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Effect of Augmented Reality Technology on Spatial Intelligence among High School Students
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Spatial Intelligence is a mental ability to understand and solve real-world problems. These visual-spatial representations are fundamental in learning various "STEM" topics, like digital drawing, art presentations, creating graphical representations, 2D designs. Opportunity to interact with real and/or virtual objects. It is a good opportunity in applying new techniques such as the augmenter, which is able to clarify mathematical tables, concepts and generalizations greatly to the visualization, understanding and mastery of concepts mathematically. The purpose of the research is to investigate impact of using AR technology in developing spatial intelligence for secondary school students, Baghdad. The quasi-experimental design was used, the participants consisted of (60) students of 4th class scientific in mathematics. Tools used where a spatial intelligence scale was prepared and contains three skills that include (20) questions. Research findings show that AR technology has a positive on spatial intelligence in mathematics, and concluded with a set of recommendations and proposals.

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Spectrum of Secondary Submodules
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Publication Date
Wed Jul 30 2008
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
terms of social organization
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The science of interpretation is considered one of the most important sciences due to its primacy and high status. Because knowledge is honored with the honor of its owner and related to it, and the science of interpretation is related to the Book of God, and from this importance emerges the importance of writing on a subject (from the terms of social organization in the Holy Qur’an); Because it deals with a matter that is considered a necessity in a place, and I called the research (from the terms of social organization in the Holy Qur’an - an analytical study), and the reason for choosing this topic was to clarify those terms and link them to our contemporary reality in order for them to be beacons of guidance and guidance for thos

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Dynamics of Double Chaos
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stract         This paper includes studying (dynamic of double chaos) in two steps: First Step:- Applying ordinary differential equation have behaved chaotically such as (Duffing's equation) on (double pendulum) equation system to get new system of ordinary differential equations depend on it next step. Second Step:- We demonstrate existence of a dynamics of double chaos in Duffing's equation by relying on graphical result of Poincare's map from numerical simulation.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 06 2011
Journal Name
Fes Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Derivation of a New Equation to Obtain the Permeability Coefficient of Clayey Soils
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The main objective of this research is to find the coefficient of permeability (k) of the soil and especially clayey soil by finding the degree of consolidation (rate of consolidation). New modify procedure is proposed by using the odometer (consolidation) device. The ordinary conventional permeability test usually takes a long time by preparing and by testing and this could cause some problems especially if there is a need to do a large number of this test and there were a limited number of technicians and/or apparatus. From this point of view the importance of this research is clear, since the modified procedure will require a time of 25 minute only. Derivation made to produce an equation which could be used to fined the permeabi

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad University College Of Education Ibn Al-haitham
Numerical Solution of Linear System of Fredholm Integral Equations Using Haar Wavelet Method
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The aim of this paper is to present the numerical method for solving linear system of Fredholm integral equations, based on the Haar wavelet approach. Many test problems, for which the exact solution is known, are considered. Compare the results of suggested method with the results of another method (Trapezoidal method). Algorithm and program is written by Matlab vergion 7.

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering | University Of Baghdad
Correction Factor for Methods of Installation of Piles Group in Sandy Iraqi Soils
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Many problems are facing the installation of piles group in laboratory testing and the errors in results of load and settlement are measured experimentally may be happened due to select inadequate method of installation of piles group. There are three main methods of installation in-flight, pre-jacking and hammering methods. In order to find the correction factor between these methods the laboratory model tests were conducted on small-scale models. The parameters studied were the methods of installation (in-flight, pre-jacking and hammering method), the number of piles and in sandy soil in loose state. The results of experimental work show that the increase in the number of piles value led to increase in load carrying capacity of piled raft

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
المجلة العربية للعلوم و نشر الأبحاث
Assessment of Carbonate Rocks , Western Desert of Iraq as Dimension Stones for Building
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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences And Research
Anatomical study of the vegetative parts and seeds of Vitex agnus-castus plant
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The species Vitex agnus-castus is an important medicinal plants and it is one of the cultivated and dicotyledon plants in Iraq. The anatomical of stem, petiole, midrib area, epidermis, veins, type of leaf stomata and seeds were studied by light microscope. In this research, shows the knowledge of anatomical characteristics of the studied plant, showing its importance as taxonomic characteristics through the sections of the stem, petiole, the midrib and the petals.

Publication Date
Thu Apr 23 2020
Journal Name
Annals Of Tropical Medicine & Public Health
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Hydatid cyst disease is one of the most common diseases in many places in the world. The infection occurs when human and livestock drinking or eating contaminated water and food with eggs of Echinococcus granulosus worm. Surgery is the best solution to eradicate cysts and rapid healing, but it may be accompanied by some risks such as rupture of the cyst and leakage its contents of protoscolices, which leads to the return of infection and spread in the body. Several methods have been used to reduce the risks of surgery, including withdrawal of hydatid fluid and its contents and injection scolicidal substances like ethanol and others. Researchers have recently tested the efficiency of nanoparticles such as selenium, silver, and gold nanoparti

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Medicinal And Chemical Sciences
Investigation of Biofilm Formation and Antibiotic Resistant of Bacteria Isolated from Septic Neonates
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Neonatal sepsis refers to the bacterial bloodstream infections of the newborn during the neonatal period as usually the first twenty-eight days of life. The current study was done in the laboratories of AL-Batool Teaching Hospital for Gynecology and Pediatrics in Baqubah, Diyala Governorate, including 140 blood specimens collected from the neonates admitted to the hospital with suspected sepsis, the ages of the both groups was ranged from 1 day to 28 days. Out of the total cultured samples, 32.14% (45 of 140) were positive and 67.86% (95 of 140) were negative blood culture. 45 of 140 samples were negative to the blood culture chosen as control group. The results showed highest isolates were Coagulase Negative Staphylococcus (CoNS) 19 (42.2%

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