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Text Steganography Based on Arabic Characters Linguistic Features and Word Shifting Method
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In the field of data security, the critical challenge of preserving sensitive information during its transmission through public channels takes centre stage. Steganography, a method employed to conceal data within various carrier objects such as text, can be proposed to address these security challenges. Text, owing to its extensive usage and constrained bandwidth, stands out as an optimal medium for this purpose. Despite the richness of the Arabic language in its linguistic features, only a small number of studies have explored Arabic text steganography. Arabic text, characterized by its distinctive script and linguistic features, has gained notable attention as a promising domain for steganographic ventures. Arabic text steganography harnesses the unique attributes of this language, encompassing its complex character designs, diacritical marks, and ligatures, to effectively protect information. In this work, we propose a new text steganography method based on Arabic language characteristics concealment, where the proposed method has two levels of security which are: Arabic encoding and word shifting. In the first step, build a new Arabic encoding mapping table to convert an English plaintext to Arabic characters, then use a word shifting process to add an authentication phase for the sending message and add another level of security to the achieved ciphertext. The proposed method showed that Arabic language characteristics steganography achieved 0.15 ms for 1 k, 1.0033 ms for 3 k, 2.331 ms for 5 k, and 5.22 ms for 10 k file sizes respectively.

Publication Date
Fri Nov 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Acetic acid concentration estimation using plastic optical fiber sensor based surface Plasmon resonance
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Optical fiber chemical sensor based surface Plasmon resonance for sensing and measuring the refractive index and concentration for Acetic acid is designed and implemented during this work. Optical grade plastic optical fibers with a diameter of 1000μm were used with a diameter core of 980μm and a cladding of 20μm, where the sensor is fabricated by a small part (10mm) of optical fiber in the middle is embedded in a resin block and then the polishing process is done, after that it is deposited with about (40nm) thickness of gold metal and the Acetic acid is placed on the sensing probe.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 24 2015
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Multi-level control of zero-moment point-based humanoid biped robots: a review
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SUMMARY<p>Researchers dream of developing autonomous humanoid robots which behave/walk like a human being. Biped robots, although complex, have the greatest potential for use in human-centred environments such as the home or office. Studying biped robots is also important for understanding human locomotion and improving control strategies for prosthetic and orthotic limbs. Control systems of humans walking in cluttered environments are complex, however, and may involve multiple local controllers and commands from the cerebellum. Although biped robots have been of interest over the last four decades, no unified stability/balance criterion adopted for stabilization of miscellaneous walking/running modes of biped </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 24 2021
Journal Name
Ieee Access
Smart IoT Network Based Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network With Element-Wise Prediction System
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An Intelligent Internet of Things network based on an Artificial Intelligent System, can substantially control and reduce the congestion effects in the network. In this paper, an artificial intelligent system is proposed for eliminating the congestion effects in traffic load in an Intelligent Internet of Things network based on a deep learning Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network with a modified Element-wise Attention Gate. The invisible layer of the modified Element-wise Attention Gate structure has self-feedback to increase its long short-term memory. The artificial intelligent system is implemented for next step ahead traffic estimation and clustering the network. In the proposed architecture, each sensing node is adaptive and able to

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Performance Analysis of Four Conceptual Designs for the Air Based Photovoltaic / Thermal Collectors
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The  thermal  and  electrical  performance  of  different  designs  of  air  based  hybrid photovoltaic/thermal collectors is investigated experimentally and theoretically. The circulating air is used to cool PV panels and to collect the absorbed energy to improve their performance. Four different collectors have been designed, manufactured and instrumented namely; double PV panels without cooling (model I), single duct double pass collector (model II), double duct single pass (model III), and single duct single pass (model IV) . Each collector consists of: channel duct, glass cover, axial fan to circulate air and two PV panel in parallel connection. The temperature of the upper and

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Ieee Transactions On Industrial Electronics
Cascaded-Extended-State-Observer-Based Sliding-Mode Control for Underactuated Flexible Joint Robot
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This article presents a new cascaded extended state observer (CESO)-based sliding-mode control (SMC) for an underactuated flexible joint robot (FJR). The control of the FJR has many challenges, including coupling, underactuation, nonlinearity, uncertainties and external disturbances, and the noise amplification especially in the high-order systems. The proposed control integrates the CESO and SMC, in which the CESO estimates the states and disturbances, and the SMC provides the system robustness to the uncertainty and disturbance estimation errors. First, a dynamic model of the FJR is derived and converted from an underactuated form to a canonical form via the Olfati transformation and a flatness approach, which reduces the complexity of th

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2023
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Journal Of Dentistry
The in-vitro development of novel enzyme-based chemo-mechanical caries removal agents
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Objectives Bromelain is a potent proteolytic enzyme that has a unique functionality makes it valuable for various therapeutic purposes. This study aimed to develop three novel formulations based on bromelain to be used as chemomechanical caries removal agents. Methods The novel agents were prepared using different concentrations of bromelain (10–40 wt. %), with and without 0.1–0.3 wt. % chloramine T or 0.5–1.5 wt. % chlorhexidine (CHX). Based on the enzymatic activity test, three formulations were selected; 30 % bromelain (F1), 30 % bromelain-0.1 % chloramine (F2) and 30 % bromelain-1.5 % CHX (F3). The assessments included molecular docking, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), viscosity and pH measurements. The efficiency

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Discrete wavelet based estimator for the Hurst parameter of multivariate fractional Brownian motion
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Abstract<p>In this paper, wavelets were used to study the multivariate fractional Brownian motion through the deviations of the random process to find an efficient estimation of Hurst exponent. The results of simulations experiments were shown that the performance of the proposed estimator was efficient. The estimation process was made by taking advantage of the detail coefficients stationarity from the wavelet transform, as the variance of this coefficient showed the power-low behavior. We use two wavelet filters (Haar and db5) to manage minimizing the mean square error of the model.</p>
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 31 2021
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Adaptive Robust Controller Design-Based RBF Neural Network for Aerial Robot Arm Model
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Aerial Robot Arms (ARAs) enable aerial drones to interact and influence objects in various environments. Traditional ARA controllers need the availability of a high-precision model to avoid high control chattering. Furthermore, in practical applications of aerial object manipulation, the payloads that ARAs can handle vary, depending on the nature of the task. The high uncertainties due to modeling errors and an unknown payload are inversely proportional to the stability of ARAs. To address the issue of stability, a new adaptive robust controller, based on the Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network, is proposed. A three-tier approach is also followed. Firstly, a detailed new model for the ARA is derived using the Lagrange–d’A

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 24 2018
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Adaptive Windowing Framework for Surface Electromyogram-Based Pattern Recognition System for Transradial Amputees
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Electromyogram (EMG)-based Pattern Recognition (PR) systems for upper-limb prosthesis control provide promising ways to enable an intuitive control of the prostheses with multiple degrees of freedom and fast reaction times. However, the lack of robustness of the PR systems may limit their usability. In this paper, a novel adaptive time windowing framework is proposed to enhance the performance of the PR systems by focusing on their windowing and classification steps. The proposed framework estimates the output probabilities of each class and outputs a movement only if a decision with a probability above a certain threshold is achieved. Otherwise (i.e., all probability values are below the threshold), the window size of the EMG signa

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Publication Date
Wed May 09 2012
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Fuzzy Inference System - Theory And Applications
Some Studies on Noise and Its Effects on Industrial/Cognitive Task Performance and Modeling
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