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Investigating the Effect of Using Waste Glass on the Properties of Asphalt Concrete Wearing Course Mixture
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The reuse or recycling of waste materials in different aspects of life is served the objective of sustainability and be beneficial to society. In recent years, a wide variety of waste materials were used in pavement construction. One of these materials is glass that generally produces in large quantities and crushed glass can be considered feasible alternative source of aggregate for asphalt mixture production. This study focused on examining the asphalt mixture properties of wearing course using crushed glass as fine aggregates. Fine crushed glass with various percentages by total weight retained on sieve 2.36 mm, 0.3 mm and 0.075 mm was used in the study. The results indicate that mixes containing crushed glass had lower Marshall stabilities and tensile strengths compared to conventional mixes. Moreover, the moisture damage resistance of glass-asphalt mixture was acceptable and satisfy the specification requirements for percentages of glass replacement up to 30 percent. Consequently, adding 30 percent of glass by weight of three sizes is the optimal value which represents about 15.6 percent by weight of total aggregate with maximum size 2.36 mm. The study has concluded that recycling and reuse of waste glass in asphalt mixture could be possible and yield a result which satisfies the specification of asphalt concrete wearing course mixtures.

Publication Date
Wed Feb 04 2009
Journal Name
Ibn Al- Haitham J. For Pure & Appl. Sci
The Life Cycle and Larval Development of Neoechinorhynchus iraqensis (Acanthocephala: Neoechinorhynchidae) in the Intermediate Host
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The Life Cycle and Larval Development of Neoechinorhynchus iraqensis (Acanthocephala: Neoechinorhynchidae) in the Intermediate Host

Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Spatial Regression Model Estimation for the poverty Rates In the districts of Iraq in 2012
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Theresearch took the spatial autoregressive model: SAR and spatial error model: SEM in an attempt to provide a practical evident that proves the importance of spatial analysis, with a particular focus on the importance of using regression models spatial andthat includes all of them spatial dependence, which we can test its presence or not by using Moran test. While ignoring this dependency may lead to the loss of important information about the phenomenon under research is reflected in the end on the strength of the statistical estimation power, as these models are the link between the usual regression models with time-series models. Spatial analysis had

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 23 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Design an Algorithm to Calculate the Inverse Permutations Of the Symmetric Group Sn In Computer
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  The search is an application for one of the problems of mathematics in the computer; as providing construction and design of a major program to calculate the inverse permutations of the symmetric group Sn , where 1 ≤ n ≤ 13; using some of the methods used in the Number Theory by computer . Also the research includes design flow chart for the main program and design flow chart for the program inverse permutations and we give some illustrative examples for different symmetric groups and their inverse permutations.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of Islamic banks in facing the financial crisis in Iraq from 2012-2014
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The purpose of the research is to identify the role of Islamic banks in facing the financial crisis in Iraq for the period 2012-2014, and highlight the various factors that contributed to the emergence of the financial crisis, as well as to identify the problems and challenges facing the Islamic banking business in Iraq and identify the reasons and find appropriate solutions, And the development of treatments to avoid the occurrence of such problems and overcome them. The main findings of the research are as follows,Islamic banks (the sample of the study) were affected by the global financial crisis indirectly, as the financial crisis turned into an economic crisis affecting the real economy, because the activity of Islamic banks is more

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
Journal Name
The Developed Materials and Techniques and Its Role in Exposing the Aesthetic Of Art Work
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This study is targeting the new developed materials and techniques and how they were affected by the scientific and technological developments that contributed to revelated new and varied developed materials and techniques. And from the artist’s formulation by using the materials and techniques and through its embodiment and sensor the values, artistic and aesthetic standards by breaking from the familiar in aesthetic contemporary way.
The studies on questioning what’s the role of The New Developed Materials and Techniques in exposing the aesthetic of the art work?

This study is to show the aesthetic of the art work through the new developed materials and techniques. Which was based on descriptive analyzing method and hig

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Use of the Artificial Damped Outrigger Systems in Tall R.C Buildings Under Seismic Loading
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This paper studies the combination of fluid viscous dampers in the outrigger system to add supplementary damping into the structure, which purpose to remove the dependability of the structure to lower variable intrinsic damping. This optimizes the accuracy of the dynamic response and by providing higher level of damping, basically minimizes the wanted stiffness of the structure while at the same time optimizing the achievement.

     The modal considered is a 36 storey square high rise reinforced concrete building. By constructing a discrete lumped mass model and using frequency-based response function, two systems of dampers, parallel and series systems are studied. The maximu

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 05 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The susceptibility test of vaginal yeasts and their relationship with the age in Iraqi women
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This study aims to isolate the pathogenic yeasts from genital tract and investigate their relationship with the age .The results clarified that the most pathogenic yeast isolated from genital tract was Candida albicans , also the results of C.albicanas isolates susceptibility test, to different antifungal revealed that they were sensitive to Miconazole, Ketoconazole and Clotrimazol and were resistant to Nystatin and Grisofulvin. The study of relationship of vaginal infection with the age showed that the incidence of infection with Candida was high among females age group (19-39 years).

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Misan Journal For Academic Studies
The microhardness Property of the Biomedical commercially pure titaniumstrontium oxide composite alloy after anodic oxidation
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Pharmaceutical Sciences Asia
Exploring the role of community pharmacists in preventing the onsite infection during COVID-19 pandemic
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This study aimed to evaluate the preparedness and adherence of community pharmacists to the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Health Advisory COVID-19 guidelines for pharmacists (July 2020) during COVID-19 pandemic. This was a cross-sectional study based on electronic survey using google form, which was distributed from November 19, 2020 to January 1, 2021 using social media platforms. The survey measured 21 pharmacy preventive measures (PM). A multivariate regression analysis was used to identify factors influencing pharmacy implementing of PM. Hand disinfection after serving patients represented the main adopted measure (89.3%). Surprisingly, only 35.4% of participants implemented the proper ways of hand disinfection during fa

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Scopus (5)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Sep 29 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Digital media and linguistic evaluation between the need to stay and the idea of dispensing
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In spite of the contemporary development over the world in pertaining of modernization and its differences about the transformation of the knowledge but, the important instrument to transfer the thoughts and information did not have change except the language. So the evolutionary process became as a torrent or fusillade above the cliff which drifted anything. So that the objective inquiry and impressed with varieties of development the casement to evaluate the linguistic or re - correction highlight article in order to preserve on the origins of the language and its sobriety.
Today, we have different correspondence and social media as

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