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Effect of Augmented Reality Technology on Spatial Intelligence among High School Students
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Spatial Intelligence is a mental ability to understand and solve real-world problems. These visual-spatial representations are fundamental in learning various "STEM" topics, like digital drawing, art presentations, creating graphical representations, 2D designs. Opportunity to interact with real and/or virtual objects. It is a good opportunity in applying new techniques such as the augmenter, which is able to clarify mathematical tables, concepts and generalizations greatly to the visualization, understanding and mastery of concepts mathematically. The purpose of the research is to investigate impact of using AR technology in developing spatial intelligence for secondary school students, Baghdad. The quasi-experimental design was used, the participants consisted of (60) students of 4th class scientific in mathematics. Tools used where a spatial intelligence scale was prepared and contains three skills that include (20) questions. Research findings show that AR technology has a positive on spatial intelligence in mathematics, and concluded with a set of recommendations and proposals.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 17 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Sonographic assessment of normal cervical lymph nodes in a sample of Syrian population
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Background: Sonographic examination is an important tool in assessment of normal and abnormal cervical lymph nodes. The aim of the study is to assess the distribution and the characteristic features of normal cervical lymph nodes in a sample of Syrian population. Materials and Methods: Fifty healthy Syrian subjects (25 men and 25 women) with an age of 20 -60years old, who had their cervical lymph nodes examined by ultrasound. Three hundred and two lymph nodes were detected. Lymph nodes were evaluated for their number, size, site, echogenic hilus, shape, as well as for the border sharpness. The subjects were categorized by age into four groups, (20 -30, 31 - 40 , 41 - 50 , 51- 60 years ). Statistical analysis of data was done using SP

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 18 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Assessment of Quality of Life for Patients with Permanent Pacemaker in Baghdad City
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Objectives: To determine the (QoL) for patients with permanent pacemaker and to find-out the relationship between
these patients’ (QoL) and their sociodemographic characteristics such as age, gender, level of education, and
Methodology: ٨ purposive non-probability” sample of (62) patient with permanent pacemaker was involved in this
study. The developed questionnaire consists of (4) parts which include !.demographic data form, 2.disease-related
information form, 3.socioeconomic data form, and 4.Permanent pacemaker patient’s quality of life questionnaire data
form. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were determined through the application of a pilot study. ٨
descriptive statistical a

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 11 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Improvement of Mechanical and Rheological Properties of Natural Rubber for Anti-Vibration Applications
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This research aims to study and improve the passivating specifications of rubber resistant to  vibration. In this paper, seven different rubber recipes were prepared based on mixtures of natural rubber(NR)  as an essential part in addition to the synthetic rubber (IIR, BRcis, SBR, CR)with different rates. Mechanical tests such as tensile strength, hardness, friction, resistance to compression, fatigue and creep testing in addition to the rheological test were performed. Furthermore, scanning electron microscopy (SEM)test was used to examine the structure morphology of rubber. After studying and analyzing the results, we found that, recipe containing (BRcis) of 40% from th

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Diagnostic Accuracy of Different Radiological Investigations in the Diagnosis of Perforated Duodenal Ulcer
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Background; Perforated duodenal ulcer (PDU) is a common surgical emergency that is associated with high mortality and morbidity. Early diagnosis and prompt surgical treatment is required to prevent grave complications.
Objective; The study was designed to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of different radiological investigations in the diagnosis of perforated duodenal ulcer.
Methods; A prospective study of 185 pts with PDU at al kindy teaching hospital, Baghdad, Iraq from June 2008- august 2010. patients were examined clinically and investigated by blood test, chest x ray, plain X ray of the abdomen. Ultrasonography (U/S) and CT scanning done for those patients with negative X- ray finding. Resuscitation by intravenous fluid and ant

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Biochemical study of glutathione reductase (GSH-Red) in Tissue Homogenate of Breast Tumors
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Breast tumor patients generally have more oxidative stress than normal females. This was clear from significant decrease (P<0.05) in tissue GSSG-Red activity. The study had found that free radicals in malignant breast tumors were higher than benign tumors, therefore the GSH- Red might be used as markers for prognosis of the disease. Results of molecular characterization show optimum enzyme concentration substrate conc., optimum pH, temperature & time & effect of some (chemotherapies in constant conectrations) for GSSG-Red activity.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
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This study aimed to IQ test standardization of Marten Lother Johan which used with childreen of the tow  stage at primary schools who aged (7) years old in Baghdad (Resafaa and Kharh).

 The importance of this study are :

1-The  importance of childhood and its role to develop the personality.

2-The importance of this age as the child will exposure to different kind of official teaching .

3-The capability for early detection of special category for early intervention in order to provide the necessary care .

4-Using the current test could consider as a predictive tool to screen the intelligent children .

In order to achieve the study aim, the researcher had followed the

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Publication Date
Mon May 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Determination of Polymorphism Location of the Calcareous Corpuscles in the Tapeworm Bothriocephalus acheilognathi
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   This research includes the histochemical study of the cestode, Bothriocephalus acheilognathi in order to determine location and concentration of the polymorphism of the calcareous corpuscles in different tissues and organs of  the above mentioned cestode. In general, it was noticed abundance polymorphism in calcareous corpuscles, which appeared in the shape of spread clusters, oval structures and floats in location in biological units such as longitudinal muscles, mesenchymal tissue and reproductive organs. The present research indicated various polymorphisms in calcareous corpuscles. Furthermore, the polymorphism in calcareous corpuscles indicates their importance as they ensure   survival and continuation of

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A Multimodal Analysis of Hyperbolic Devices in Advertisements of Health and Beauty Products
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         This paper examines the use of one of the most common linguistic devices which is hyperbole. It shows how hyperbolic devices are used as an aspect of exaggeration or overstatement for an extra effect in which the speaker can use hyperbole to add something extra to a situation in order to exaggerate his idea or speech. It is, like other figures of speech, used to express a negative or positive attitude of a specific unit of language. Thus, this paper is set against a background of using hyperbole concerning two main fields (advertisements and propaganda). So, the use of hyperbole will be implied by analyzing them concerning their meaning) literal and non-literal).  Methodology of this

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Study of the Protective Effects of Benfotiamine Against CCl4-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats
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Liver is considered as the first target for the toxic effects of toxins and other xenobiotics, and this can be attributed to its role as a site which receive all absorbed xenobiotics from the gastrointestinal tract and its role as a major site for biotransformation of xenobiotics. The present study was designed to evaluate the possible hepatoprotective effect of benfotiamine against CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity in rats. The study was conducted on 48 male albino rats; the animals were allocated into 8 groups (6 rats in each group) and treated as follow: 4 groups treated with oral doses of either normal saline, benfotiamine (100 mg/kg), thiamine (100 mg/kg), N-acetylcystein (400 mg/kg) only without induction of hepatic damage. Th

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Review of the Some Fixed Point Theorems for Different Kinds of Maps
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The focus of this article, reviewed a generalized  of contraction mapping and nonexpansive maps and recall some theorems about the existence and uniqueness of common fixed point and coincidence fixed-point for such maps under some conditions. Moreover, some schemes of different types as one-step schemes ,two-step schemes and three step schemes (Mann scheme algorithm, Ishukawa scheme algorithm, noor scheme algorithm, .scheme algorithm,  scheme algorithm Modified  scheme algorithm arahan scheme algorithm and others. The convergence of these schemes has been studied .On the other hands, We also reviewed the convergence, valence and stability theories of different types of near-plots in convex metric space.

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