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Factors Affecting Maintenance Practises in Iraq’s Hospital Buildings
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A lack of adequate building maintenance is a significant obstacle faced by governmental hospitals. This paper evaluates factors that negatively impact building-maintenance practices in Iraq. A literature review was conducted to identify factors affecting maintenance. A list of 42 factors affecting hospital-buildings was collected from previous studies and tested using a structured questionnaire distributed to hospital-maintenance experts. During the data analysis, 76 valid questionnaires were used. Based on the respondents’ ratings, the relative-importance index (RII) was used to determine the level of importance of each factor. From the results, it was concluded that twelve factors affect maintenance practices in hospital buildings: faulty design (0.889), lack of funding (0.874), inadequate training (0.871), misuse of building facilities (0.866), construction errors (0.863), lack of work experience (0.858), building age (0.826), individual modifications carried out by the hospital staff (0.826), shortage of maintenance staff (0.824), administrative corruption (0.821), selection of unqualified maintenance contractors (0.816) and unavailability of skilled appointed maintenance personnel (0.808). Understanding these factors’ effects is essential for maintenance-department managers to develop strategies for maintaining hospital buildings in Iraq by controlling them, as well as identifying problems and finding appropriate solutions to avoid them. KEYWORDS: Governmental hospitals, Maintenance, Iraq, Building maintenance, Maintenance practices, Factors affecting maintenance

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
the aspect of the radiation superposed on the soliton pulse propagated in single mode optical fiber
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the first part of the research involves investigate the aspect of the radiation superposed on the one bright soliton pulse propagated on ideal single mode

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Mapping Paddy Rice Fields Using Landsat and Sentinel Radar Images in Urban Areas for Agriculture Planning
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     This research develops a new method based on spectral indices and random forest classifier to detect paddy rice areas and then assess their distributions regarding to urban areas. The classification will be conducted on Landsat OLI images and Landsat OLI/Sentinel 1 SAR data. Consequently, developing a new spectral index by analyzing the relative importance of Landsat bands will be calculated by the random forest. The new spectral index has improved depending on the most three important bands, then two additional indices including the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), and standardized difference built-up index (NDBI) have been used to extract paddy rice fields from the data. Several experiments being

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Employing the references of Shariah Audit in supporting Governance of Iraqi Islamic Banks: An analytically study
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The Islamic Banks including the Iraqi ones are often resorted to support their governance frameworks in order to improve its competitiveness in their communities. Where, those banks are looking for activities that enhance their governance; one of these activities is Shariah Audit that provided the auditing capabilities to face of developmental challenges and increase competitiveness. Therefore, the content of this paper, discusses know-how to use the Shariah Audit and its references in support of the Shariah Governance in the Iraqi Isla

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Contribution of Privatization in Tax Revenues: an applied research on a sample of filling stations
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The tax revenues achieved through projects of transition to private sector are regarded as an important source for using in achieving political, economic and social objectives. Since Iraq is heading towards free market economy, new strategies should be adopted to reform the taxation system from by a qualified taxation management office and to activate the taxation policy and to reconsider legislation in relation to the aware of the legible to the importance of disclosure of their taxable real income in order to arrive at contribution of privatization in the taxation revenues for the important role effect on economic activities. In the light of the above, the research is based upon a hypothesis which stipulates that privatization contribu

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
North and north-eastern wind and its impact on the racial temperature and humidity in Iraq
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The study area is witnessing divergence where I am North wind North East wind as we find that the north wind is getting replicated as we move from the south, The reason can be attributed to the nature of the surface of the region, with at least repeat this wind the northern region to the presence of mountain ranges, while we find that energizes the surface in the center and south helped to increase repeat this wind gusts, It also finds that the North wind East prevail in the northern region and least replicated as we move from the north to the south and to the fact that North stations are within blowing this wind sites for the circles near the display of high pressure located centers to the north-east, north and distancing itself from pa

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 23 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Sensitive Cloud Point Extraction Method for the Determination of Isoxsuprine Hydrochloride in Pharmaceutical forms using Spectrophotometry
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      A simple and highly sensitive cloud point extraction process was suggested for preconcentration of micrograms amount of isoxsuprine hydrochloride (ISX) in pure and pharmaceutical samples. After diazotization coupling of ISX with diazotized sulfadimidine in alkaline medium, the azo-dye product quantitatively extracted into the Triton X-114 rich phase, dissolved in ethanol and determined spectrophotometrically at 490 nm. The suggested reaction was studied with and without extraction and simple comparison between the batch and CPE methods was achieved. Analytical variables including concentrations of reagent, Triton X-114 and base, incubated temperature, and time were carefully studied. Under the selected opti

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Potential Role of Soil Bacteria as an Indicator of Heavy Metal Pollution in Southern, Iraq
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       The present study was performed to spotlight the potential role of soil bacteria in the Al-Rumaila oil field as a bioindicator of heavy metals pollution. For this purpose, nine soil samples were collected from different sites, with 20cm depth, to assess the pollution status depending on the total and available concentrations of heavy metals.  The result indicates pollution of the studied soils with the following metals: Cd, Cu, Fe, Zn, and Pb. The mean of total concentration for all studied metals was higher than the allowed maximum limit based on the international limit:(3.394, 3.994, 39.993, 8844.979,150.372, and 103.347 µg/g), respectively. While measuring the total Metal concentration is important in determining the de

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 12 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Soft (1,2)*-Omega Separation Axioms and Weak Soft (1,2)*-Omega Separation Axioms in Soft Bitopological Spaces
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In the present paper we introduce and study new classes of soft separation axioms in soft bitopological spaces, namely, soft (1,2)*-omega separation axioms and weak soft (1,2)*-omega separation axioms by using the concept of soft (1,2)*-omega open sets. The equivalent definitions and basic properties of these types of soft separation axioms also have been studied.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Studies on Surface Morphology and Electrical Conductivity of PS Thin Films in Presence of Divalent Complexes
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       Optical properties and surface morphology of pure and doped Polystyrene films with different divalent metals of Zn, Cu and Sn and one concentration percentage have been studied. Measurements of UV-Vis spectrophotometer and AFM spectroscopy were determined. The absorbance, transmittance and reflectance spectrums were used to study different optical parameters such as absorption coefficient, refractive index, extinction coefficient and energy gap in the wavelengths rang 200-800nm. These parameters have increased in the presence of the metals. The change in the calculated values of energy gaps with doping metals content has been investigated in terms of PS matrix structural modification. The value of opt

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study the Effect of Fillers and Thermoplastics Content in the Mechanical Properties of Natural Rubber Vulcanized
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In this research, the mechanical properties of natural rubber blends in different proportions (70:30, 85:15, 100: 0 55:45 and phr) was studied through the use of two types of fillers (carbon black and titanium dioxide Nano) which show through tests conducted on the prepared models that increase fillers content which leads to improve the tensile properties (tensile strength, elastic modulus, elongation, hardness and compressibility). As shown by the results that the presence of polypropylene (PP) in the mix combination works to reduce the degree of intumescent and increase its content in the composition of mixtures which leads to get a great resistance to chemicals (acids, bases and oils).

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