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Development of Wireless Controlling and Monitoring System for Robotic Hand Using Zigbee Protocol
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Nowadays, the robotic arm is fast becoming the most popular robotic form used in the industry among others. Therefore, the issues regarding remote monitoring and controlling system are very important, which measures different environmental parameters at a distance away from the room and sets various condition for a desired environment through a wireless communication system operated from a central room. Thus, it is crucial to create a programming system which can control the movement of each part of the industrial robot in order to ensure it functions properly. EDARM ED-7100 is one of the simplest models of the robotic arm, which has a manual controller to control the movement of the robotic arm. In order to improve this control system, a new controller system was redesigned in this work by using Zigbee. It is a communication protocol for safety and economic data communication in an industrial field, where the wired communication is either expensive or difficult under physical and experimental conditions, such as the worker cannot recognize the error through the manufacturing process. Hence, this paper introduced a system that used microcontroller (AT89S52) with wireless devices (Zigbee) and sensors to control the robotic hand (EDARM ED-7100) and to monitor the information regarding the robot's parameter using WiFi technology. A mathematical model was derived through an empirical method to specify the robot's configuration changes. In this work, the ability of controlling system had increased, as well as hardware, while the necessities of other similar equipment for data communication were minimized. In addition, it presents the comparison of two controlling systems: using the Zigbee and without using it. Based from the experiment it can be safely concluded that the robotic arm's movement had followed a linear function.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 03 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Variable Structure Control Design for a Magnetic Levitation System
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In this paper the variable structure control theory is utilized to derive a discontinuous controller to the magnetic levitation system. The magnetic levitation system model is considered uncertain, which subjected to the uncertainty in system parameters, also it is open-loop unstable and strongly nonlinear. The proposed variable structure control to magnetic levitation system is proved, and the area of attraction is determined. Additionally, the chattering, which induced due to the discontinuity in control law, is attenuated by using a non-smooth approximate. With this approximation the resulted controller is a continuous variable structure controller with a determined steady state error according to the selected control

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Communications In Computer And Information Science
Enhancing the Performance of Wireless Body Area Network Routing Protocols Based on Collaboratively Evaluated Values
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Wireless Body Area Sensor Network (WBASN) is gaining significant attention due to its applications in smart health offering cost-effective, efficient, ubiquitous, and unobtrusive telemedicine. WBASNs face challenges including interference, Quality of Service, transmit power, and resource constraints. Recognizing these challenges, this paper presents an energy and Quality of Service-aware routing algorithm. The proposed algorithm is based on each node's Collaboratively Evaluated Value (CEV) to select the most suitable cluster head (CH). The Collaborative Value (CV) is derived from three factors, the node's residual energy, the distance vector between nodes and personal device, and the sensor's density in each CH. The CEV algorithm operates i

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 19 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Development, Characterization and Pharmacological Investigation of Umbelliferone Conjugates of NSAIDs
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The present investigation developed the ester prodrugs of Non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), Mefenamic acid and Flurbiprofen by conjugating with the natural antioxidant, 4-methyl umbelliferone that resulted the formation of Mefenamic acid-umbelliferone ester prodrug and Flurbiprofen-umbelliferone ester prodrug .The principal objective this study is the synthesis of the ester prodrugs of NSAIDs with the enhanced therapeutic activity and minimized side effects. Prodrugs were synthesized by coupling method using N,N- dicyclohexylcarbodiimide/4-dimethylaminopyrimidine, subjected to  physical, chemical characterization, spectral characterization (IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR and Mass spectra),hydro

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 31 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Development of New Models to Determine the Rheological Parameters of Water-Based Drilling Fluid using Artificial Neural Networks
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It is well known that drilling fluid is a key parameter for optimizing drilling operations, cleaning the hole, and managing the rig hydraulics and margins of surge and swab pressures. Although the experimental works represent valid and reliable results, they are expensive and time consuming. In contrast, continuous and regular determination of the rheological fluid properties can perform its essential functions during good construction. The aim of this study is to develop empirical models to estimate the drilling mud rheological properties of water-based fluids with less need for lab measurements. This study provides two predictive techniques, multiple regression analysis and artificial neural networks, to determine the rheological

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2014
Journal Name
Engineering And Technology Journal
Analysis of the Capacity, Spectral Efficiency and Probability of Outage of Adaptive Mobile Channel for WiMAX System
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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
In Situ Gelling Formulation of Naproxen for Oral Sustained Delivery System
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Naproxen is non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, which has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. It is extensively bound to plasma albumin, and exhibits gastric toxicity, so it may be more efficient to deliver the drug in its sustained release dosage form and adequate blood level is achieved. Three liquid formulations with in situ gelling properties have been assessed for their potential for the oral sustained delivery of naproxen . The formulations were dilute solutions of: (a) pectin; (b) gellan gum and; (c) sodium alginate, all containing complexed calcium ion that form gels when these ions are released in the acidic environment of the stomach . The viscosity of the sols and drug release were measured, and was found to be depende

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
A review of ultra-high temperature materials for thermal protection system
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Abstract<p>Ultra-High Temperature Materials (UHTMs) are at the base of entire aerospace industry; these high stable materials at temperatures exceeding 1600 °C are used to manage the heat shielding to protect vehicles and probes during the hypersonic flight through reentry trajectory against aerodynamic heating and reducing plasma surface interaction. Those materials are also recognized as Thermal Protection System Materials (TPSMs). The structural materials used during the high-temperature oxidizing environment are mainly limited to SiC, oxide ceramics, and composites. In addition to that, silicon-based ceramic has a maximum-use at 1700 °C approximately; as it is an active oxidation process o</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Designing system cost for water pollution plants in mayoralty of Baghdad
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          There is an increase in the need for cost accounting in all organizations and from different sectors to provide detailed information to the totals of financial accounting, first and help solve problems associated with inventory and analysis, tabulation and allocation of cost elements II and do the planning process and provide the necessary oversight and help to take the right decisions such as pricing decisions that need to Information cost accounting.
And suffer most of the non-governmental organizations from the lack of a cost accounting system provides information on the cost of service in these organizations and the department research sample circle v

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The study of thermal description for non-thermal plasma needle system
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Cold plasma is a relatively low temperature gas, so this feature enables us to use cold plasma to treat thermally sensitive materials including polymers and biologic tissues. In this research, the non-thermal plasma system is designed with diameter (3 mm, 10 mm) Argon at atmospheric pressure as well as to be suitable for use in medical and biotechnological applications.
The thermal description of this system was studied and we observed the effect of the diameter of the plasma needle on the plasma, when the plasma needle slot is increased the plasma temperature decrease, as well as the effect of the voltages applied to the temperature of the plasma, where the temperature increasing with increasing the applied voltage . Results showed t

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 07 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Novel Combination for Self-Nanoemulsifying Drug Delivery System of Candesartan Cilexetil
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Solubility problem of many of effective pharmaceutical molecules are still one of the major obstacle in theformulation of such molecules. Candesartan cilexetil (CC) is angiotensin II receptor antagonist with very low water solubility and this result in low and variable bioavailability. Self- emulsifying drug delivery system (SEDDS) showed promising result in overcoming solubility problem of many drug molecules. CC was prepared as SEDDS by using novel combination of two surfactants (tween 80 and cremophore EL) and tetraglycol as cosurfactant, in addition to the use of triacetin as oil. Different tests were performed in order to confirm the stability of the final product which includes thermodynamic study, determination of self-emulsificat

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