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بنية الزمن في رواية ( ما بعد الجحيم ) للدكتور حسين سرمك حسن .
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يعد الزمان عنصراً جمالياً مساهماً له القدرة على خلق المعنى والدلالة ، ومشاركاً في الاستراتيجية الحكائية إذ ينتقل من مجرد عنصر حكائي إلى محرض للمتلقي فهو زمان الإنسان الداخلي .

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
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Consistency and Consistency in Contemporary Iraqi Painting - Selected Models-: حسين شاكر قاسم العيداني
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  The tagged research is concerned with observation and investigating the concepts of consistency and harmony in contemporary Iraqi painting (selected models) in order to reveal the mechanisms and rules of these two concepts in the artistic field and their mechanisms of operation. How reflected tools Consistency and harmony in contemporary Iraqi painting? What is consistency and what are its mechanisms and principles? Is consistency a unit product quality? Are there similarities between consistency and harmony? What is harmony and its principles and rules? As for the second chapter, it included two topics that dealt with the first topic - consistency and harmony between concept and significance, while the second topic meant - histor

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
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Visual illusion in Contemporary Theatre décor A Study in technical Variables: سامي علي حسين
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Our research deals with the role of theatrical decoration in creating visual thumbs and the effect achieved as a result in the theatrical presentation in terms of supporting the idea of centralization of the dramatic construction of the show, as the researcher emphasizes that this topic has begun with a new horizon removed many technical concepts and knowledge in the theater.
Horizon knowledge and discoveries based on the structures of light and sight to achieve an existing transformation from steel to ethereal. According to these new concepts, systems other than those based on old methods of presentation have been formed.
In light of this, the researcher divided his research into:
First: the problem of research and the need fo

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Publication Date
Wed May 18 2016
Journal Name
Representations of women in the subject of freedom: سهاد حسن مانع
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Artist kicks off in his production through creative artistic assimilation to the production of concepts and experiences, which can decode the artist blades through the re-built and converted to the subject of my mind according to the processes of analysis and synthesis. Artist need the expertise and experience to complete the technical work, and to develop taste aesthetic, and achieve certain goals belonging to Resume artist, diversity of artistic experiences between mechanism represents a female form and expression of contents and visions that carry letters of freedom in accordance with the creative visual surfaces embody the image of women, the main speeches adopted by propositions technical artists, and artists who relied female form

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 17 2016
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Conditions The chromatography in the design the positions waiting passenger transport buses: مصعب حسن عبد
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running the requirement color important place in object of life activity both public and private, Fallon makes represents energy expressive and aesthetic in designing furniture street, especially (positions waiting buses passenger transport)which took looms large in attention receiver designer also, through civilized development and urban and change the city. Requirement, The positions of waiting progress jobs service and that would interact to produces Photos aesthetic Furniture for space street and understand receiver, affect the operation his life and the development of his environment and his psyche and culture of because they entity variable and sophisticated, impose on us to find foundations a design and conditions of chromatic esp

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 24 2016
Journal Name
The effectiveness of balance in building formal relationships for media evidence: ساهرة عبد الواحد حسن
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The media guide is a small-sized printed medium, whose importance is highlighted through the specific information it carriesThe task of the guide lies in the clarity of these indications and making a positive impact on the recipient with understanding so it is a means for the purpose of reaching the effect and effectiveness of the message symbols from the movements of lines in which elements that are supposed to be equal in the performance of their functions and the purpose of their existence gather to achieve the mental response of perception, understanding and enjoyment. It must be in an objective unity based on the balance in this distribution. To form a formal organizational unit and an integrated system, the result of which is to gi

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
Journal Name
Characteristics of the Artistic Construction of Light and Color Focus in the Theater Performance: محمد عزيز حسن
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The theater has a living environment that resembles or realistically simulates the real life environment on the stage where we see the place, light and living being  as elements representing a picture of the life scene and for a period of time the theater merely conveyed that image, but with the development of the world industrially and technologically, the perception of this picture has evolved with the emergence of intellectual progress where  each part has advantages and  Philosophical goals that  are consistent with the evolution of form. The theatrical lighting, colors and landscapes have become parts in the composition of a new life component in form and content and based on the above this research is titled&nbs

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Building discriminant function for repeated measurements data under compound symmetry (CS) covariance structure and applied in the health field
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Discriminant analysis is a technique used to distinguish and classification an individual to a group among a number of  groups based on a linear combination of a set of relevant variables know discriminant function. In this research  discriminant analysis used to analysis data from repeated measurements design. We  will  deal  with the problem of  discrimination  and  classification in the case of  two  groups by assuming the Compound Symmetry covariance structure  under  the  assumption  of  normality for  univariate  repeated measures data.


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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2024
Journal Name
مجلة التراث العلمي العربي
التنبيه على ما في تحقيق محمد علي الصابوني لـ ( فتح الرحمن بكشف ما يلتبس في القرآن ) من تغيير وسقط ووهم وتحريف
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(فتح الرحمن بكشف ما يلتبس في القرآن ) لزكريا الأنصاري (ت 926 هـ ) مصنَّف مهم تبارت فيه علوم العربية لفكّ ما يثيره ظاهر آيات قرآنية من لبس لدى المتلقي ، فكان للبلاغة السطوة في ذلك ، ولأهميته طبع طبعات كثيرة ، خمس منها بتحقيق محمد علي الصابوني ، وهو التحقيق المهمين الشائع ، غيرأنه لم يستوفِ الأسلوب العلمي في اخراج النصوص، إذ بدت فيه مزالق كثيرة بينَ تغيير وسقط ووهم وتحريف وتصحيف ودمج مما استنهض فكرة هذا البحث ، للتنب

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 13 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
A Comparison Between Recursive Least-Squares (RLS) and Extended Recursive Least-Squares (E-RLS) for Tracking Multiple Fast Time Variation Rayleigh Fading Channel
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In order to select the optimal tracking of fast time variation of multipath fast time variation Rayleigh fading channel, this paper focuses on the recursive least-squares (RLS) and Extended recursive least-squares (E-RLS) algorithms and reaches the conclusion that E-RLS is more feasible according to the comparison output of the simulation program from tracking performance and mean square error over five fast time variation of Rayleigh fading channels and more than one time (send/receive) reach to 100 times to make sure from efficiency of these algorithms.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 19 2015
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The importance of social acceptability of the universal design: عبد الكريم علي حسين
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The industrial development and raise the level of income that has emerged clearly in the middle of the last century in many rich and medium rich countries has great influence on the risen of the health care level. Which led to a significant increase in the reconstruction of people over 65 years and this in turn has produced markets for products and services through modifications to the existing products to meet their physical needs. The importance of research also has the universal design of a comprehensive actually so that it covers as much as possible from human physical & cultural activities. The importance of research locally is to concentrate on this subject who has not been taken into consideration so far to accommodate the eld

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