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Stereoscopic portable hybrid gamma imaging for source depth estimation
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Abstract<p>Advances in gamma imaging technology mean that is now technologically feasible to conduct stereoscopic gamma imaging in a hand-held unit. This paper derives an analytical model for stereoscopic pinhole imaging which can be used to predict performance for a wide range of camera configurations. Investigation of this concept through Monte Carlo and benchtop studies, for an example configuration, shows camera-source distance measurements with a mean deviation between calculated and actual distances of <5 mm for imaging distances of 50–250 mm. By combining this technique with stereoscopic optical imaging, we are then able to calculate the depth of a radioisotope source beneath a surface without any external positional tracking. This new hybrid technique has the potential to improve surgical localisation in procedures such as sentinel lymph node biopsy.</p>
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Shield Calculation Design for gamma-ray sterilzer plant
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The present calculation covers the building shield during irradiation process and under water storage of three milion curries Cobalt-60 radiation source the calculation results in design requirement of 8m depth of water in the source stoeage pool

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Simulation of one Dimensional Photoacoustic Imaging
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The present work provides theoretical investigation of laser photoacoustic one dimensional imaging to detect a blood vessel or tumor embedded within normal tissue. The key task in photoacoustic imaging is to have acoustic signal that help to determine the size and location of the target object inside normal tissue. The analytical simulation used a spherical wave model representing target object (blood vessel or tumor) inside normal tissue. A computer program in MATLAB environment has been written to realize this simulation. This model generates time resolved acoustic wave signal that include both expansion and contraction parts of the wave. The photoacoustic signal from the target object is simulated for a range of laser pulse duration 1

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Argon plasma needle source
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Non thermal argon plasma needle at atmospheric pressure was generated. The experimental set up is based on very simple and low cost electric components that generate electrical field sufficiently high at the electrodes to ionize various gases, which flow at atmospheric pressure. The high d.c power supply is 7.5kV peak to peak, the frequency of the electrical field is 28kHz, and the plasma power less than 15W. The plasma is generated using only one electrode. In the present work the voltage and current discharge waveform are measured. Also the temperature of the working Ar gas at different gas flow and distances from the plasma electrode tip was recorded

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Semantic differences between the explicit source The Mimi source in the Holy Quran
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The main purpose of the research is to study the significance of the event in the explicit source and its significance in the Mimi source and to explain the difference between them in the Holy Quran, especially since most linguists were not interested in what the Mime source indicates in the text, but focused on its form and form, as they defined it as the name Linguists and grammarians did not mention a difference in meaning between the explicit source and the Mimi source, and they interpret the second in the first sense, which led me to choose this topic, to know the significance of each source through Appeal to the maqam and occasion in a challenge D The exact meaning.

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Financial Depth Measurements / Analytical Study in Selected Countries for the Period 1980-2008
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This research deals with the most important indicators used to measure the phenomenon of financial depth, beyond the traditional indicators, which are called quantitative indicators, which is shown to be inadequate to show the facts accurately, but it may come in the results of a counterfactual, although reliable in econometric studies done in this regard.

Therefore, this research has sought to put forward alternative indicators, is the structural indicators, and financial prices, and availability of financial instruments, and cost of transactions concluded, in order to measure the phenomenon of financial depth.

After using and analyzing data collected from countries the research

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 30 2021
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Diagnostic Evaluation of Uterine Artery Doppler Imaging for the Prediction of Early Abnormal Pregnancy
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Objective: to assess the predictive value of Doppler imaging of the uterine artery in the identification of early intrauterine abnormal pregnancy as compared to a normal intrauterine pregnancy. Subjects and methods: one hundred and twenty pregnant ladies, at their 6-12 weeks of gestation, with a singleton pregnancy were included in this population-based case-control study. Thirty women with a missed miscarriage, 30 with hydatidiform mole, 30 with a blighted ovum, and 30 as a control group, without risk factors, underwent Doppler interrogation of the uterine arteries. Resistive index (RI), pulsatility index (PI), and the systolic/diastolic ratio (S/D) were measured for both sides. The t-test, or ANOVA test when appropriate, was

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 30 2021
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Diagnostic Evaluation of Uterine Artery Doppler Imaging for the Prediction of Early Abnormal Pregnancy
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Objective: to assess the predictive value of Doppler imaging of the uterine artery in the identification of early intrauterine abnormal pregnancy as compared to a normal intrauterine pregnancy.

Subjects and methods: one hundred and twenty pregnant ladies, at their 6-12 weeks of gestation, with a singleton pregnancy were included in this population-based case-control study. Thirty women with a missed miscarriage, 30 with hydatidiform mole, 30 with a blighted ovum, and 30 as a control group, without risk factors, underwent Doppler interrogation of the uterine arteries. Resistive index (RI), pulsatility index (PI), and the systolic/diastolic ratio (S/D) were measured for both sides. The t-test, or ANOVA test when a

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Ieee Communications Letters
Modified Blind Source Separation for Securing End-to-End Mobile Voice Calls
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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Magnetic resonance imaging findings of knee injury
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Background: Since its introduction to musculoskeletal imaging in the early 1980, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has revolutionized diagnostic imaging of the knee. It is therefore become the examination of choice in the evaluation of internal joint structures of the knee like menisci, cruciate ligaments, and articular cartilage.Objectives: to describe the MRI finding in various knee injuries.Patients and methods: A cross sectional study was done on 130 patients with history of knee injury in MRI unit at institute of radiology and al-Shaheed Ghazi Al-Hariri Hospital in medical city complex - Baghdad, from October 2011 to February 2013 includes 103 men, 27 women; the mean age was 33.86 years. MR imaging studies of the knee performed using

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Publication Date
Sun May 07 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Calculation and Study of Gamma ray Attenuation Coefficients for Different Composites
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In this work, the total linear attenuation coefficients µ(cm
) were calculated and studied
for particulate reinforced polymer-based composites. Unsaturated polyester (UP) resin was
used as a matrix filled with different concentrations of Al, Fe, and Pb metal powders as
reinforcements. The effect of the metal powders addition at different weight percentages in
the range of (10,20,30,40,50)wt % and gamma energy on attenuation coefficients was studied.
The results show, as the metallic particulates content increase, the attenuation coefficients will
increase too, while it, were exhibited a decrease in their values when the gamma energy
increase.The total linear attenuation coefficients of gamma ray fo

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