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First-Principles Analysis of Cr-Doped SrTiO3 Perovskite as Optoelectronic Materials
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The influence of Cr3+ doping on the ground state properties of SrTiO3 perovskite was evaluated using GGA-PBE approximation. Computational modeling results infered an agreement with the previously published literature. The modification of electronic structure and optical properties due to Cr3+ introducing into SrTiO3 were investigated. Structural parameters assumed that Cr3+ doping alters the electronic structures of SrTiO3 by shifting the conduction band through lower energies for the Sr and Ti sites. Besides, results showed that the band gap was reduced by approximately 50% when presenting one Cr3+ atom into the SrTiO3 system and particularly positioned at Sr sites. Interestingly, substituting Ti site by Cr3+ led to eliminating the band gap indicated a new electrical case of transferring semiconducting material into a conducting material which intern enhance conductivity. Furthermore, it was found that Cr3+ doping either at Sr or Ti positions could effectively develop the SrTiO3 dielectric constant properties. In addition, the absorption spectra was extended to cover the visible light region of the electromagnetic radiation, indicating the capability of this compound in harvesting sunlight for solar cell applications. Consequently, it can be said that Cr3+ is an effective dopant which opening up new prospects for various industrial and technological applications.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 31 2008
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Bio Chemical Study of Antithyroid Peroxidase Auto Antibodies , Magnesium and Cobalt in Hyperthyroidism Patients From Different Regions of Iraq.
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
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Plant Archives
The effect of adding some essential oils to the physicochemical properties of frozen beef sausage with different storage periods
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Euphrates Journal Of Agriculture Science
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Two years field experiment was carried out at Agricultural Fields, College of Agriculture, Baghdad University, Al-Jadriya during 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 to determine the effect of salinity of irrigation water on growth and grain yield of three oat cultivars. The experiments were laid out according to randomized complete blocks design having split plot arrangements with two factors; first factor included three oat cultivars (Shifaa, Hamel and Pimula) while the second factor included three levels of salinity of irrigation water (3, 6 and 9 dS.m-1 ) in addition to the control (river water with salinity level of 1.164 dS.m-1 ) with three replicates. Results revealed a significant effect of salinity of irrigation water on all studied traits. Mea

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Desalination And Water Treatment
Synthesis and characterization of alumina-grafted acrylic acid monomer and polymer and its adsorption of phenol and p-chlorophenol
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Aluminum oxide (ALO) was grafted by acrylic acid monomer (AlO-AM) and then, it was polymerized to produce alumina grafted poly(acrylic acid) (AlO-AP). The prepared AlO-AM and AlO-AP were characterized by Fourier-transform infrared, differential scanning calorimetry , thermogravemetric analyzer and particle size distribution. Adsorption equilibrium isotherms, adsorption kinetics and thermodynamic studies of the batch adsorption process were used to examine the fundamental adsorption properties of phenol (P) and p-chlorophenol (PCP). The experimental equilibrium adsorption data were analyzed by three widely used two-parameters Langmuir, Freundlich and DubininRadushkevich isotherms. The maximum P and PCP adsorption capacities based on t

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Scopus (8)
Publication Date
Thu Nov 14 2019
Journal Name
Advances In Intelligent Systems And Computing
The Application of Bus Rapid Transit System in the City of Baquba and Its Impact on Reducing Daily Trips
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Publication Date
Sat Oct 29 2022
Journal Name
Current Trends In Geotechnical Engineering And Construction
Assessment of Bearing Capacity and Settlement Characteristics of Compacted Clay Soil Reinforced by Sand Dune and Sodium Silicate Columns
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Abstract The present work aims to study the performance of reinforced compacted clay soil by sand columns stabilized with sodium silicate to obtain more solid columns than the surrounding soil. The experimental work was carried out by using a lab model to evaluate the performance of both the floating and end bearing sand columns. The results showed that the improvement ratio for the soil reinforced with sand columns stabilized with sodium silicate reached 390% for the type of floating columns and 438% for end bearing columns.

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Karbala University The 2nd Scientific Conference
Effect of budding autumn date, rootstock and cultivars on budtake and some growth characteristics of japanese plum prunus salicina
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Publication Date
Sat Mar 02 2024
Journal Name
International Development Planning Review
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Relying on modern work strategies, such as adopting scientific inductions, consolidates the information in the learner’s memory, develops the skill work of the football player, and raises the efficiency of their motor abilities. From this standpoint, the researcher, who is a teacher at the University of Baghdad, College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, and follows most of the sports club teams in youth football, believes that there must be From extrapolations through the machine and employing it in the field to serve the skill aspect and benefit from scientific technology in development and making it a useful tool to serve the sports field in football, as the goal of the research was the efficiency of machine extrapolation in de

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
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Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The psychological, social and academic problems that encounter students of college of education in Al-Anbaar University /Al-qaim
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The study aims to identify the psychological, social, and academic problems that encounter students at the college of education. To this end, the researcher utilized the descriptive approach, where a questionnaire was used as a tool to collect the study data. The findings of study revealed that the main academic problems are inability to understand what the students read, lack of concentration over the process of studying. The Difficulty of preparation for test. Lack of ability to memorize quickly. As for the prominent social problems: the excessive usage of social media that drove students away from their main tasks, the Lack of participation in social activities, the scarcity the religious information. The psychological problems includ

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
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Exodia phenomenon of foodborne Mycophages cocktails against chimeric strains of Candida albicans recovered from dairy chain ecosystems in Baghdad
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Influential, organized groups with natural antimicrobial and anti-biofilm broad-spectrum power exist within the food chain, like a hidden dormant mimic hygienic bio life nanobodies that can terminate multiple opportunistic disease entities owing multi-stress resistant forbidden recalcitrant power, such as Candida albicans. These wonderful dynamic forces created by ALLAH Almighty are the Mycophages or fungi-eating state of fungi foodborne phages, and this project was redirected to be a dare to leap from us towards the future. Multi-stress resistant C. albicans that are resistant to different antifungal agents with their genetic tolerance plasticity to thermal pasteurization decontamination module as well as to ultraviolet irradiation

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