabilis using different bacteriological media, biochemical assays and Vitek-2 system. It was found that 15 (60%) isolates were identifying as P. mirabilis. The susceptibility of P. mirabilis isolates to cefotaxime was 66.6 %, while to ceftazidime was 20%. Extended spectrum β-lactamses producing Proteus was 30.7 %. DNA of 5 isolates of P. mirabilis was extracted and detection for blaVEB-1 gene by using multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Results showed that the presence of this gene in all tested isolates, as an important indicator for increas

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 15 2023
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Effect of Partial Drip Irrigation Methods on Soil Moisture and Water Potential Distribution, Growth Characteristics and Yield of Maize
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A field experiment was conducted during the autumn of 2021 at the Agricultural Research Department station / Abu Ghraib to evaluate the soil moisture, water potential distribution, and growth factors of maize crops under alternating and constant partial drip irrigation methods. In the experiment, two irrigation systems were used, surface drip irrigation (DI) and subsurface irrigation (SD); under each irrigation system, five irrigation methods were: conventional irrigation (CI), and 75 and 50% of the amount of water of CI of each of the alternating partial irrigation APRI75 and APRI50 and the constant partial irrigation FPRI75 and FPRI50 respectively. The results showed that the water depth for conventional irrigation (C1) was 658.3

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2014
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Scholars Academic Journal Of Biosciences (sajb)
Prevalence and Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity of Dodonaea viscosa Extract and Antibacterial Agents against salmonella Spp. Isolated from Poultry
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A total of 200 samples (180 fecal materials and 20 organ samples) were collected from (5 different poultry farms, 10 local poultry shops, 5 houses poultry, 5 Eggs stores shops and 5hand slaughters centers) in Ibb city, Yemen, 2014. According to morphological, cultural, as well as biochemical characterization and serological tests, 59(29.5%) isolates were identified as Salmonella spp. and all Salmonella isolates were categorized by serotype, which comprised of, 37(62.71%) Salmonella Typhimurium serovar, 21(35.59%). Salmonella Enteritidis serovar and 1(1.69%) Salmonella Heidlberg serovar. Antibiotic sensitivity test was done for bacterial isolates and the results showed there were clear differences in antibiotic resistant. Antimicrobial

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 11 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Management of trauma to the anterior segment of the maxilla: alveolar fracture and primary incisors crown and root fracture
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Background: An injury to both the primary and permanent teeth and the supporting structures is one of the most common dental problems seen in children. Splinting is usually difficult or impossible to perform in the primary dentition (due to diminutive room size and lack of patient cooperation). Healing must, therefore, occur despite mobility at the fracture line, usually resulting in interposition of connective tissue. In some instances, infection will occur in the coronal pulp. The present study reported a case of trauma to the anterior primary teeth and alveolar bone in a four year old child. The trauma has caused fracture to the crowns and roots of the primary anterior teeth. The following case was managed in a procedure that may

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2010
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Materials & Design
Influence of glass addition and sintering temperature on the structure, mechanical properties and dielectric strength of high-voltage insulators
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Publication Date
Thu Nov 03 2016
Journal Name
Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res.
Impacts of simultaneous administration of omega-3 fatty acids with amoxicillin/clavulanic acid on albino rats' liver and bile
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Most drugs undergo some metabolism in the liver before excretion by the kidneys or bile. Thus, it is not surprising that liver injury may be provoked due to its exposure to various drugs and compounds. Drug-induced cholestatic liver injury may occur particularly under conditions of increased drug concentrations, genetic alterations in expression of enzymes or transporters. Additionally, the drug-induced cholestasis can be caused by direct toxic effects of drugs or their metabolites on different hepatic cell types or through an immune-mediated process. Amoxicillin/ clavulanic acid, an antibiotic that is therapeutically utilized for the treatment of a number of bacterial infections. Omega-3 fatty acids are unsaturated fatty acids that have ro

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