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Capitalized effect of gamma radiation on blood thinning drug (Aspirin)
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n this work, the effect of gamma rays on blood thinning drugs was studied using the drug (Aspirin), where gamma rays were spread with the drug using a radioactive source (Co60), and 15,000 grams of Aspirin were placed in the device (gamma chamber 900). The drug was subjected to different irradiation doses (5 KGy, 10 KGy, 15 KGy) and the amount of absorption of the drug was observed in the gamma for different doses and the study of x-rays. After confirming the absorption of the drug to radiation, the effect of the drug on blood thinning was calculated using the rat model and compared with the same drug and the same dose but without exposing the drug to radiation and comparing all results with the control group. The way drugs absorbed radiation and the radiation within the organism through drugs can be used to treat many incurable diseases and cancerous tumors.

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Natural Sciences
Effect of Gamma Radiation on the A.C Electrical and Dielectric Properties of Prepared Pure and Doped Polyaniline Salt
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Purepolyaniline and doped with hydrochloric acid was prepared in different molarities at room temperature. The a.c electrical properties were stadied.AC conductivityσac (ω), is found to vary as ωS in the frequency range (100Hz-10MH), S< 1and decreases indicating a dominate hopping process. Thedielectric constant ε1and dielectric loss ε2 have been determined for bulk polyaniline. ε1 decrease with the increase frequency. Electrical conductivity measurements increase with the increases both of the amount of HCl and the dose of radiation. The dielectric investigations show decrease with dose radiation.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Influence of Gamma Radiation on Some Optical Properties and Urbach Energy of (PMMA- Doped Red Methyl) Films
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  We have studied the effect of gamma irradiation on the optical transmission, absorbance, absorption coefficient,  and Urbach energy for (PMMA- doped red methyl) film deposited by using solvent casting method .The optical transmission (T %) in the wavelength range (1901100 ) nm of films was measured , it was seen that all the parameters were affected by gamma irradiation.

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 12 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Effect of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy on blood sugar and blood pressure
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Background: Surgery is one and may be the most effective method to treat obesity. In the last decade, Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy is perceived to be less invasive, technically simple, less morbid and more popular form of bariatric surgery.

Objectives: This study aims to assess the effect of Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy on Fasting Blood Glucose Levels and Blood Pressure.

 Methods: A prospective controlled study in which 50 obese patients were involved, 36 of patients have hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus , 7 patients have type 2 diabetes mellitus only, and 7 patients don’t have hypertension or type 2 diabetes. All patients were submitted to Laparosco

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 20 2021
Journal Name
Calculation of Radiation Nuclei Concentrations in Fertilized and Unfertilized Plants Samples Using Gamma Spectroscopy
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The aim of this work was to estimate the concentrations of natural and artificial nuclides in some fertilized and unfertilized plant samples. These samples were collected and prepared in a petri dish for the measurements using gamma spectroscopy. The average values of 238U, 232Th, 40K, and 137Cs for the unfertilized plant samples were (11.964 ± 3.226, 8.273 ± 2.639, 402.436 ± 18.099, and 2.761 ± 1.613) respectively, and for the fertilized plant samples were (30.434 ± 5.282, 22.584 ± 4.620, 711.332 ± 25.806, and 6.986 ± 2.542) respectively. The average values of radiological hazard indices, Raeq, D, D for 137Cs, (AEDE)in, (AEDE)out, Iγ, Hin, and Hout for the unfertilized plant samples were (54.782 ± 7.216, 27.306, 0.469, 0.

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Gamma irradiation effect on characterization of MoO3 nanostructures films
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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Gamma radiation induced changes in the optical properties of CdTe thin films for dosimetric purposes
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The effect of 0.662MeV gamma radiation on the optical properties of the CdTe thin films was studied. 300nm thickness of CdTe samples were irradiated with doses (10, 20, 30,60krad) in room temperature. The absorption spectra for all the samples were recorded using UV- Visible spectrometer in order to calculate the energy gap, width of localized states and optical constants(refractive index, extinction coefficient, real and imaginary parts of dielectric constant). The optical energy gap was found to decrease from (1.53 to 1.48 eV), while the width of localized states increased from (1.34 to 1.49 eV) with the increasing of radiation dose. The behavior of energy gap with the irradiation dose makes the material a good candidate for dosimetry

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Effect of gamma irradiation on the TlBa2Ca2Cu3O9-δ superconducting properties
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of UV radiation on dielectric properties of PU/nano-TiO2 composites
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The dielectric constant of most polymers is very low; the addition of TiO2 particles into the polymers provides an attractive and promising way to reach a high dielectric constant. Polymer-based materials with a high dielectric constant show great potential for energy storage applications. Four samples were prepared, one of them was polyurethane (PU) and the other were PU with different weight percent (wt %) of TiO2 (0.1, 0.2, 0.3) powder AFM test was used to distinguish the nanoparticles. The result shows that the most shape of these nanoparticles are spherical and the roughness average is 0.798 nm. The dielectric properties were measured for all samples before and after the exposure to the UV radiation. The result illustrates that the

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 02 2019
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability
Effect of thickness variation CdO/PSi thin films on detection of radiation
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CdO films were deposited on substrates from glass, Silicon and Porous silicon by thermal chemical spray pyrolysis technique with different thicknesses (130 and 438.46) nm. Measurements of X-ray diffraction of CdO thin film proved that the structure of the Polycrystalline is cubic lattice, and its crystallite size is located within nano scale range where the perfect orientation is (200). The results show that the surface’s roughness and the root mean square increased with increasing the thickness of prepared films. The UV-Visible measurements show that the CdO films with different thicknesses possess an allowed direct transition with band gap (4) eV. AFM measurement revealed that the silicon porosity located in nano range. Cadmium oxide f

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Scopus (1)
Publication Date
Sun May 28 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of Rifadin Drug on Lipids Metabolism of Rabbits
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  The aim of this study was intended to study the effect of rifadin drug on lipids metabolism  in the blood of the rabbits .Eight rabbits were used in the experiment ,they were divided into two groups ,first group(control group ) was administrated with 15mg/ml /day normal saline for 35 days ,while the second group (treated group )was administrated with (15/mg /kg/day) for 35 days of rifadin( capsule 300mg/kg).This study examined the influences of rifadin drug on the concentration of cholesterol  , triglycerides , HDL ,LDL and  VLDL in rabbits sera .The result showed that there were no significant  increased (p>0.05) in cholesterol concentration in rifadin  treated group compared with control group ,and th

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