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Development of Wireless Controlling and Monitoring System for Robotic Hand Using Zigbee Protocol

Nowadays, the robotic arm is fast becoming the most popular robotic form used in the industry among others. Therefore, the issues regarding remote monitoring and controlling system are very important, which measures different environmental parameters at a distance away from the room and sets various condition for a desired environment through a wireless communication system operated from a central room. Thus, it is crucial to create a programming system which can control the movement of each part of the industrial robot in order to ensure it functions properly. EDARM ED-7100 is one of the simplest models of the robotic arm, which has a manual controller to control the movement of the robotic arm. In order to improve this control system, a new controller system was redesigned in this work by using Zigbee. It is a communication protocol for safety and economic data communication in an industrial field, where the wired communication is either expensive or difficult under physical and experimental conditions, such as the worker cannot recognize the error through the manufacturing process. Hence, this paper introduced a system that used microcontroller (AT89S52) with wireless devices (Zigbee) and sensors to control the robotic hand (EDARM ED-7100) and to monitor the information regarding the robot's parameter using WiFi technology. A mathematical model was derived through an empirical method to specify the robot's configuration changes. In this work, the ability of controlling system had increased, as well as hardware, while the necessities of other similar equipment for data communication were minimized. In addition, it presents the comparison of two controlling systems: using the Zigbee and without using it. Based from the experiment it can be safely concluded that the robotic arm's movement had followed a linear function.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Multi-layer Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm for Adjustable Range Set Covers Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks

Establishing complete and reliable coverage for a long time-span is a crucial issue in densely surveillance wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Many scheduling algorithms have been proposed to model the problem as a maximum disjoint set covers (DSC) problem. The goal of DSC based algorithms is to schedule sensors into several disjoint subsets. One subset is assigned to be active, whereas, all remaining subsets are set to sleep. An extension to the maximum disjoint set covers problem has also been addressed in literature to allow for more advance sensors to adjust their sensing range. The problem, then, is extended to finding maximum number of overlapped set covers. Unlike all related works which concern with the disc sensing model, the cont

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 12 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Engineering, Management And Science
Whole body, Arm-Hand Vibration and Performance Drivers Tractors during Conservation Tillage under different Velocity and Soils

The Experiment was carried out to determine the level vibration transfer in three axes Horizontal X, Lateral Y and Vertical Z direction to seat driver tractor, Vector sum of vibration and Daily Vibration Exposure (8 hours) in seat driver tractor, and vibration in steering wheel tractor, Heart Rate, Systolic and Diastolic blood pressure and temperature were measure to all Drivers before and after used Chisel plow in operation tillage. Statistical analysis system was used, Split-Split Plot Design under Randomized Complete Block Design, Three factors were used in this experiment included Two types of Soil Moist and Dry soil which represented main plot, Three Velocity Tractor was second factor included 1.6,3.5 and 5.4 km/hr and Three Drivers Tr

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 30 2024
Journal Name
Internet Technology Letters
Using <scp>5G</scp> Standards for Smart Healthcare Applications and Designing an Artificial Intelligence‐Based Industry 4.0 Communication System
ABSTRACT<p>The introduction of Industry 4.0, to improve Internet of Things (IoT) standards, has sparked the creation of 5G, or highly sophisticated wireless networks. There are several barriers standing in the way of 5G green communication systems satisfying the expectations for faster networks, more user capacity, lower resource consumption, and cost‐effectiveness. 5G standards implementation would speed up data transmission and increase the reliability of connected devices for Industry 4.0 applications. The demand for intelligent healthcare systems has increased globally as a result of the introduction of the novel COVID‐19. Designing 5G communication systems presents research problems such as optimizing </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Computational Intelligence And Neuroscience
A New Artificial Neural Network Approach in Solving Inverse Kinematics of Robotic Arm (Denso VP6242)

