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Effect of Augmented Reality Technology on Spatial Intelligence among High School Students
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Spatial Intelligence is a mental ability to understand and solve real-world problems. These visual-spatial representations are fundamental in learning various "STEM" topics, like digital drawing, art presentations, creating graphical representations, 2D designs. Opportunity to interact with real and/or virtual objects. It is a good opportunity in applying new techniques such as the augmenter, which is able to clarify mathematical tables, concepts and generalizations greatly to the visualization, understanding and mastery of concepts mathematically. The purpose of the research is to investigate impact of using AR technology in developing spatial intelligence for secondary school students, Baghdad. The quasi-experimental design was used, the participants consisted of (60) students of 4th class scientific in mathematics. Tools used where a spatial intelligence scale was prepared and contains three skills that include (20) questions. Research findings show that AR technology has a positive on spatial intelligence in mathematics, and concluded with a set of recommendations and proposals.

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 31 2023
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Comparative Analysis of Reinforced Asphalt Concrete Overlays: Effects of Thickness and Temperature
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Reflection cracking in asphalt concrete (AC) overlays is a common form of pavement deterioration that occurs when underlying cracks and joints in the pavement structure propagate through an overlay due to thermal and traffic-induced movement, ultimately degrading the pavement’s lifespan and performance. This study aims to determine how alterations in overlay thickness and temperature conditions, the incorporation of chopped fibers, and the use of geotextiles influence the overlay’s capacity to postpone the occurrence of reflection cracking. To achieve the above objective, a total of 36 prism specimens were prepared and tested using an overlay testing machine (OTM). The variables considered in this study were the thickness of the

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2009
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Analysis of Wave Propagation in Detection of Aorta Dieses Using Lumps Analysis
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In this paper a theoretical attempt is made to determine whether changes in the aorta diameter at different location along the aorta can be detected by brachial artery measurement.  The aorta is divided into six main parts, each part with 4 lumps of 0.018m length. It is assumed that a desired section of the aorta has a radius change of 100,200, 500%. The results show that there is a significant change for part 2 (lumps 5-8) from the other parts. This indicates that the nearest position to the artery gives the significant change in the artery wave pressure while other parts of the aorta have a small effect.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2024
Journal Name
Materials Letters
Determination of third order susceptibility of carbon quantum dots at different concentrations
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The nonlinear refractive (NLR) index and third order susceptibility (X3) of carbon quantum dots (CQDs) have been studied using two laser wavelengths (473 and 532 nm). The z-scan technique was used to examine the nonlinearity. Results showed that all concentrations have negative NLR indices in the order of 10−10 cm2/W at two laser wavelengths. Moreover, the nonlinearity of CQDs was improved by increasing the concentration of CQDs. The highest value of third order susceptibility was found to be 3.32*10−8 (esu) for CQDs with a concentration of 70 mA at 473 nm wavelength.

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Simulation of Sediment Transport in the Upper Reach of Al-Gharraf River
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Abstract<p>For the past few years, the sediment began to accumulate in Al-Gharraf River which reduces the flow capacity of the River. In the present research, a numerical model was developed using Hec-Ras software, version 5.0.4. to simulate the flow and sediment transport in the upper reach of the river. The hydrological and cross-section data measured by the Ministry of Water Resources, for the reach located between Kut and Hai cities and having a length of 58200 m, was used to perform calibration and verification of the model. Moreover, field sampling of suspended and bed loads was gathered for five months starting from 7/2/2019, and laboratory tests of samples were conducted to be used as in</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Performance Evaluation of Trickling Filter and Extended Aeration of Wastewater Treatment Plants
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In recent decades, there has been increasing interest in wastewater treatment because of its direct impact on the environment and public health. Over time, other forms of treatment have been developed and modified, including extended aeration. This process is included in the suspended growth system. In this paper, a comparative study was conducted between the efficiency of the extended aeration plant and that of the trickling filter plant in removal of BOD and COD.  The method of comparison was done by knowing the value of the pollutant before and after the treatment and then extract the removal ratio of each pollutant within each plant. The results showed that the percentage of removal of BOD in the trickling filte

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Preparation and Evaluation of Oral Disintegrating Tablets of Ketoprofen by Dirct Compression
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Ketoprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drug with analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic effects. It is widely used in the treatment of inflammation and pain associated with rheumatic disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and in soft tissue injury. The purpose of this study was to prepare an  oral disintegrating tablets of ketoprofen by simple method. The tablets were prepared by direct compression method and different ratios of various subliming agents or superdisintegrants were incorporated. Then these tablets were evaluated for hardness, friability, weight variation, water absorption ratio, disintegrating time and dissolution time. The results showed that Formula F11 batch had short disint

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees19gr
Theoretical study for the calculation of some attenuation parameters of polymeric composites
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Publication Date
Tue Apr 09 2013
Journal Name
International Journal Of Biological & Pharmaceutical Research
Antibiofilm, antibacterial and antioxidant activities of water extract of Calendula officinalis flowers
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ABSTRACT The antibacterial and antbiofilm activities of water extract of Calendula officinalis flowers against some of enteropathogenic bacteria was studied, also phytochemical screening and determination of antioxidant activity of the extract has been investigated. The results showed that the water extract of C. officinalis exhibited a good antibacterial activity against all pathogenic bacterial isolates (Salmonella, Shigella dysenteriae, Shigella flexneri, Shigella sonnei and E. coli) especially at concentration 100 µg/ml in contrast with the control cefotan antibiotic. S. sonnei was more sensitive to extract than other bacteria with highest inhibition zone (23 mm). The preliminary phytochemical tests results indicated the presence

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Biological Sciences
Analysis of genome variation in Simple sequence repeat (SSR) of meningococcal isolates
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Alteration of repeat tract length within the SSR of phase variable genes may enhance the persistence of isolates within their host for a long time (a period of months) (Alamro et al.,2014). Alamro et al. (2014) showed there was trend towards selection for OFF state or low expression for five phase variable genes (opc, hmbr, nadA, nalP, hpuAB) in three carriers (V54, V124 and V64) within strains belonging into CC174 and CC167 in first, second and third time points. He concluded that the selection for low or OFF state helped N. meningitidis to persist for a long time (Alamro et al., 2014). The current study aimed to detect the alteration in the repeat tracts of the same five variable genes within the previous three carriers (V54, V124, and V6

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Prediction of The Chemical Composition and Physical properties of Aged Asphalt Cement
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In the present work a modification was made on three equations to represent the
experiment data which results for Iraqi petroleum and natural asphalt. The equations
have been developed for estimating the chemical composition and physical properties
of asphalt cement at different temperature and aging time. The standard deviations of
all equations were calculated.
The modified correlation related to the aging time and temperature with penetration
index and durability index of aged petroleum and natural asphalts were developed.
The first equation represents the relationship between the durability index with aging
time and temperature.

loge(DI)=a1+0.0123(2loge T

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