Basketball is one of the games that requires high physical effort because it is characterized by changing the level of playing rhythm and being an enjoyable competitive game because it includes many diverse offensive and defensive skills. The importance of research is related to developing these two skills because of their major role in influencing the performance of the game skill. The problem with the research lies in the fact that the skills performed by students are performed in a slow manner that is not consistent with the reality of the performance that should be during playing, which should be given in a competitive manner similar to the real skill performance in matches. The research aims to prepare competitive exercises, then find out their effect on stability by changing the direction and movement of the defending player. The two researchers used the experimental method and the one-group method, where they were conducted on a randomly tested sample (lottery) of fourth-year students at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / Al-Mustansiriya University, with a number of (32). (28%) students from the research population, which numbered (112) students. Then the exploratory experiment and pre- and post-tests for the research variables were conducted, in addition to the main experiment, which lasted (6) weeks. The research continued from 1/3/2024 to 2/25/2024. , in addition to appropriate statistical methods. The two researchers recommend the necessity of benefiting from the exercises that they prepared a experience, due to the stability of their skillful effect on performance, as well as the emphasis on basketball teachers to use competitive exercises in practical lessons, especially when developing the stroke by changing direction and the movement of the defender in line with the specificity of the game.
المستويات الدالة للمؤشرة في الفلم التسجيلي العراقي
الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على نبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وآله وصحبه وسلم اجميعن.
فان من أعظم مظاهر اعجازه البياني ذلك التشابه العجيب بين كثير من آياته ، وقد اكتفيت في هذا البحث عن موضوعين ، وقد بينت التشابه بوصف اللفظي حتى لا ينصرف الذهن الى المتشابه المقابل للمحكم ، وقد اظهر البحث سمة الترتيب ، ولاسيما الترتيب داخل الجملة ، ويتضح ذلك في موضوع التقديم والتأخير بين الجمل في ا
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