This paper presents a novel inverse kinematics solution for robotic arm based on artificial neural network (ANN) architecture. The motion of robotic arm is controlled by the kinematics of ANN. A new artificial neural network approach for inverse kinematics is proposed. The novelty of the proposed ANN is the inclusion of the feedback of current joint angles configuration of robotic arm as well as the desired position and orientation in the input pattern of neural network, while the traditional ANN has only the desired position and orientation of the end effector in the input pattern of neural network. In this paper, a six DOF Denso robotic arm with a gripper is controlled by ANN. The comprehensive experimental results proved the appl

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Pakistan Journal Of Medical And Health Sciences
The Effect of Hand Blood Flow on the Peripheral Fingertip Plethysmographic Waveforms Morphology and Pulse Wave Velocity

Photoplethysmography (PPG) is a non-invasive optical technique that employs variations in light absorption produced by alteration in the blood volume in capillaries at the skin during the cardiac cycle. This study aims to understand factors related to PPG morphology; a hand-elevation, the study has modified blood flow to and from the finger was conducted in the laboratory. It is widely established that the position of the limb relative to the heart has an effect on blood flow in arteries and venous. Peripheral digital pulse wave (DPW) signals were obtained from 15 healthy volunteer participants during hand-elevation, and hand-lowering techniques wherein the right hand was lifted and lowered relative to heart level, while the left h

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design and Implementation of a Telemetry System for Environmental Applications

The Environmental Data Acquisition Telemetry System is a versatile, flexible and economical means to accumulate data from multiple sensors at remote locations over an extended period of time; the data is normally transferred to the final destination and saved for further analysis.

This paper introduces the design and implementation of a simplified, economical and practical telemetry system to collect and transfer the environmental parameters (humidity, temperature, pressure etc.) from a remote location (Rural Area) to the processing and displaying unit.

To get a flexible and practical system, three data transfer methods (three systems) were proposed (including the design and implementation) for rural area services, the fi

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Publication Date
Mon May 27 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design and Implementation of SCADA System for Sugar Production Line

SCADA is the technology that allows the operator to gather data from one or more various facilities and to send control instructions to those facilities.  This paper represents an adaptable and low cost SCADA system for a particular sugar manufacturing process, by using Programmable Logic Controls (Siemens s7-1200, 1214Dc/ Dc/ Rly). The system will control and monitor the laboratory production line chose from sugar industry. The project comprises of two sections the first one is the hardware section that has been designed, and built using components suitable for making it for laboratory purposes, and the second section was the software as the PLC programming, designing the HMI, creating alarms and trending system. The system will ha

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Alternative development in the proposed model of the Strategy for Empowerment and Spatial Sustainable Development/ Baghdad Governorate Council as a case study

This research mainly aims to analyze local development strategy in Baghdad Governance, build the Strategic Model based on the study area's spatial interaction, and achieve the Trinity of Excellence based on the global model of excellence.

           This research applied SWOT strategic analysis for the strengths and weaknesses of the internal environment and opportunities and threats of the external environment for the provincial council. In conclusion, the research specifies appropriate alternatives and choosing the best in line with the reality of the Baghdad Provincial Council. Also, the strategic goals in the national plan and the spatial interaction of the development goals,

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 25 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Link Failure Recovery for a Large-Scale Video Surveillance System using a Software-Defined Network

The software-defined network (SDN) is a new technology that separates the control plane from data plane for the network devices. One of the most significant issues in the video surveillance system is the link failure. When the path failure occurs, the monitoring center cannot receive the video from the cameras. In this paper, two methods are proposed to solve this problem.  The first method uses the Dijkstra algorithm to re-find the path at the source node switch. The second method uses the Dijkstra algorithm to re-find the path at the ingress node switch (or failed link).

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Strategies For Urban Land use planning for Sustainable Urban Development

The concept of sustainability is one of the modern concepts that influenced the quality of the urban plans for the cities, through the interest in the environmental and social aspects as well as the economic aspect and the need to balance to achieve sustainable development.

The research aims to identify the most prominent methods of sustainable urban land use planning and the strategies developed within these approaches to achieve sustainable development. The research started from the problem of a knowledge gap in adopting sustainable approaches and strategies when planning urban land uses for the holy city of Karbala.

In the theoretical aspect, the concepts of sustainable development, sustainable planning methodologies a

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